Relation example sentences

Related (6): relationship, correlation, association, connection, interaction, bond

"Relation" Example Sentences

1. The study explored the relation between nutrition and academic performance.
2. There seems to be no relation between the two events.
3. There is a direct relation between supply and demand.
4. His work focused on the relation between art and society.
5. The results show a strong positive relation between the variables.
6. The relation between the parent and child was strained.
7. The data points show an inverse relation between the two variables.
8. The government denied any relation to the terrorist group.
9. There is a complex relation between nature and culture.
10. The research examined the relation between poverty and crime rates.
11. The documentary explored the complex relation between humans and animals.
12. The study aimed to establish a possible relation between the two phenomena.
13. There was no clear relation between the factors being investigated.
14. The correlation suggests a direct relation between the variables.
15. The couple had a tumultuous relation during their marriage.
16. There seems to be little relation between hard work and success.
17. The lecture examined the relation between language and thought.
18. Their relation drifted apart after graduating from college.
19. His work challenged conventional relations between masculinity and femininity.
20. We lost touch and drifted out of relation with each other.
21. Humans have a complex relation with the natural world.
22. There is a clear relation between time spent studying and test scores.
23. The professor explored the relation between literature and society.
24. The data reveal a strong relation between the variables.
25. The findings point to a positive relation between exercise and happiness.
26. The report outlined the government's relation with foreign powers.
27. The research investigated the possible relation between the two conditions.
28. They had a close relation until they had a major falling out.
29. There seems to be no direct relation between the events.
30. Our relation drifted apart after graduating from high school.
31. He sought to establish a causal relation between the factors.
32. His work aims to expose power relations in society.
33. The numbers suggest an inverse relation between the variables.
34. Our relation deteriorated due to our conflicting priorities.
35. Their brotherly relation turned bitter after a business dispute.
36. The paper explores the complex relation between gender and power.
37. There appears to be no causal relation between smoking and cancer.
38. The study established a positive relation between the variables.
39. The data reveal no significant relation between the factors.
40. The findings point to an indirect relation between the outcomes.
41. There was a strain in their familial relation after the argument.
42. The presentation outlined relations between China and the US.
43. The factors seem to have no direct relation to each other.
44. Their sibling relation was always competitive and contentious.
45. The data show a causal relation between the independent and dependent variables.
46. The research uncovered hidden power relations in the institution.
47. Experts debated the complex relation between genes and environment.
48. The report detailed historical relations between the two nations.
49. The statistics revealed a strong relation between coffee intake and health outcomes.
50. The project aims to explore gender relations in contemporary society.
51. Their sibling relation turned sour after their parents died.
52. The lecture explored the complex relation between art and technology.
53. They had a close blood relation but drifted apart as adults.
54. The findings point to an indirect relation between diet and health.
55. The professor explored the fractured relation between religion and science.
56. The economy reflects social relations in the community.
57. There seems to be no logical relation between the arguments.
58. The theory challenged conventional relations between biology and culture.
59. The couple had an intimate relation for many years.
60. Her research focuses on relations between language and identity.

Common Phases

1. In relation to - in connection with or in reference to
2. Bear no relation to - have no logical or causal connection with
3. Stand in relation to - have a particular connection or relevance to
4. Put in relation to - compare or consider in terms of similarities and differences
5. In relation between - concerning the connection or association between
6. Come into relation with - interact or establish a connection with
7. Call into relation - establish a connection or association between
8. Enter into relation with - create or begin a connection with
9. Relations between - connections or associations between
10. Cut relations with - end connections or ties with
11. Relations with - connections or ties between
12. Have no relation to - have no logical or causal connection to
13. Have relations with - interact or establish connections with
14. Be in relation to - exist in connection or relevance to
15. Set in relation to - place side by side for comparison with

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