Reoccuring example sentences

Related (10): Repeated, Recurring, Persistent, Cyclical, Frequent, Regular, Chronic, Temporal, Periodic, Intermittent.

"Reoccuring" Example Sentences

1. The reoccurring issue with the air conditioning unit was finally resolved.
2. She had a reoccurring nightmare that always left her feeling uneasy.
3. The same reoccurring character appeared in every one of his books.
4. We noticed a reoccurring pattern in the way he spoke.
5. The reoccurring theme of the movie was the importance of family.
6. Her reoccurring back pain was causing her to miss a lot of work.
7. The reoccurring problem with the water supply had been going on for months.
8. He had a reoccurring dream about winning the lottery.
9. The reoccurring alarm kept waking her up in the middle of the night.
10. The reoccurring mistake on his tax forms was costing him money.
11. The reoccurring rumor about their relationship was completely untrue.
12. The reoccurring joke at work always made her laugh.
13. The reoccurring rash on her arm needed to be looked at by a doctor.
14. The reoccurring question during the presentation was about their financial projections.
15. The reoccurring plot line in all of his movies was the hero saving the day.
16. The reoccurring problem with his internet connection was frustrating for him.
17. The reoccurring argument with his sister always left them both feeling upset.
18. The reoccurring theme in her artwork was nature and beauty.
19. The reoccurring noise outside her window was keeping her from sleeping.
20. The reoccurring memory from his childhood always made him smile.
21. The reoccurring joke among their friends was about their shared love of pizza.
22. The reoccurring ache in her knee was making it difficult for her to walk.
23. The reoccurring issue with the printer was causing delays in their work.
24. The reoccurring rumor about the new product was causing excitement among consumers.
25. The reoccurring scene in the play was the lovers meeting in secret.
26. The reoccurring problem with his car was becoming too expensive to fix.
27. The reoccurring comment from her boss was about the quality of her work.
28. The reoccurring weather pattern was causing concern for farmers.
29. The reoccurring memory of their first date always made her heart skip a beat.
30. The reoccurring melody in the song was catchy and memorable.

Common Phases

1. The problem is reoccurring; we need to find a permanent solution.
2. Her headaches are reoccurring; she needs to see a doctor.
3. The issue keeps reoccurring; we need to address it properly this time.
4. The same mistake is reoccurring; we need to learn from it and improve.
5. The pattern keeps reoccurring; we need to break it and try something new.
6. The theme is reoccurring in his work; it shows his personal beliefs.
7. The question keeps reoccurring in our discussions; we need to explore it further.
8. The same situation is reoccurring; we need to come up with a better approach.

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