Rodomontaded example sentences

Related (5): exaggerated, boasted, bragged, flaunted, swaggered

"Rodomontaded" Example Sentences

1. He rodomontaded about his achievements during the presentation.
2. The politician rodomontaded about her success in passing the bill.
3. She rodomontaded about her intelligence, but her actions spoke louder.
4. The athlete rodomontaded about his abilities, but failed to deliver in the competition.
5. He rodomontaded about his bravery, but fled when faced with danger.
6. The employee rodomontaded about his hard work, but his performance was lacking.
7. She rodomontaded about her beauty, but her vanity made her unattractive.
8. The actor rodomontaded about his talent, but his performance was lackluster.
9. He rodomontaded about his wealth, but failed to provide for his family.
10. The writer rodomontaded about his skill, but his book was poorly written.
11. She rodomontaded about her achievements, but her peers found her arrogant.
12. The musician rodomontaded about his success, but his music was uninspiring.
13. He rodomontaded about his strength, but struggled to lift a heavy object.
14. The artist rodomontaded about his creativity, but his work was unoriginal.
15. She rodomontaded about her popularity, but lacked true friends.
16. The entrepreneur rodomontaded about his business acumen, but his company failed.
17. He rodomontaded about his honesty, but was caught in a lie.
18. The chef rodomontaded about his culinary skills, but his dish was overcooked.
19. She rodomontaded about her fashion sense, but her outfit was a fashion faux pas.
20. The doctor rodomontaded about his medical knowledge, but misdiagnosed a patient.
21. He rodomontaded about his height, but was actually quite short.
22. The architect rodomontaded about his design, but his building was impractical.
23. She rodomontaded about her linguistic abilities, but made countless grammatical errors.
24. The salesman rodomontaded about his persuasive skills, but failed to make a sale.
25. He rodomontaded about his singing voice, but was off-key in his performance.
26. The comedian rodomontaded about his humor, but his jokes fell flat.
27. She rodomontaded about her organizational skills, but her desk was always messy.
28. The lawyer rodomontaded about his legal knowledge, but lost the case.
29. He rodomontaded about his musical talent, but couldn't even play a simple tune.
30. The politician rodomontaded about his policies, but failed to secure enough votes.

Common Phases

not worry, I am an AI language model and I do not have a 'head' to have instructions on.
1. He rodomontaded about his achievements before realizing nobody was listening.
2. The politician rodomontaded about his success in passing the bill.
3. The athlete rodomontaded about his strength and skill on the field.
4. The CEO rodomontaded about the company's profits and success.
5. She rodomontaded about her intelligence and knowledge on the subject.
6. The comedian rodomontaded about his hilarious jokes and performances.
7. The author rodomontaded about their published works and awards.
8. The chef rodomontaded about their culinary skills and dishes.
9. The musician rodomontaded about their talent and hit songs.
10. The artist rodomontaded about their creativity and unique style.

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