Reassertions example sentences

Related (10): reaffirmations, restatements, affirmations, declarations, avowals, asseverations, assurances, repetitions, insistences, reaffirmations

"Reassertions" Example Sentences

1. The reassertions of the student's confidence were evident in her presentation.
2. Despite the criticisms, the politician made reassertions of her stand on the issue.
3. The company CEO made reassertions of the organization's commitment to sustainability.
4. The teacher's reassertions of the importance of studying for exams helped motivate the students.
5. The athlete's reassertions of her determination to win the competition were inspiring.
6. The lawyer made strong reassertions of her client's innocence.
7. The doctor's reassertions of the treatment plan eased the patient's worries.
8. The artist made several reassertions of the message behind her artwork.
9. The coach's reassertions of the team's unity and focus boosted morale.
10. Despite the setback, the CEO remains optimistic with reassertions of the company's growth potential.
11. The reassertions of the need for proper safety protocols in the workplace were met with approval.
12. The politician's reassertions of her dedication to public service gained her support.
13. The reassertions of the importance of mental health awareness were widely acknowledged.
14. The parent's reassertions of the child's need for discipline and structure contributed to positive behavior changes.
15. The expert made reassertions of the study's findings to confirm their validity.
16. The reassertions of the importance of education were echoed by the community leaders.
17. The reassertions of the company's core values helped guide their decision-making.
18. The musician's reassertions of the power of music to unite people were moving.
19. The reassertions of the urgency to address climate change were widely discussed.
20. The athlete made reassertions of her commitment to excellence and hard work.
21. The teacher's reassertions of the significance of critical thinking helped students develop their skills.
22. The reassertions of the need for social justice were met with support.
23. The reassertions of the importance of teamwork contributed to the project's success.
24. The journalist made reassertions of their commitment to unbiased reporting.
25. The artist's reassertions of their creative freedom were celebrated by fans.
26. The scientist's reassertions of the importance of evidence-based research were crucial to the study's conclusions.
27. The reassertions of the value of empathy and compassion were highlighted in the discussion.
28. The reassertions of the organization's mission and vision inspired their members.
29. The reassertions of the government's responsibility to protect and serve the people were met with scrutiny.
30. The reassertions of the need for peace and understanding were emphasized by the diplomatic team.

Common Phases

1. "I've already explained my position on this matter; let me reassert it once more"
2. "Despite the opposing arguments, I stand firm in my beliefs; my reassertions remain unchanged"
3. "I understand your concerns, but my perspective remains the same; here are my reassertions"
4. "I feel it necessary to reiterate my stance on this issue; here are my reassertions"
5. "After careful consideration, I stand by my initial statements; my reassertions represent my firm commitment"

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