Rec example sentences

Related (10): record, recreation, recognition, recon, recipe, recital, reckless, recommend, reconcile, recline

"Rec" Example Sentences

1. I rec'd your email and will get back to you shortly.
2. Did you rec the changes I made to the proposal?
3. I didn't rec the invitation you mentioned.
4. I rec'd her message but haven't had a chance to respond yet.
5. I didn't rec your text, can you send it again?
6. Did you rec my last email with the attached documents?
7. I didn't rec any notification about the meeting being cancelled.
8. Did you rec the photos I sent you last night?
9. I haven't rec'd a response from the client yet.
10. I rec'd your voicemail but I was unable to make out what you said clearly.
11. Could you check if I rec'd the newsletter this month?
12. I didn't rec any updates about the project status.
13 I rec'd your package but some of the items were damaged during shipping.
14. Please notify me again if you don't rec my response within 24 hours.
15. I didn't rec the submission confirmation, did you send it?
16. I rec'd an out of office notification, are you on vacation this week?
17. I rec'd a notification that my account has been temporarily suspended.
18. I didn't rec your friend request, can you send it again?
19. Please let me know if you don't rec this message within the hour.
20. I rec'd the invitation but unfortunately I won't be able to attend.
21. I didn't rec any confirmation that my order has shipped.
22. I rec'd an error message when attempting to access the client files.
23. I didn't rec your fax, can you resend it?
24. I rec'd the updated documents, thank you for sending them over.
25. Please notify me again if you don't rec a response from me by tomorrow.
26. I didn't rec the meeting minutes from last week's discussion.
27. I rec'd a notification that there was a problem with my payment.
28. I didn't rec the package you mentioned, has it been delivered yet?
29. I've rec'd several complaints from customers about the latest software update.
30. I didn't rec your report, can you resend it to me?
31. Please let me know if you don't rec the requested information by end of day.
32. I rec'd an error message when attempting to access my account.
33. I didn't rec your call, please send me a text detailing what you needed.
34. I rec'd a warning that my subscription is about to expire.
35. I didn't rec the refund you said you processed last week.
36. Please confirm you rec'd my resignation letter and let me know if any further action is required on my part.
37. I rec'd a notification that my order was returned to sender for insufficient postage.
38. I didn't rec your previous two emails, can you resend them?
39. Please notify me again if you don't rec a response from me within the next 24 hours.
40. I rec'd a warning that my payment was declined for insufficient funds.
41. I didn't rec any confirmation that my application has been received.
42. I rec'd a voicemail from a number I don't recognize, can you call me instead?
43. Please let me know if you don't rec my reply email by this afternoon.
44. I rec'd the recurring error message again today, what should I do?
45. I didn't rec your latest report, can you forward it to me again?
46. I rec'd a notification that my account has been temporarily disabled.
47. I didn't rec the latest newsletter, can you resend it?
48. Please rec the attached documents and let me know if you have any questions.
49. I rec'd a warning that my subscription expired yesterday.
50. I didn't rec the confirmation number for my order, can you check your records?
51. Please confirm you rec'd my resignation email and let me know the next steps.
52. I rec'd an error when attempting to access the client database this morning.
53. I didn't rec your call, please send me a text or email detailing what you needed.
54. I rec'd a notification that there was an unsuccessful payment attempt on my account.
55. I didn't rec your reply, can you resend your previous email?
56. Please confirm you rec'd my message and I'll await your response.
57. I rec'd a delivery failure notice for one of the packages I sent yesterday.
58. I didn't rec your report last week, can you forward it to me again?
59. Please notify me again by end of day today if you don't rec a response from me.
60. I rec'd an error message when attempting to renew my subscription.

Common Phases

1. I rec his new album, it's really good!
2. The doctor recommended a rec fluoride treatment for my teeth.
3. I just rec'ed that movie you told me about, it was hilarious!
4. The surgeon rec'ed a 6 month recovery period.
5. My nutritionist rec'ed cutting out sugar to lose weight.
6. She rec'ed her brother for the job.
7. I rec making reservations ahead of time for that restaurant.
8. The instructor rec'd that we review chapter 3 before the test.
9. Her mentor rec'd writing down goals and reviewing them regularly.
10. The mechanic rec'd replacing my brake pads.
11. The news rec their viewers to stay home during the storm.
12. I rec the book you lent me to a friend.
13. The physiotherapist rec specific exercises to improve my mobility.
14. The sommelier rec'ed a nice Rioja wine to pair with the meal.
15. My professor rec'd some great supplemental reading for the course.
16. I rec you try the pulled pork sandwich, it's delicious!
17. His trainer rec'd lifting lighter weights with higher repetitions.
18. The website rec the same hotel we stayed at last year.
19. The cardiologist rec'd losing weight to lower my cholesterol.
20. I rec going to the early showing, the theater will be less crowded.
21. The spokesperson rec'd all homeowners get their roofs inspected.
22. Our investor rec'd we speak to a business lawyer before signing contracts.
23. The lifeguard rec'd only swimming in designated areas of the lake.
24 My stylist rec'd highlights to brighten up my color.
25. The plumber rec'd replacing the water heater before next winter.
26. Travel bloggers rec visiting that city in the springtime.
27. I rec you try the coconut lemon bars, they're delicious.
28. Her writing tutor rec'd keeping a journal to improve her prose.
29. Our financial advisor rec'd contributing the maximum to our retirement funds.
30. Parents on the forum rec'd the preschool we're considering.
31. The engineer rec'd we increase the thickness of the metal beams.
32. The teacher rec'd extra tutoring for students who struggle with fractions.
33. Online reviews rec'd booking a hotel near the convention center.
34. Animal experts rec'd spaying and neutering your pets.
35. My TA rec'd reading the last two chapters before the midterm.
36. Tour guides rec taking an evening stroll through the old town.
37. Customer service rec'd we place a special order directly with the manufacturer.
38. The wilderness guide rec'd bringing bear spray on hiking trips.
39. Real estate agents rec fixing up the kitchen before listing the house.
40. Bloggers rec visiting the national parks in the fall for less crowds.
41. Babysitters often rec keeping children on a consistent schedule.
42. My scientist friend rec'd wearing protective gloves when handling chemicals.
43. Fitness trainers rec higher reps with less weight for muscle definition.
44. My job coach rec'd practicing interview answers out loud.
45. Podiatrists often rec compression socks for people with circulation issues.
46. Our insurance agent rec'd higher liability limits for our policy.
47. Veterinarians rec annual vaccinations and checkups for pets.
48. The yoga instructor rec'd breathing exercises to alleviate stress.
49. Critics rec seeing the latest Oscar contender before the award show.
50. Nannies often rec reading to young children before bedtime.
51. The therapist rec'd keeping a journal to track my moods.
52. Bloggers rec shopping for airline tickets on Tuesdays.
53 My advisor rec'd seeking counseling for my anxiety.
54 I rec therapy for dealing with your grief in a healthy way.
55 The tutor rec'd making flashcards to study for exams.
56 Critics rec'ed that movie, it was nominated for several Oscars.
57 Customers rec'ed the pizza place that just opened down the street.
58 Parents on Facebook rec'ed that daycare center.
59 My doctor rec'd physical activity for better sleep.
60 Google reviews rec'ed the restaurant with 5 stars.

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