Recrudescence example sentences
Related (10): renewal, resurgence, revival, reemergence, comeback, flare-up, intensification, escalation, aggravation, exacerbation
noun formal
recrudescence (noun) · recrudescences (plural noun)
- the recurrence of an undesirable condition:
"Recrudescence" Example Sentences
1. There was a recrudescence of violence after the elections.
2. The disease showed signs of recrudescence after he stopped taking the medication.
3. Following months of calm, there was a sudden recrudescence of fighting between the two sides.
4. With the hot summer weather, there was a recrudescence of mosquito-borne illnesses in the region.
5. Tensions began recrudescing once again along the border after years of peace.
6. The recrudescence of old prejudices disturbed many members of the community.
7. An unexpected recrudescence of volcanic activity disrupted air travel for weeks.
8. Local officials were worried about a possible recrudescence of violence during the election period.
9. The judge lamented the recrudescence of old attitudes that led once again to discrimination.
10. War seemed imminent with the alarming recrudescence of threats and skirmishes.
11. The recent recrudescence of hostilities has led many to doubt the peace deal will hold.
12. There were fears of a recrudescence of antisocial behavior following school closure for the summer.
13. The recession led to a recrudescence of xenophobic attitudes in some parts of the country.
14. There were worries about a recrudescence of unrest as asylum seekers streamed into the country.
15. The recrudescence of illness showed the cure had not worked after all.
16. A recrudescence of military might does little to promote long-term stability in the region.
17. The recent recrudescence of COVID-19 cases has dampened hopes of an early return to normality.
18. Following a period of relative calm, there was a sudden recrudescence of terrorist activity.
19. The trauma of the illness led to a recrudescence of old fears and anxieties.
20. There were concerns that political inaction would lead to a recrudescence of violence.
21. The sudden recrudescence of the conflict could derail the fragile peace process.
22. Some feared a recrudescence of extremism following the troop withdrawal.
23. The economic crisis contributed to a recrudescence of nationalist rhetoric.
24. A series of scandals led to a recrudescence of mistrust towards the government.
25. The recent recrudescence in clashes threatens to derail the peace process.
26. After weeks of progress, there was an unexpected recrudescence of symptoms.
27. Analysts warned of a possible recrudescence of sectarian violence if tensions were not defused.
28. The infamous client's recrudescence of annoying habits was testing his attorney's patience.
29. There was some concern about a possible recrudescence of hostilities over the disputed territory.
30. The trauma survivor experienced a sudden recrudescence of nightmares following the triggering event.
31. A warm, wet spring led to a recrudescence of mosquitoes carrying dangerous diseases.
32. There fears of a recrudescence of unrest as political prisoners were released.
33. The sudden recrudescence of arthritic pain caught him off guard and required medication.
34. The fires' unexpected recrudescence worried the weary firefighters.
35. The nation's economic woes triggered a recrudescence of nationalism and xenophobia.
36. After a long bout of remission, the disease experienced an alarming recrudescence.
37. Activists worried about a recrudescence of government repression following the protests.
38. The recrudescence of racial tensions led to calls for government intervention.
39. The patient's bout of nausea indicated a recrudescence of the virus despite medication.
40. Political analysts warned of a likely recrudescence of violence around election time.
41. The ailing relationship experienced a recrudescence of old arguments and hurt feelings.
42. News of the terrorist leader's survival worried many who feared a recrudescence of attacks.
43. There was a recrudescence of racial slurs following the controversial remarks by the political candidate.
44. The economic downturn led to a recrudescence of anti-immigrant rhetoric.
45. The city experienced a recrudescence of gang violence during the hot summer months.
46. Rumors of a military buildup fueled fears of a recrudescence of hostilities with the neighboring country.
47. The diplomat worried that cutting aid would lead to a recrudescence of instability and violence.
48. The trial proved traumatic, triggering a recrudescence of nightmares and flashbacks.
49. The onset of winter led to a recrudescence of respiratory infections in the hospital.
50. Experts warned of a likely recrudescence of sectarian conflict with a change in government.
51. There were concerns about a recrudescence of extremist activities following the troop withdrawal.
52. The trauma survivor experienced a recrudescence of symptoms following an anniversary of the event.
53. Officials worried that the sudden recrudescence of violence could undermine the peace process.
54. The situation, which had been stabilizing, suddenly experienced a sharp recrudescence of tensions.
55. The economic crisis contributed to a recrudescence of racism and xenophobia in some communities.
56. After relief from medication, there was an unexpected recrudescence of depression and anxiety.
57. The nation braced for a recrudescence of violence ahead of the referendum on independence.
58. There was a recrudescence of clashes between rival gangs over control of the drug trade.
59. The patient's fever indicated a recrudescence of the infection despite antibiotics.
60. Media reports warned of a likely recrudescence of repression under the new regime.
Common Phases
1. There was a recrudescence of violence.
2. There was a sudden recrudescence of/in.
3. There were fears of a recrudescence of.
4. Following a period of calm, there was a recrudescence of.
5. After a period of remission, there was a recrudescence of the disease.
6. Analysts warned of a possible recrudescence of.
7. Officials worried that the recrudescence of could undermine.
8. There were concerns about a possible recrudescence of.
9. The recrudescence of prompted calls for.
10. The unexpected recrudescence of/in.
11. With the recrudescence of, there were worries about.
12. The recrudescence threatened to derail the peace process.
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