Rav example sentences

Related (8): rave, ravine, ravel, ravenous, ravioli, ravelin, ravishment, ravelment

"Rav" Example Sentences

1. The armies ravaged the defeated village, looting and burning everything in their path.
2. Time and neglect have ravaged the once beautiful castle.
3. The hurricane ravaged the small coastal town, leaving behind destruction and ruin.
4. Wild animals ravaged the farmers' crops over the course of the night.
5. The forces of nature slowly ravaged the abandoned house over the years.
6. Disease ravaged the population, killing hundreds.
7. The soldiers ravaged the land, taking whatever they wanted with no thought for the people who lived there.
8. The cancer ravaged his body, reducing him to a frail shadow of his former self.
9. The storm ravaged the coastline, causing massive flooding and property damage.
10. Pests ravaged the corn crop leading to a disappointing harvest.
11. The rioters ravaged the town center, smashing windows and looting stores.
12. Famine ravaged the region for years after the failure of multiple harvests.
13. The fire ravaged the neighborhood, destroying nearly two dozen homes.
14. The tide of invaders ravaged the kingdom, burning towns and slaughtering villagers.
15. Infections ravaged the wounded soldiers left lying in the battlefield.
16. The diseases ravaged the indigenous population who had no immunity.
17. The parasite ravaged the crops, leaving very little harvestable.
18. The drugs ravaged his body and gave him a haggard, worn appearance.
19. Critics ravaged the film, calling it one of the worst of the year.
20. Inflation ravaged the country's economy, causing prices to skyrocket.
21. The radical preacher sought to ravage the social fabric with his message of hate.
22. Alcoholism and depression ravaged his life, robbing him of happiness and joy.
23. The war ravaged the landscape, leaving a trail of death and destruction in its wake.
24. Time and neglect have ravaged the ruins, erasing nearly all traces of the once great city.
25. The troops ravaged the town before moving on, leaving horror and ruin behind them.
26. Age and pain ravaged his body, leaving him frail and crippled.
27. Drought ravaged the farmland, leaving dried-up fields and dead livestock behind.
28. Excess ravaged his mind and body, robbing him of his health and wealth.
29. Deforestation ravaged the landscape, destroying native habitats and ecosystems.
30. Abandonment and neglect ravaged the historic home, reducing it to a shell of its former glory.
31. Plague ravaged the crowded cities, killing thousands within weeks.
32. Vandals ravaged the priceless antiquities, smashing sculptures and paintings.
33. The storm ravaged the island paradise, destroying beautiful beaches and resorts.
34. Overfishing ravaged the waters, drastically reducing fish populations.
35. Hunger and poverty ravaged the third world country for years.
36. War ravaged the small nation, displacing millions and destroying infrastructure.
37. The beasts ravaged the bloodied bodies of the slain soldiers.
38. The fire ravaged half the village before it was brought under control.
39. Critics ravaged his book, calling it poorly written and incoherent.
40. Desertification ravaged the land, turning once fertile fields into barren sand.
41. The invaders ravaged the countryside before entering the capital city.
42. The empire collapsed from within as corruption and decadence ravaged its institutions.
43. A tornado ravaged the small town, destroying almost every building.
44. Infidelity and lies ravaged their once happy marriage.
45. The storm ravaged the vulnerable coastal communities.
46. The effects of colonialism ravaged indigenous cultures and societies.
47. Conflict ravaged the region for years, displacing millions.
48. Intemperance and vice ravaged his youth, ruining his health and reputation.
49. His conscience was ravaged by guilt for his past misdeeds.
50. The militia ravaged the civilian population, killing without mercy.
51. Earthquakes and tsunamis frequently ravage coastal Japan.
52. The bombs ravaged the city, destroying roads, hospitals, schools and homes.
53. World War I ravaged Europe, devastating an entire generation.
54. Popular opinion ravaged the candidate, ending his political career.
55. Drugs and alcohol ravaged his mind and body, robbing him of his health and dignity.
56. Greed and corruption ravaged the company from within.
57. The army ravaged the country before leaving, burning crops and killing livestock.
58. The stock market crash ravaged the nation's economy.
59. War ravaged the lands for generations, breeding poverty and hardship.
60. The empire ultimately collapsed as barbarian invaders continually ravaged its borders.

Common Phases

1. The storm ravaged the countryside.
2. Drought ravished the crops.
3. Famine ravished the land.
4. The enemy forces ravished and plundered the villages.
5. The fire ravished through the forest.
6. The flood ravished and destroyed many homes.
7. The hurricane ravaged the city, leaving behind destruction and devastation.
8. The scandal ravaged the politician's reputation.
9. The disease ravished the population.
10. War ravished the nation for years.
11. Ravaged by hunger and thirst, they wandered the desert.
12. His illness ravaged his body.
13. Their facial features were ravaged by the sun.
14. The locusts ravaged the farmers' crops.
15. Their army ravaged the battlefield in minutes.
16. The infection ravished his organs.
17. The cancer ravished his body for months before he passed away.
18. The beast ravaged the helpless lamb.
19. The banks were ravished by withdrawals.
20. The thief ravaged through the house looking for valuables.
21. The wild dogs ravaged the carcass.
22. The soldiers ravaged the town in search of loot.
23. The disease ravaged his immune system.
24. Time ravaged the old building.
25. Poverty ravaged the land.
26. His hunger ravishes him.
27. His face was ravished by pox.
28. The investment scandal ravaged the market.
29. The zombie apocalypse ravaged the land.
30. The brutal regime ravaged the rights of its citizens.
31. The demon ravaged the village.
32. The guerrilla fighters ravaged government property.
33. The parasites ravaged his body.
34. Her grief ravaged her soul.
35. The cocaine addiction ravaged his body and mind.
36. The suspect fled as police ravaged his home.
37. The wolf ravaged the lamb.
38. The tumor ravaged his body.
39. Passion ravished their souls.
40. The savage beast ravaged its prey.
41. The soldiers ravaged throughout the town.
42. The inmates ravaged the prison library.
43. The war ravaged the nation for years.
44. The locust swarm ravaged the crops.
45. The disease ravaged their bodies.
46. The corruption ravaged the organization from within.
47. The war ravaged many lives.
48. The medicine ravished his stomach.
49. The beast ravaged the countryside.
50. The wild dogs ravaged the wounded animal.
51. Their love ravaged their minds
52. His anger ravaged his soul for years.
53. The storm ravaged the coast.
54. The ruins were ravaged by ivy.
55. His guilt ravaged his conscience.
56. The riots ravaged the town.
57. The critics ravaged his new book.
58. The conquest ravaged the land.
59. The blizzard ravaged the city.
60. The beast ravished its prey.

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