Remised example sentences

Related (9): surrendered, conveyed, ceded, delivered, yielded, abdicated, waived, renounced, resigned

"Remised" Example Sentences

1. The lawyer remised his client's case to the higher court.
2. The business owner remised the rent payment for the month due to the pandemic.
3. The athlete remised his training regimen after suffering an injury.
4. The teacher remised the students' homework because of the power outage.
5. The government remised the taxes for small businesses to assist them during the pandemic.
6. The doctor remised the patient's medication dosage after monitoring their condition.
7. The author remised the book's publication date to make necessary changes.
8. The chef remised the recipe to make it more flavorful.
9. The artist remised the first draft of the painting to add more detail.
10. The director remised the script to better fit the actors' abilities.
11. The musician remised the lyrics to make them more poetic.
12. The engineer remised the design to make it more efficient.
13. The scientist remised the experiment to eliminate variables that affected the results.
14. The inventor remised the prototype to make it more user-friendly.
15. The programmer remised the code to fix bugs and glitches.
16. The marketer remised the advertisement to make it more appealing.
17. The designer remised the dress to make it more comfortable.
18. The builder remised the blueprint to accommodate site constraints.
19. The coach remised the game plan to better suit the opponent's strengths and weaknesses.
20. The therapist remised the treatment plan to address the patient's progress.
21. The therapist remised the treatment plan to address the patient's regression.
22. The landlord remised the eviction notice to give the tenant more time.
23. The judge remised the sentence after reviewing the case's evidence.
24. The athlete remised their claim to the championship title after a difficult loss.
25. The writer remised their aspirations of publishing a best-selling novel after receiving multiple rejections.
26. The artist remised their ambitions of having their work displayed in a prestigious art gallery after a series of setbacks.
27. The musician remised their dream of becoming a famous rock star after realizing the music industry's ruthless nature.
28. The entrepreneur remised their goal of starting a successful business after failing multiple times.
29. The student remised their desire to attend an Ivy League university after receiving rejection letters.
30. The traveler remised their plans to visit a foreign country after encountering visa complications.

Common Phases

- The company remised their plan to expand into new markets; instead, they decided to focus on improving their current product line.
- After weeks of negotiations, the two parties remised their differences and reached a compromise.
- Due to budget constraints, the project had to be remised mid-way through development.
- The athlete was forced to remise his Olympic dreams after suffering a career-ending injury.
- In order to meet project deadlines, the team remised their usual standards of perfection and focused on efficiency instead.
- The government remised their policy on immigration, leading to increased controversy.
- After realizing their mistake, the company remised their decision to lay off several employees.
- Despite initial resistance, the team eventually remised their skepticism and agreed to try the new approach.
- The couple remised their plans for a big wedding and decided to elope instead.
- The professor remised his strict attendance policy, recognizing that some students may have outside obligations.

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