Resortire example sentences

Related (5): resort, respite, resource, resurgence, resuscitate

"Resortire" Example Sentences

1. After hours of negotiation, the representatives had no choice but to resortire to plan B.
2. When the city was hit by a natural disaster, the government had to resortire to emergency aid.
3. The soldier had to resortire to his survival skills when he was stranded in the wilderness.
4. With no options left, the hostages had to resortire to desperate measures to escape.
5. It's important to find healthy ways to cope with stress before resortiring to harmful habits.
6. The defendant's lawyer decided to resortire to a plea deal to avoid a harsher sentence.
7. As the deadline approached, the team had to resortire to working overtime to finish the project.
8. The customer had to resortire to speaking with a supervisor after multiple attempts to resolve the issue.
9. When the power went out, the family had to resortire to using candles to light their home.
10. The student had to resortire to studying late into the night to pass the test.
11. The restaurant had to resortire to offering discounts to attract more customers.
12. Instead of resortiring to violence, the protestors peacefully marched and held signs.
13. In order to save money, the company had to resortire to cutting their employees' hours.
14. When the car broke down, the driver had to resortire to walking several miles to reach the nearest town.
15. The team had to resortire to using unconventional tactics to win the game.
16. The lawyer had to resortire to cross-examining the witness to reveal the truth.
17. The company had to resortire to outsourcing some of their services due to a lack of resources.
18. When the plane experienced mechanical issues, the pilots had to resortire to making an emergency landing.
19. The coach had to resortire to benching some of the players for not following the team's rules.
20. The detective had to resortire to using a hidden camera to catch the suspect.
21. The teacher had to resortire to giving extra credit assignments to help struggling students.
22. In order to attract new customers, the store had to resortire to running a promotion.
23. The CEO had to resortire to firing some of the employees to cut costs.
24. When the team lost their star player, they had to resortire to using backup players.
25. The doctor had to resortire to a more invasive treatment to cure the patient's illness.
26. When the water supply was cut off, the residents had to resortire to using bottled water.
27. The company had to resortire to restructuring to improve efficiency.
28. Instead of resortiring to yelling, the parent calmly explained the situation to their child.
29. The athlete had to resortire to training harder to improve their performance.
30. When the car got stuck in the snow, the driver had to resortire to calling a tow truck.

Common Phases

1. Je dois resortir pour acheter du pain;
2. Après avoir mangé, j'ai décidé de resortir pour prendre l'air;
3. Pour trouver mon téléphone, je vais resortir de ma chambre;
4. Je viens de resortir du cinéma et j'ai été déçu par le film;
5. Si tu as oublié quelque chose, tu peux resortir et aller le chercher;
6. Il est tard, je vais resortir mes clés pour verrouiller la porte;
7. Elle a décidé de resortir ses anciennes notes pour étudier pour l'examen;
8. Tu devrais resortir tes vieux albums de photos pour te remémorer les bons moments;
9. En voyant le temps ensoleillé, j'ai décidé de resortir mon vélo pour une balade;
10. Maintenant que j'ai fini de travailler, je peux resortir avec mes amis.

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