Reggae example sentences

Related (9): Jamaican, music, rhythm, bass, genre, ska, dub, dancehall, Caribbean.

"Reggae" Example Sentences

1. He started playing reggae music on his guitar.
2. They were dancing to reggae beats.
3. The reggae band started playing their first song.
4. We went to a reggae festival in Jamaica.
5. Bob Marley is considered the king of reggae music.
6. Reggae has a very distinctive upbeat rhythm and tempo.
7. He spent his vacation in Jamaica listening to reggae and smoking marijuana.
8. The singer had a rich melodious voice perfectly suited for reggae.
9. They played some reggae tunes to help us relax on the beach.
10. The bass guitarist started a new reggae groove.
11. The newly released reggae album was topping the charts.
12. His favorite musical genre has always been reggae.
13. The smooth reggae notes floated on the warm tropical air.
14. The alcohol and reggae music made everyone in high spirits.
15. The beach party had loud reggae music playing all night.
16. The upbeat reggae riffs energized the entire crowd.
17. We could hear the reggae drums and guitar from the beach bar.
18. Live reggae music is even better than recorded ones.
19. Their reggae remix of the song topped the dance charts.
20. His dreadlocks swayed to the infectious reggae beat.
21. Reggae music originated in Jamaica in the late 1960s.
22. The distinct Jamaican accent added flavor to the reggae songs.
23. The profound lyrics of reggae talked about social issues.
24. She could listen to reggae for hours without getting bored.
25. The hotel had a reggae band playing every night.
26. She started dancing to thecatchy reggae rhythm.
27. There was a distinct Jamaican influence on early reggae music.
28. I fell in love with reggae the first time I visited Jamaica.
29. The hotel had a lovely reggae band playing every sunset.
30. They put on a reggae record and relaxed on the beach.
31. The soothing sound of reggae music helped him fall asleep.
32. The party wasn't complete without some reggae music.
33. He found reggae music very therapeutic and uplifting.
34. They were playing classic roots reggae songs from the 1970s.
35. His love for reggae music took him to Jamaica many times.
36. The album combined reggae with R&B and hip hop influences.
37. They got up and started dancing to the fast paced reggae song.
38. Reggae music has a distinct worldwide appeal.
39. She fell in love with reggae after her first trip to Jamaica.
40. Jamaica is the birthplace and spiritual home of reggae music.
41. The festival featured many renowned reggae artists.
42. He started singing along to the reggae chorus.
43. I instantly fell in love with the laidback vibes of reggae.
44. Dancehall reggae is a subgenre with faster rhythms.
45. The sound system was blasting upbeat reggae songs all night.
46. The reggae rhythm section was impeccably tight.
47. They swayed their bodies slowly to the melodious reggae beats.
48. The festival attracted tons of reggae enthusiasts from all over.
49. His reggae band played a mix of covers and original material.
50. The singer's honey-like voice was perfect for reggae ballads.
51. They danced all night to the catchy reggae tunes.
52. The reggae concert went on all through the night.
53. The music festival featured both old school and new reggae artists.
54. The innovative reggae band infused jazz into their songs.
55. The mellow reggae beat relaxed and soothed her.
56. They started singing and dancing to the reggae song.
57. The waterfront restaurant had a live reggae band every night.
58. Their reggae remake of the pop song was a huge hit.
59. The bass-driven reggae groove filled the air.
60. The reggae singer's voice was as smooth as velvet.

Common Phases

1. Reggae music
2. Reggae beat
3. Reggae rhythm
4. Reggae band
5. Reggae singer
6. Reggae song
7. Reggae bass
8. Reggae guitar
9. Reggae drum
10. Reggae tune
11. Reggae festival
12. Roots reggae
13. Dancehall reggae
14. Reggae remix
15. Reggae roots
16. Reggae groove
17. Classic reggae
18. Reggae ballad
19. Straight-ahead reggae
20. Reggae enthusiast

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