Satire example sentences

Related (12): Mockery, irony, sarcasm, wit, humor, parody, caricature, burlesque, lampoon, caustic, sardonic, wry.

"Satire" Example Sentences

1. His sharp political satire poked fun at the elites in power.
2. The cartoon was an obvious satire of the president's remarks on immigration.
3. The comedian used satire and parody to make a serious point about politics.
4. She wrote satirical essays mocking the fads and trends of pop culture.
5. The comedy show used satire to critique social and political issues.
6. He employed biting satire to mock the educational system.
7. Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal" is a famous example of satirical writing.
8. Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" contains sharp political satire.
9. His merciless satire targeted corporate greed and excess.
10. Her columns for the newspaper offered acerbic social satire.
11. Voltaire's use of satire skewered the religious ideas of his time.
12. The film used satire to critique Hollywood's obsession with youth and beauty.
13. The columnist wrote barbed social satire about Hollywood and the media.
14. The novel's dark satire critiqued greed and materialism in modern society.
15. The film presented biting political satire through absurd comedy.
16. "Saturday Night Live" relies on parody and satire to poke fun at current events.
17. The humorist's biting satire ridiculed the vanity and pretension of the upper class.
18. The newspaper's editorial cartoons deliver sharp political satire.
19. Her witty satire lampooned the pretensions and hypocrisy of the wealthy elite.
20. The film delighted audiences with absurd, anarchic satire against bureaucracy.
21. The magazine's publication of uninhibited satire led to a public scandal.
22. His comedy routines aimed savage satire at political opponents.
23. The play used absurdist satire to highlight the absurdities of war.
24. The film's social satire provoked debate and controversy.
25. The newspaper columnist's merciless satire targeted common hypocrisies.
26. The comedy sketch employed biting satire to ridicule social media obsession.
27. Her overt political satire stirred controversy and accusations of bias.
28. The film's absurdist satire ridiculed corrupt bureaucracy and authority.
29. His articles for the newspaper delivered scathing social satire.
30. The stand-up comedian relied on mocking humor and satire in his routines.
31. The editorial cartoonist uses his drawings to deliver barbed political satire.
32. "The Colbert Report" relied on satire and parody to critique politics and media.
33. His barbed social satire targeted the pretensions and hypocrisy of the elite.
34. The biting political satire highlighted media bias and favoritism.
35. The playwright's absurdist satire highlighted societal absurdities and hypocrisies.
36. She wrote ironic social satire ridiculing the shallowness and materialism of modern life.
37. Foreign films often offer refreshing satire that Americans lack the cultural context to appreciate.
38. His acerbic political satire included prominent politicians and public figures.
39. The biting satire lampooned celebrity obsession and vacuous pop culture.
40. The absurdist play used outrageous satire to highlight societal absurdities.
41. The publication of his aggressive social satire led to public debate and controversy.
42. The film's biting political satire skewered the Bush administration's foreign policy.
43. She writes trenchant satire targeting hypocrisy and social conformity.
44. The biting social satire critiqued greed, materialism and other modern vices.
45. The stand-up comedian's scathing political satire targeted both parties.
46. The media personality's pointed political satire stirs up public debate and controversy.
47. The film's absurdist satire highlighted the absurdities and injustices of war.
48. His comic novels delivered savage social satire targeting the privileged elite.
49. The editorial page relied on biting satire aimed at politicians and bureaucrats.
50. The biting political satire mocked media bias and double standards.
51. The comedian's savage satire targeted social conventions and authority figures.
52. Her vicious political satire aimed at both parties caused an uproar.
53. The play employed mocking satire to highlight human folly and absurdity.
54. The film presented biting social satire through absurd situational comedy.
55. His satirical political cartoons deliver sharp criticism through comedy.
56. The dark satire lampooned greed, materialism and other modern vices.
57. His comedy delivers biting social satire aimed at celebritites, politicians and the privileged elite.
58. The publication of her aggressive political satire caused public outcry and debate.
59. The film's absurdist satire critiqued modern society through ridiculous comedy.
60. The comedian's biting political satire targeted both sides of the aisle.

Common Phases

1. Satirical humor
2. Satirical writing
3. Satirical novel
4. Satirical poem
5. Satirical cartoon
6. Subject of satire
7. Target of satire
8. Biting satire
9. Absurdist satire
10. Political satire

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