Reconquista example sentences

Related (8): Spain, Muslims, Christians, Crusades, Moors, Al-Andalus, Granada, colonization.

"Reconquista" Example Sentences

1. The Reconquista was the centuries-long Christian reconquest of the Iberian peninsula from Muslim rule.
2. Spain's success in the Reconquista was a major factor in the country's emergence as a world power.
3. Many historians view the Reconquista as a defining moment in Spanish history.
4. Some of the most famous battles of the Reconquista were fought at Toledo, Cordoba, and Granada.
5. The Reconquista was a complex and multifaceted conflict that involved both military and cultural elements.
6. The ultimate goal of the Reconquista was to establish Christian dominance over the entire Iberian peninsula.
7. The Reconquista was a long and difficult struggle that required great sacrifices and perseverance from those involved.
8. The Reconquista had a profound impact on the development of Spanish society, culture, and identity.
9. The Reconquista was not a single, linear process but rather a series of distinct phases marked by carefully planned campaigns and shifting alliances.
10. The Reconquista was driven in large part by a desire to reclaim lost territory and to restore the political and religious unity of the fragmented Christian kingdoms of Spain.
11. The Reconquista was accompanied by a significant cultural revival, as Christian scholars rediscovered Greek and Roman literature and made important contributions to science and philosophy.
12. The Reconquista was a violent and bloody process that often involved atrocities and the forced conversion or expulsion of Muslim and Jewish populations.
13. The Reconquista was driven by a deep-seated religious fervor and a desire to defend Christianity against the perceived threat of Islam.
14. The Reconquista was the product of a complex interplay of political, economic, social, and religious factors that unfolded over many centuries.
15. The Reconquista was not a purely Spanish enterprise, but rather a wider European effort to combat the spread of Islam in the Mediterranean.
16. The Reconquista was characterized by the use of innovative military tactics and technologies, such as the use of cavalry and crossbows.
17. The Reconquista was fought on many fronts and involved many different actors, including knights, mercenaries, and militias.
18. The Reconquista produced a rich and diverse cultural legacy that continues to influence Spanish art, architecture, music, and literature to this day.
19. The Reconquista was also marked by periods of religious tolerance and cooperation, as well as moments of brutal violence and oppression.
20. The Reconquista was a long and arduous struggle that tested the resolve and fortitude of the Christians fighting for their homeland.
21. The Reconquista was a historical phenomenon of immense significance that continues to shape the way we think about Spain and its place in the world.
22. The Reconquista was characterized by an ongoing struggle for legitimacy and authority, as rival Christian kingdoms jostled for position and influence.
23. The Reconquista was a testament to the resilience and tenacity of the Christian peoples of Spain, who refused to give up their struggle despite overwhelming odds.
24. The Reconquista was marked by periods of intellectual ferment, as Christian scholars engaged in vigorous debates about the nature of God, man, and the world.
25. The Reconquista produced a rich and colorful tapestry of legends, myths, and tales that continue to captivate the imagination of people around the world.
26. The Reconquista was fueled by a deep-seated desire to recapture the glories of the ancient Visigothic kingdom that had once ruled over the Iberian peninsula.
27. The Reconquista was a complex and nuanced process that defies simplistic interpretations or narratives.
28. The Reconquista was a deeply transformative event that reshaped the political, social, and cultural landscape of Spain for many centuries to come.
29. The Reconquista was by no means a one-sided affair, as Muslim forces continued to mount fierce resistance against the Christian invaders for many years.
30. The Reconquista was a testament to the power of faith, as Christians of many different backgrounds and beliefs came together to fight for a common cause.

Common Phases

1. The Reconquista was a period of time in medieval Spain; it involved the Christian kingdoms trying to reclaim land from Muslim control.
2. The Reconquista lasted for over 700 years; during this time, there were various battles and conflicts between the Christians and Muslims.
3. The Reconquista was a major turning point in Spanish history; it led to the formation of a united Spain under Catholic rule.
4. Many famous figures played significant roles in the Reconquista; such as El Cid, who was a legendary hero of the Christian armies.
5. The end of the Reconquista was marked by the fall of Granada in 1492; this event is seen as a pivotal moment in Spanish history.

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