Reef example sentences

Related (14): coral, shoal, atoll, barrier, fringing, patch, platform, reef-building, lagoon, bleaching, symbiosis, biodiversity, conservation, tourism

"Reef" Example Sentences

1. The divers swam among the colorful fish hiding in the coral reef.
2. Beautiful tropical fish populated the shallow reefs off the coast of the island.
3. Marine life flourished in the warm, shallow waters around the coral reef.
4. The divers descended down to explore the stunning coral reef formation.
5. Barrier reefs protect the coastline from strong waves and storm surges.
6. The damaged coral reef was struggling to recover from bleaching.
7. Divers marveled at the stunning variety of sea life living in the coral reef ecosystem.
8. The hungry sharks circled above the coral reef, waiting for prey.
9. The boat hit an unseen reef, causing considerable damage to the hull.
10. The bleached skeletons of coral dotted the once vibrant reef.
11. Increasing ocean acidification continues to threaten fragile coral reefs.
12. Sea turtles rely on healthy coral reefs as nesting and feeding grounds.
13. Tourists enjoyed snorkeling along the stunning coral reef.
14. Scientists studied the effects of pollution on the fragile marine ecosystem of the barrier reef.
15. The diver swam cautiously amidst the treacherous reef, watching for jagged coral.
16. Warming ocean temperatures pose a mounting threat to delicate coral reefs.
17. The reef sharks swam lazily near the surface, seeming unconcerned with the divers.
18. The Great Barrier Reef is known for its immense diversity of marine life.
19. Heavy boat traffic poses a danger to sensitive coral reef structures.
20. The ship had to navigate carefully through the winding channel to avoid getting stuck on hidden reefs.
21. Marine biologists worked to develop ways to increase the resilience of stressed coral reefs.
22. The uninhabited islands were ringed by beautiful fringing reefs.
23. Rising sea levels threaten the very existence of low-lying coral atolls.
24. The damage to the reef from the chemical spill was catastrophic and irreversible.
25. Fish of every size and color swam among the branches of the staghorn coral on the thriving reef.
26. Visitors were awed by the stunning diversity and colors of the tropical fish living on the reef.
27. Scientists warned that certain coral species may not survive rising ocean acidification.
28. Divers enjoyed exploring the vibrant underwater ecosystem of the fringing reef.
29. The damaged reef was struggling to recover from a bleaching episode the previous summer.
30. The reefs of the South Pacific are home to some of the oldest corals on the planet.
31. Marine debris is a growing threat to fragile reef ecosystems.
32. Divers marveled at the diversity of life found sheltering in the branching coral heads.
33. The reef was healthy and vibrant, teaming with marine life of every kind.
34. The contours of the structure of the ancient reef were clearly visible underneath the water.
35. The reef is threatened by many factors, including pollution, overfishing, and warming waters.
36. Tourists loved snorkeling among the stunning coral formations of the thriving reef.
37. Anchor damage is a significant threat to fragile coral reef structures.
38. The corals were bleached and dying after being exposed to unusually warm water temperatures.
39. The ship ran aground on the shallow reef, causing major hull damage.
40. The boat headed out to explore the colorful reefs just offshore of the island.
41. The divers swam carefully around the jagged coral heads protruding from the reef.
42. Scientists warned that coral bleaching events are becoming more frequent and more severe.
43. Schools of brightly-colored tropical fish darted among the branches of staghorn coral on the reef.
44. The divers marveled at the diversity of beautiful corals forming the reef structure.
45. The captain had to carefully navigate the ship through the treacherous patchwork of reefs and shoals.
46. The reef supports a staggeringly diverse array of marine life.
47. The bleached and dying corals were a sobering sight on an otherwise vibrant reef.
48. Scientists are working urgently to develop solutions that can help bolster the resilience of damaged coral reefs.
49. Undamaged reefs help protect shorelines by absorbing wave energy during violent storms.
50. The intricate maze of channels and passages wound through the giant patch reef.
51. Marine life of astonishing variety and color inhabited every part of the extensive reef system.
52. Eroding shorelines threaten the very existence of fragile fringe reefs.
53. The reef wall dropped away into the deep blue water teeming with life.
54. The reef was home to an astonishing diversity of marine organisms, large and small.
55. The bleached and damaged corals were a sobering sight, a testament to the mounting threats facing fragile reef ecosystems.
56. Coral bleaching has become an increasingly frequent occurrence, damaging fragile reefs worldwide.
57. Tourists enjoyed snorkeling among the stunning variety of life found sheltering in the branching coral structures of the thriving reef.
58. The reef's magnificent corals struggled to survive in increasingly acidic and warm waters.
59. The clear, warm waters around the reef teemed with a dazzling array of sea life.
60. Extensive coral bleaching severely damaged large parts of the once vibrant reef system.

Common Phases

coral reef
The colorful fish lived among the branches of coral on the coral reef.
fringing reef
The island was surrounded by a pristine fringing reef teeming with marine life.
barrier reef
The barrier reef protected the coast from strong ocean swells.
patch reef
The patch reef rose from the shallow sandy bottom and supported a variety of marine organisms.
reef systems
The reef systems around the islands were home to thousands of species of marine life.
reef structure
The intricate reef structure formed a maze of tunnels and channels.
reef ecosystem
The fragile reef ecosystem was threatened by pollution, overfishing and climate change.
coral reef ecosystem
The diverse coral reef ecosystem supported an astonishing abundance of marine life.
coral bleaching
Warming ocean temperatures caused widespread coral bleaching on the once vibrant reef.
reef resilience
Reef resilience is key to the reef's ability to withstand threats like bleaching and pollution.
human impact on reefs
Human activities like pollution, overfishing and coastal development greatly impact fragile reef ecosystems.
threats to coral reefs
Coral reefs face many threats including climate change, ocean acidification and marine debris.
protecting coral reefs
Conservation efforts focus on protecting fragile coral reefs from the growing threats they face.
reviving damaged reefs
Scientists are working to find ways to revive damaged reefs using techniques like coral gardening.

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