Rattlers example sentences

Related (18): snake, venom, tail, warning, noise, Arizona, diamondback, rattle, danger, fear, hiss, bite, coil, viper, fangs, predatory, slither, strike.

"Rattlers" Example Sentences

1. The rattlers in the grass made it dangerous to walk through the field.
2. I heard the rattlers before I saw them slithering across the hot sand.
3. We need to be careful around here, there could be rattlers hiding in the rocks.
4. The guide warned us to watch out for rattlers along the hiking trail.
5. The farmer kept a shotgun nearby to protect his livestock from rattlers.
6. Rattlers are known for their venomous bites and distinctive rattling sound.
7. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the rattlers coiled up beside the trail.
8. The zookeeper fed live mice to the rattlers in the reptile house.
9. The rattlers basked in the sun, their scales glistening in the light.
10. A man was bitten by one of the rattlers, but luckily was able to get treatment in time.
11. The rattlers were relocated to a safer area where they wouldn't pose a threat to humans.
12. The park ranger removed the rattlers from the campground to ensure the safety of the campers.
13. My dog was bit by a rattler and had to be rushed to the vet.
14. The buzzing sound of the rattlers warned us to stay away from the patch of grass.
15. I can't believe we spotted three rattlers in one day while hiking!
16. The rattlers were a common sight in the desert landscape.
17. Native Americans believed that rattlers were a sacred animal.
18. The rattlers were threatened by habitat loss due to human development.
19. The biologist studied the rattlers' behavior and habitat to better understand the species.
20. The pet store had a variety of snakes for sale, including several species of rattlers.
21. I wear protective boots when hiking to avoid getting bit by a rattler.
22. The rattlers are most active during the warmer months, so we need to be extra careful then.
23. My heart races every time I hear the sound of rattlers in the brush.
24. The hunting season for rattlers is strictly regulated to prevent overhunting.
25. The rattlers hibernate during the winter months, so they are less active then.
26. I felt a pang of fear when I realized I had almost stepped on a rattler.
27. The rattlers in this area tend to be more aggressive than other species.
28. The zoo had a breeding program for rattlers to help maintain the species.
29. I caught a glimpse of the rattlers before they disappeared into the rocks.
30. The rattlers were a popular attraction at the reptile exhibit.

Common Phases

1. The rattlers in the field were a warning sign to stay away;
2. The sound of the rattlers became louder as we hiked closer to the rocks;
3. I quickly jumped back as a rattler coiled up and hissed at me;
4. The fear of encountering rattlers made me hesitant to go camping;
5. We had to be careful stepping over fallen logs because rattlers might be hiding underneath;
6. The rattlers were basking in the sun, completely undisturbed by our presence.

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