Recitation example sentences

Related (10): oration, enumeration, declaration, rehearsal, rendition, performance, reading, pronouncement, narration, delivery.

"Recitation" Example Sentences

1. The child stood up and recited her poem for the class.
2. He recited the oath of office with confidence.
3. I attended the recitation classes at the local center.
4. She forgot her lines during the recitation on stage.
5. The children listened intently as the teacher told them to memorize the poem for recitation the next day.
6. The students practiced their recitations for the school competition.
7. She gave a beautiful recitation of the classic poem.
8. I listened to his impassioned recitation of the famous speech.
9. He won the prize for best recitation in the elocution competition.
10. The children were learning poems for recitation at the spring concert.
11. She stood up nervously in front of the class to recite her poem.
12. He closed his eyes as he began to recite the oath from memory.
13. The religious text was chanted in a melodious recitation by the priest.
14. The little girl spoke with confidence as she recited her poem about spring.
15. The children practiced their morning recitation in front of their kindergarten teacher.
16. The teacher listened carefully as the students began to recite the times tables.
17. The class fell silent as the student began her solemn recitation of "Ozymandias."
18. The candidate recited the scout oath as part of her initiation into the troop.
19. The nightly ritual of poetry recitation helped the boy fall asleep.
20. The student did a passionate recitation of Ghalib's famous ghazal.
21. Her breathless recitation earned her a standing ovation from the audience.
22. He listened attentively as the minister gave a moving recitation from the Quran.
23. The children recited their alphabet in singsong fashion.
24. The class practiced reciting the Pledge of Allegiance every morning.
25. The bard gave a wonderful recitation of Homer's epics before a mesmerized audience.
26. The religious texts were recited in a solemn chant.
27. The children practiced their morning recitation of "Mary Had a Little Lamb."
28. The audience applauded enthusiastically after the student's moving recitation.
29. She spoke quickly and fluently during her morning recitation of the Arabic alphabet.
30. The basketball team practiced their chant before the games as part of their good luck ritual.
31. His recitation of the Gettysburg Address at the competition earned him first prize.
32. She forgot the words halfway through her recitation of the sonnet.
33. The student listening intently to the teacher's recitation of the poem.
34. His tongue tripped during his recitation of the wedding vows.
35. The children spoke in unison during their morning recitation of "The Pledge."
36. The choir's harmonic recitation of the Jewish prayer touched the congregation deeply.
37. The judge listened intently to the student's recitation during the competition.
38. The little girl's sweet voice sent shivers down our spines during her recitation of the poem.
39. The twins practiced their morning recitation in singsong fashion.
40. The storyteller's dramatic recitation of Homer's epic held the audience rapt.
41. The little girl spoke shyly during her recitation to the class.
42. The candidate who gave the best recitation of the Gettysburg Address won the competition.
43. The young monk listened intently to the master's recitation from the sacred texts.
44. The children spoke in unison during their daily recitation of times tables.
45. The little girl recited her poem confidently despite her nervousness.
46. She struggled to get through her recitation without making mistakes.
47. The audience listened raptly to the poet's dramatic recitation of his work.
48. The monks chanted their daily recitations in a low, rhythmic fashion.
49. The little girl's toneless recitation of the poem failed to engage the audience.
50. The ritual chant was an ancient recitation sung by the priests during religious ceremonies.
51. The speaker's dramatic recitation of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech moved the audience to tears.
52. The children recited their times tables in unison as part of their daily lesson.
53. The monk's melodic recitation of the Buddhist scriptures transported the listeners to a higher plane.
54. The little girl smiled proudly after her confident recitation of the poem to her parents.
55. The twins struggled to recite their times tables in sync with each other.
56. The boy slammed his book shut in frustration after forgetting the lines during his recitation.
57. The political candidate's fiery recitation of the Gettysburg Address electrified the crowd.
58. The class listened attentively as the teacher read aloud before their recitation the next day.
59. The little girl nervously began her recitation of the nursery rhyme in a shaky voice.
60. The monk's rhythmic chanting was a poetic recitation from the religious texts.

Common Phases

1. The children enjoyed reciting poetry in front of the class as a recitation.
2. The student gave a flawless recitation of her poem from memory.
3. The English class had students take turns doing a short verse recitation.
4. The oral exam consisted of a scripture recitation and answering questions on the text.
5. The classroom was silent as each student took a turn doing their weekly recitation.
6. His vocal recitation of the national anthem stirred emotions among the audience.
7. The girl's sweet, melodic voice enchanted the crowd during her poetry recitation.
8. The Quranic recitation soothed and calmed the listeners.
9. The recitation competition focused mainly on pronunciation and expression.
10. The children spoke their lines perfectly during the Christmas poem recitation.
11. Her recitation of the famous speech brought tears to the listeners’ eyes.
12. Grade schoolers lined up to wait for their turn at the recitation station.
13. The students memorized and practiced their Shakespearean sonnet recitations.
14. The choir accompanied the children's carol recitation with their melodious voices.
15. The teacher praised the students for their heartfelt recitations of the essays.
16. They applauded graciously after each student's inspirational recitation.
17. The annual spelling bee consisted of reading, definitions, and recitation.
18. The students practiced reciting multiplication tables in rote fashion.
19. The theater acting class spent months memorizing and perfecting their monologue recitations.
20. Each religious student was given a passage for recitation and analysis during the class.
21. The opera singer's pitch-perfect recitation of the aria took the audience's breath away.
22. The little girl stumbled a few times during her nervous recitation of the nursery rhyme.
23. Her captivating recitation of the short story kept her audience enraptured throughout.
24. They had to listen to minute-long recitations by each student in the big auditorium.
25. Memories of her childhood flooded back as she silently recited her favorite verses.
26. The pupil's recitation of her poem conveyed the intended emotions flawlessly.
27. The group chanted responsive recitations to reinforce learning.
28. The script was heavily marked up with cues for the actor's recitation of his lines.
29. The professor tested the students on their knowledge through oral recitation and questioning.
30. The religious congregation practiced responsive recitations from their holy book.
31. The toddlers memorized simple nursery rhymes and recited them proudly for their parents.
32. The theater students worked for weeks perfecting their monologue recitations.
33. The rote recitation of facts left little room for meaningful understanding of the concepts.
34. The dramatic recitation of poetry highlighted the power of verse to stir emotions.
35. The chorus's resonant voices filled the chapel during the hymn recitation.
36. The kids stumbled a bit but finished their poem recitation confidently.
37. The priest led the prayer recitation for the congregation.
38. The abacus training included quick recitation of number values for the beads.
39. The young orator gave an impassioned recitation of a speech he had written himself.
40. The Foreign Language Department held an annual competition for poetry recitation.
41. The sisters practiced their memory verse recitations all week in preparation for church.
42. The entire school gathered for the morning prayer recitation each day.
43. The audience watched in awe as the talented musician played an instrumental accompaniment for the girl's beautiful recitation.
44. The student tripped over his words several times during the math formula recitation.
45. Their call-and-response passage recitation strengthened reading fluency skills.
46. The freshly memorized poem slowly gave way to a flowing recitation over time.
47. The congregation joined together in chanting the scripture recitation.
48. The students' audio recordings captured their daily reading exercise recitations.
49. The exam included extensive scripture recitation as well as analysis questions.
50. The cadets marched in perfect time as they recited their military chants.
51. The teacher made the students repeat the multiplication table recitation until they could say it perfectly.
52. The tongue twisters helped improve their speech articulation during recitation.
53. The students practiced multiple readings of the passage before attempting a seamless recitation.
54. The children performed their weekly poetry recitations to their parents and family members.
55. The speakers stirred their audience with heartfelt and passionate recitations of Arabic poetry.
56. The students practiced their daily affirmation recitations in unison every morning.
57. The group worked to memorize hymns and psalms for recitation in worship services.
58. The memorized poem slowly transformed into a flowing recitation over time.
59. The theater students ran their lines repeatedly while working to perfect their scene recitations.
60. The teacher led the class through a responsive Bible verse recitation.

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