Recursion example sentences

Related (4): recursion, recursive, recursor, recursively

"Recursion" Example Sentences

1. Recursion is a technique where a function calls itself repeatedly until some base condition is reached.
2. The recursion tree keeps growing deeper and deeper until it reaches the base case.
3. The Fibonacci sequence can be calculated using recursion.
4. Recursion gives a nice concise way of expressing repetitive tasks.
5. Computing factorials using recursion is a common example.
6. Understanding stack frames is essential for understanding how recursion works.
7. When the base case is reached, the recursive calls begin to return and unwind the stack.
8. The recursive calls for computing factorials look like this: Factorial(4) calls Factorial(3) calls Factorial(2) calls Factorial(1).
9. Recursion needs to have a base case to avoid infinite calls.
10. Taking a "divide and conquer" approach often leads naturally to a recursive solution.
11. The recursive calls build up an implicit stack in memory.
12. Avoid deep recursion to prevent stack overflow errors.
13. You can convert recursive functions into iterative ones using stacks.
14. Tail recursion can be optimized by replacing the recursive call with a goto.
15. Understanding how recursive calls evaluate sequentially helped me understanding recursion.
16. Evaluating recursive functions step-by-step helped cement the concept in my mind.
17. Recursion can make some complex relationships and patterns easy to express.
18. Keeping track of variables across recursive calls can be challenging.
19. Constant re-execution of the same code is inherent to recursion.
20. Recursion mimics a structural, top-down problem-solving approach.
21. Recursion requires the ability to self-reference data or processes.
22. Carefully selecting the base case helps make recursive functions efficient.
23. Recursion uses repetition with a purpose.
24. Trees are a naturally recursive data structure.
25. Recursion is an elegant pattern for expressing repetitive tasks.
26. Avoid deep recursion that leads to stack overflow errors.
27. Mastering recursion requires understanding stacks and stack frames.
28. Recursion follows a familiar pattern of breaking a large problem into smaller ones.
29. Recursive functions call themselves, resulting in multiple activations of the same function.
30. Recursion terminates when it reaches a base case condition.
31. Recursion uses the technique of repeating a process by referring to itself.
32. Recursion is an example of a top-down, "degenerative" problem-solving strategy.
33. Recursion helps simplify complex logical relationships and patterns.
34. A recursive function must have a base case to return a final result.
35. Recursion solves problems by reducing the size of the input and combining the results.
36. The recursive call stack stores information about each activation record.
37. The recursive call stack keeps track of variables and parameters for each call.
38. Optimizing recursion often involves identifying tail recursion opportunities.
39. Recursion can lead to drastically increased time and space complexity.
40. Recursion is an almost magical way to solve problems.
41. Recursion reduces complex problems until reaching the simplest case.
42. Be careful when optimizing recursion to preserve the overall function.
43. Recursion can make your code more elegant but sometimes less efficient.
44. Memoization can improve the performance of recursive functions.
45. Recursion strikes a balance between elegance and complexity.
46. Recursion combines retracing steps with advancing toward a goal.
47. Recursion mirrors the way humans solve problems in a step-by-step fashion.
48. Recursion requires the ability to break down large problems recursively.
49. Understanding recursion requires analyzing how activation records are managed.
50. The number of recursive calls grows exponentially without a proper base case.
51. Recursion can preserve modularity by reducing coupling between functions.
52. Recursion moves towards a base case while preserving necessary context.
53. Memoization caches results from previous recursive calls.
54. A recursive function represents a contract it has with itself.
55. Problems naturally expressed recursively may have more elegant solutions.
56. Recursion illustrates a structural decomposition of the problem domain.
57. Recursion involves unwinding activation records during backtracking.
58. Recursion can help simplify complex, self-similar or fractal structures.
59. Avoid exponential time complexity by ensuring tail recursions when possible.
60. Properly optimized, recursion can be extremely performant and readable.

Common Phases

1. Recursive function
2. Recursive call
3. Recursive definition
4. Base case of recursion
5. Recursion terminates
6. Recursively defined
7. Recursive approach
8. Recursive descent parsing
9. Recursively traverse
10. Recursively obtained
11. Tail recursion
12. Recursively compute
13. Recursive data structure
14. Recursion stack
15. Recursion tree
16. Recursive backtracking
17. Depth of recursion
18. Implements recursion
19. Avoid deep recursion
20. Recursive thinking

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