Recurrencefrom example sentences

Related (8): repetition, reappearance, comeback, relapse, resurgence, reoccurrence, return, continuation

"Recurrencefrom" Example Sentences

1. The recurrence from his injury made it difficult for him to walk.
2. The doctor warned against the recurrence from the flu.
3. Her headaches had a recurrence from her previous concussions.
4. The recurrence from his nightmares kept him from sleeping.
5. The recurrent aches had a strong recurrence from his old sports injuries.
6. The recurrence from her depression made it hard for her to function.
7. The toothache had a recurrence from previous dental problems.
8. His anxiety had a recurrence from his traumatic past.
9. The recurrence from her migraines made it hard for her to focus.
10. Her stomach pain had a recurrence from her previous gastrointestinal issues.
11. The recurring nightmares had a strong recurrence from his PTSD.
12. The recurrence from his allergies made it hard for him to breathe.
13. Her back pain had a recurrence from her previous spinal injury.
14. The recurrence from his addiction made it hard for him to quit.
15. The recurrent panic attacks had a strong recurrence from her anxiety disorder.
16. The recurrence from his asthma made it hard for him to exercise.
17. Her vision problems had a recurrence from her previous eye surgery.
18. The recurrence from his heart disease made it hard for him to perform physical activities.
19. The recurrent seizures had a strong recurrence from his epilepsy.
20. The recurrence from his hearing loss made it hard for him to communicate.
21. Her joint pain had a recurrence from her previous arthritis.
22. The recurrence from his cancer made it hard for him to maintain his health.
23. The recurrent migraines had a strong recurrence from her family history.
24. The recurrence from his diabetes made it hard for him to control his blood sugar.
25. Her skin condition had a recurrence from her previous dermatitis.
26. The recurrence from his stroke made it hard for him to speak.
27. The recurrent vertigo had a strong recurrence from his inner ear disorder.
28. The recurrence from her irritable bowel syndrome made it hard for her to maintain a healthy diet.
29. The recurrence from his eating disorder made it hard for him to maintain a healthy weight.
30. The recurrent insomnia had a strong recurrence from her stressful lifestyle.
31. The recurrence from his kidney disease made it hard for him to function properly.
32. Her muscle weakness had a recurrence from her previous myasthenia gravis.
33. The recurrence from his opioid addiction made it hard for him to stay sober.
34. The recurrent hives had a strong recurrence from his food allergies.
35. The recurrence from her lupus made it hard for her to live a normal life.
36. The recurrence from his liver disease made it hard for him to digest food.
37. Her obsessive-compulsive disorder had a recurrence from her previous therapy.
38. The recurrence from his Parkinson's disease made it hard for him to control his movements.
39. The recurrent migraines had a strong recurrence from her menstrual cycle.
40. The recurrence from his ulcerative colitis made it hard for him to maintain a healthy digestive system.

Common Phases

1. The recurrence from my previous illness has left me feeling weak and exhausted.
2. Recurrence from past errors can hinder our progress and growth.
3. The recurrence from his nightmares keeps him up at night.
4. We must be diligent in preventing recurrence from old habits.
5. The recurrence from her bad luck seems to never end.
6. The recurrence from the traumatic event caused him to seek therapy.
7. The recurrence from his anxiety attacks affects his daily life.
8. It is important to monitor for any recurrence from the injury.
9. The recurrence from the storm caused more damage than the first time.
10. The recurrence from her migraine headaches can be debilitating.

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