Reckless example sentences

Related (10): careless, irresponsible, impulsive, thoughtless, dangerous, wild, unpredictable, heedless, hasty, rash.

"Reckless" Example Sentences

1. The driver was driving recklessly down the highway, endangering other motorists.
2. His reckless behavior landed him in jail.
3. The teens engaged in reckless behavior by drinking alcohol and taking drugs.
4. The teenager's reckless driving resulted in a serious car crash.
5. The governments response to the crisis has been called reckless and ill-considered.
6. The soldiers behaved in a reckless manner and endangered civilian lives.
7. We asked him to stop his reckless spending habits.
8. The captain responded recklessly by ordering his men to open fire.
9. His unprotected exposure to the virus was borderline reckless.
10. The risk she was taking seemed reckless and unnecessary.
11. Reckless rumors spread quickly on social media.
12. He made a reckless accusation without evidence.
13. They engaged in reckless speculation that only served to confuse people.
14. Market forecasts were based on reckless optimism.
15. The celebrity spread reckless misinformation about the virus on social media.
16. Her reckless loans threatened to bankrupt the company.
17. The climbers made a reckless attempt to scale the dangerous mountain.
18. The company's reckless disregard for safety rules led to the disaster.
19. His plans seem reckless and ill-considered.
20. She drove in a reckless manner, crashing into several trees.
21. The company downplayed the risks in a reckless attempt to make more profit.
22. His career took a downward turn due to his reckless lifestyle.
23. The motorcyclist drove recklessly through traffic, weaving between cars.
24. Widespread economic relief was urgently needed to stop the reckless downward spiral.
25. The bank failed to implement adequate risk controls, leading to reckless investments.
26. Their reckless speculation did nothing but spread confusion and doubt.
27. The company has been accused of making reckless financial decisions.
28. The police officer arrested him for reckless endangerment and driving under the influence.
29. His comments were seen as politically reckless and insensitive.
30. The teenagers engaged in a series of reckless dares that culminated in a serious injury.
31. The captain's reckless order led to the sinking of the ship and loss of lives.
32. His ambition seemed to override any sense of reckless behavior.
33. Officials criticized the government's reckless spending during times of austerity.
34. They accused him of making reckless and unfounded allegations.
35. The reckless experiments threatened the health and safety of the community.
36. She made a reckless decision that she would come to regret for the rest of her life.
37. He accused his opponent of spreading reckless rumors and misinformation.
38. Their reckless financial practices came back to haunt the organization.
39. The police charged him with reckless endangerment for firing a gun into the air.
40. His careless and reckless remarks offended many people.
41. The company exhibited reckless disregard for worker safety.
42. He lives a reckless lifestyle, with no regard for the consequences of his actions.
43. Officials condemned the politicians politically reckless comments.
44. The economy was on a reckless downward spiral due to misguided policies.
45. The police are cracking down on reckless driving in the neighborhood.
46. The company's reckless negligence led to the spill that contaminated the environment.
47. He made a series of reckless investments that ultimately bankrupted the company.
48. His reckless behavior endangered the lives of everyone on the plane.
49. His public outbursts generated reckless rumors and accusations.
50. The pilot's reckless flying caused the plane to crash.
60. Officials condemned the politician's reckless disregard for the facts.

Common Phases

1. drive recklessly - to drive in a dangerous and careless way, without thinking of the risks
2. engage in reckless behavior - to act in a dangerous and careless way without thinking of the consequences
3. act recklessly - to behave in a way that disregards potential danger or risk
4. have a reckless disregard - to not care about consequences or dangers at all
5. exhibit reckless negligence - to show a lack of attention or care that risks causing harm
6. lead a reckless lifestyle - to live a life full of risky and dangerous activities
7. make a reckless decision - to choose to do something without properly considering risks
8. reckless endangerment - the crime of putting someone in danger through careless behavior
9. reckless speculation - guesses that are made without thinking carefully about facts and evidence
10. reckless spending - spending money freely and carelessly, without thinking of future consequences

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