Ridicule example sentences

Related (10): mockery, laughter, scorn, derision, taunt, teasing, belittlement, satire, irony, sneer

"Ridicule" Example Sentences

1. He faced ridicule from his friends for his peculiar fashion sense.
2. The politician became the target of ridicule after his major public gaffe.
3. Her classmates ridiculed her for her stutter.
4. The comedian was quick with his ridicule and made fun of everyone in his audience.
5. The company's latest product was met with ridicule and criticism from industry experts.
6. The professor ridiculed his student's hypothesis, calling it absurd and illogical.
7. He felt a deep sense of shame when his wife ridiculed him in front of their friends.
8. The comedian's act was filled with crude jokes and ridicule aimed at minorities and marginalized groups.
9. She tried to laugh it off, but the ridicule from her coworkers really hurt.
10. The movie was meant to be a comedy, but it fell flat and was met with ridicule from audiences.
11. The internet can be a breeding ground for ridicule and harassment, especially towards women and minorities.
12. The new employee quickly found himself the target of ridicule from his more experienced colleagues.
13. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness as he watched his daughter being ridiculed by her classmates.
14. The actor tried to brush off the criticism and ridicule from the tabloids, but it took a toll on his mental health.
15. The politician's speech was met with ridicule from the opposing party, who accused him of being out of touch with reality.
16. Her fashion choices were often the subject of ridicule among her friends, but she wore what made her happy.
17. The athlete's performance was so bad, he became the focus of ridicule on social media.
18. The advertisement was meant to be funny, but it came off as insensitive and was met with ridicule.
19. The new restaurant's menu was met with ridicule from food critics, who called it boring and uninspired.
20. She was afraid to speak up and share her ideas, fearing ridicule and rejection from her colleagues.
21. The company's rebranding was met with ridicule by consumers who saw it as a desperate attempt to stay relevant.
22. The artist's new exhibit was met with ridicule from traditional art critics, but was celebrated by a younger generation of art enthusiasts.
23. The comedian's sketch poked fun at societal norms and the absurdities of everyday life, without resorting to mean-spirited ridicule.
24. He was tired of the endless cycle of ridicule and bullying that he faced every day at school.
25. The celebrity's fashion choices were ridiculed by the media, but were celebrated by her fans.
26. Her performance was met with ridicule from the judges, who called it amateur and forgettable.
27. The workplace culture was toxic, with employees constantly facing ridicule and belittlement from their superiors.
28. The politician tried to deflect the ridicule and criticism by making jokes, but it only made the situation worse.
29. The professor's unconventional teaching methods were met with both curiosity and ridicule among his students.
30. He felt a sense of relief when he finally found a group of friends who accepted him and did not subject him to ridicule.

Common Phases

1. "Don't even bother, you'll only embarrass yourself with that idea";
2. "You must be joking, right?";
3. "Wow, that's possibly the dumbest thing I've ever heard";
4. "Ha! Like that will ever work";
5. "You really believe that?";
6. "What a ridiculous notion";
7. "I'm sorry, but that's just laughable";
8. "You're not serious, are you?";
9. "That's the most absurd thing I've heard all day";
10. "You really are clueless, aren't you?"

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