Reviled example sentences

Related (14): hated, despised, scorned, denounced, abhorred, loathed, vilified, condemned, detested, contemned, disdained, execrated, decried, criticized.

"Reviled" Example Sentences

1. The dictator was widely reviled for his brutal policies.
2. The pop star was reviled by critics for her simplistic lyrics and music.
3. The company CEO was reviled in the press for the layoffs he ordered.
4. The politician was reviled by the media for his sexist remarks.
5. In life, he was reviled as a traitor and a coward.
6. Today, he is no longer reviled but regarded as a hero and visionary.
7. Once reviled as heretics, they have now become pioneers of a new theological movement.
8. The scientist was reviled for years until his theory was eventually proven correct.
9. The teacher was reviled by her students for always assigning too much homework.
10. The used car salesman was reviled for selling faulty vehicles to unsuspecting customers.
11. The reforms were initially reviled but over time proved enormously beneficial.
12. Though the painter was reviled during his lifetime, his works now fetch millions at auction.
13. The minister was reviled for his callous and inhumane sermons.
14. The food was reviled by diners as some of the worst they had ever tasted.
15. The reform proposals were universally reviled across the political spectrum.
16. The artist's bold new style was reviled by traditionalist critics as pretentious and ugly.
17. The new product was overwhelmingly reviled by consumers for its shoddy quality.
18. The referee's bad calls were roundly reviled by players and fans alike.
19. Her rebellious antics meant she was reviled by the establishment but beloved by her fans.
20. The whistleblower was reviled as a traitor by former colleagues.
21. The nominee's past statements were reviled as racist and misogynistic.
22. The novel was initially reviled by critics but later recognized as a prescient masterpiece.
23. The experimental treatments were reviled on moral grounds as unethical and dangerous.
24. The politician's controversial statements were roundly reviled in the press.
25. The persecuted minority was reviled as unclean and hated by the majority population.
26. The pop star was reviled for glorifying a lifestyle of excess and debauchery.
27. The book became internationally reviled for inciting racial hatred and violence.
28. The protestors were reviled as "rabble-rousers" by conservative elements in society.
29. The actress was reviled for accepting lucrative endorsement deals.
30. The brand was internationally reviled for its unsafe and shoddily made products.
31. Her choice of clothing meant she was widely reviled as immodest and risqué.
32. The bill was universally reviled on all sides of the political spectrum.
33. The ruling was roundly reviled as unjust and inhumane by human rights groups.
34. The banker was reviled for presiding over an era of reckless and predatory financial practices.
35. The presentation was universally reviled as confused, incoherent, and pointless.
36. Commentators roundly reviled the team's poor performance as embarrassing and incompetent.
37. The fast food chain was reviled for employing exploitative and unethical business practices.
38. The video game was roundly reviled for glorifying violence and promoting unhealthy values.
39. The new thesis was reviled by traditional scholars but embraced by a younger generation.
40. The argument was universally reviled for relying on racist, sexist and flawed premises.
41. Her fashion choices meant she was reviled by conservatives but adored by countercultural youth.
42. The program proposals were roundly reviled by experts as impractical and poorly thought out.
43. The comedian's material was widely reviled as offensive and inappropriate.
44. The review was reviled by readers for its mean-spirited and cruel tone.
45. The defendants were roundly reviled in the media as unrepentant criminals.
46. The memo was universally reviled for its divisive and offensive language.
47. The old guard was reviled by young radicals for being out of touch and stuck in the past.
48. Initially reviled as heretical, his ideas eventually revolutionized the entire field.
49. Artists were reviled by authorities for addressing controversial social and political issues.
50. The extravagant lifestyle meant he was reviled by more ascetic souls.
51. The company was reviled for polluting the environment and damaging public health.
52. The policy proposals were roundly reviled for favoring the wealthy at the expense of the poor.
53. The plans were universally reviled as ineffective, expensive and out of touch.
54. Her eccentric style meant she was reviled by fashion traditionalists.
55. The theory was widely reviled by experts as being seriously flawed and based on false premises.
56. The recommendations were roundly reviled for failing to address the root causes of the problem.
57. Her decisions meant she was reviled by team members and lost respect as a leader.
58. The incumbent president was widely reviled for failing to improve living standards.
59. The publication was internationally reviled for promoting hatred, violence and intolerance.
60. The regime was widely reviled for committing atrocities against its own citizens.

Common Phases

1. once reviled
The scientist was once reviled but his theories eventually became accepted.
2. roundly reviled
The politician's claims were roundly reviled by experts in the field.
3. widely reviled
The dictator was widely reviled for his oppressive policies.
4. universally reviled
The policy proposals were universally reviled for favoring the wealthy.
5. reviled as
The whistleblower was reviled as a traitor by his former colleagues.
6. reviled for
The company was reviled for polluting the environment.
7. reviled by
The pop star was reviled by critics for her simplistic music.
8. initially reviled
Initially reviled, the painting is now regarded as a masterpiece.
9. reviled during
The author was reviled during his lifetime but his writings are now classics.
10. reviled as unclean
The minority group was reviled as unclean and persecuted.

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