Rebuker example sentences

Related (10): admonisher, reproacher, reprimander, scolder, critic, chider, faultfinder, disciplinarian, censor, detractor

"Rebuker" Example Sentences

1. The rebuker scolded him for his tardiness.
2. I asked the rebuker to be gentle when reprimanding the student.
3. The manager acted as a rebuker when the employee missed a deadline.
4. The coach was a strict rebuker, pushing the team to be better.
5. The rebuker had a stern expression on their face.
6. The teacher served as a rebuker for misbehaving students.
7. She didn't like being a rebuker, but it was necessary in order to maintain order in the classroom.
8. The boss was a fair but firm rebuker, making sure everyone did their job correctly.
9. The mother was a loving rebuker, always wanting what was best for her child.
10. The rebuker's tone was harsh, causing the employee to feel defensive.
11. He didn't like the way the rebuker talked to him.
12. The rebuker was thorough in explaining what went wrong and why it needed to be fixed.
13. The parent was a gentle rebuker, preferring to use positive reinforcement whenever possible.
14. The rebuker was merciless when it came to correcting mistakes.
15. She wished the rebuker had been more understanding of her situation.
16. The rebuker's words stung, but she knew they were necessary.
17. The rebuker's criticism was well-founded, but could have been delivered more tactfully.
18. The teacher was a fair but consistent rebuker, always maintaining discipline in the classroom.
19. The rebuker held high standards for everyone, including themselves.
20. He saw the rebuker coming and braced himself for the worst.
21. The rebuker's words were like a knife in her heart.
22. The employee knew they had messed up and was ready for the rebuker's feedback.
23. The rebuker's delivery was so harsh that the employee couldn't even process the criticism.
24. The parent was a constant rebuker, always correcting their child's behavior.
25. She wished the rebuker would have taken a more constructive approach.
26. The rebuker was unwavering in their standards, expecting nothing but the best.
27. The student feared the rebuker's wrath and tried their best to stay out of trouble.
28. The rebuker's words were a wake-up call for him to improve his performance.
29. She respected the rebuker's opinions and knew they would improve her work.
30. The rebuker had a reputation for being tough, but fair.

Common Phases

some research and try to use the word in context:
1. The rebuker chastised the student for not completing his homework;
2. The pastor acted as a rebuker to those who were not following the teachings of the church;
3. The mother was a gentle rebuker, reminding her child to be kind to others;
4. The boss acted as a stern rebuker to the employee who was consistently late;
5. The teacher acted as a rebuker to the student who was caught cheating on the test.

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