Reductive example sentences

Related (10): simplistic, oversimplified, reductionist, reductionism, minimalistic, minimalist, narrow-minded, closed-minded, short-sighted, myopic.



reductive (adjective)

  - tending to present a subject or problem in a simplified form, especially one viewed as crude:

  - (with reference to art) minimal:

  - relating to chemical reduction:



"Reductive" Example Sentences

1. His overly simplistic and reductive analysis ignores the complexities of the issue.
2. The author offers a nuanced rather than a reductive view of the situation.
3. Critics accuse her of a reductive and sexist portrayal of men in the novel.
4. A reductive approach treats a complex phenomenon as if it were simple.
5. The advertisement employed a reductive and stereotypical depiction of women.
6. The government's reductive economic policies failed to address social problems.
7. Their reductive view of art as merely ornamental ignores its deeper meanings.
8. Some critics argue that blaming social ills solely on poverty is too reductive.
9. The approach takes a far too reductive view of human motivation.
10. The reductive assumption that all poor people are lazy is simplistic and misguided.
11. Critics complained that the movie offered a reductive and inaccurate portrayal of history.
12. His reductive theories did not stand up to thoughtful scientific scrutiny.
13. The reductive portrayal of race relations ignored the nuances of lived experience.
14. The judge criticized the defense lawyer for presenting a reductive view of the facts.
15. Her reductive caricatures of immigrants only stoked prejudice and hatred.
16. Reductive philosophies offer simple answers to complex questions.
17. The researcher warned against reductive interpretations of the findings.
18. They dismiss his argument as reductive and simplistic.
19. Psychologists warn against reductive notions that human behavior is biologically determined.
20. The ethnography dismantles reductive stereotypes about the group in question.
21. Critics charge that evolutionary psychology advances reductive theories of human nature.
22. Economists cautioned that a pure reductive model cannot capture real world complexity.
23. Many in the scientific community oppose reductive approaches that view living things as machines.
24. Feminists criticized the author for his reductive treatment of gender issues in the biography.
25. The critic accused the police of taking a reductive view of criminal justice.
26. The artist rejects reductive theories that art merely represents reality.
27. Sociologists resist reductive theories that focus solely on economic factors.
28. The novel upends reductive stereotypes by portraying complex and nuanced characters.
29. The psychiatrist warned against reducing mental illness to a biochemical defect.
30. The theory takes an overly reductive view of the role of culture in human evolution.
31. Critics charge that postmodern thought promotes reductive relativism.
32. A reductive mindset colored her whole political philosophy.
33. Reductive essentialism flattens human diversity into simplistic categories.
34. He rejected the overly reductive theory that natural selection explains everything.
35. Her reductive pop psychology simplifies complex human behavior.
36. The minister warned against a reductive theology that focuses solely on rationality.
37. The researcher avoided making reductive generalizations based on limited data.
38. The proposal offers a reductively simplistic solution to a complex problem.
39. The critic argued that the film gives a dangerously reductive view of gender roles.
40. The physicist cautions against reductive metaphysics that denies the role of mind.
41. Reductive categorization reduces individuals to stereotypes.
42. Critics complain that his primary focus leads to simplistic or reductive interpretations.
43. The model takes an overly reductive view of the system by isolating variables.
44. The theory reduces everything to a single reductive cause.
45. Psychiatrists warn of the dangers of reductive tendencies in popular psychology.
46. The author avoids making overly reductive generalizations about national character.
47. Philosophers criticize modern thought for promoting a reductive materialism.
48. The analysis dismantles reductive stereotypes associated with the trope.
49. Activists fight against reductive narratives that ignore lived realities.
50. Critics fault him for promoting a reductive theory of art based solely on form.
51. The reductive classification system flattened cultural nuances into broad categories.
52. Psychologists oppose reductive biological models that deny the role of environment.
53. The critic dismissed the director's reductive portrayal of the villain as caricature.
54. An overly reductive model risks oversimplifying phenomena in the real world.
55. Reductive forms of reasoning often lead to illogical or fallacious arguments.
56. The author warns against condoning reductive moral philosophies.
57. Economists cautioned that pumping money into the system was too reductive a solution.
58. His theory was criticized for offering an overly reductive reading of the text.
59. Scientists warned that the hypothesis takes an overly reductive view of complex systems.
60. Reductive thinking underpins many forms of prejudice and oppression.

Common Phases

1. take a reductive view
2. offers a reductive analysis
3. promote reductive thinking
4. reductive approach
5. reductive assumptions
6. put forth a reductive theory
7. adopt a reductive lens
8. espouse reductive ideologies
9. present a reductive argument
10. engages in reductive reasoning
11. critics argue for a more nuanced rather than a reductive view
12. cautions against overly reductive explanations
13. warn against reductive generalizations
14. eschew reductive interpretations
15. dismantle reductive narratives

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