Rooting example sentences

Related (4): rooted, root, rooter, rootless

"Rooting" Example Sentences

1. The plant was slowly rooting itself into the fertile soil.
2. After we watered the seedling, it began rooting and sprouting leaves.
3. The new shrubs need to become well established before they start flowering, so make sure they have time to send roots deep into the soil.
4. The trees' expansive, twisting root systems hold the soil in place, preventing erosion.
5. The gardener inspected the new plants to ensure their roots were establishing well in the flowerbeds.
6. Planting bulbs at the proper depth ensures their root systems develop correctly.
7. The sprawling root system of the old oak tree covered a large area under the ground.
8. Cuttings were stuck into potting soil to encourage them to start rooting.
9. The root hairs absorb water and minerals from the soil to feed the plant.
10. The farmer dug up carrots, potatoes and turnips, pulling their root vegetables from the ground.
11. The bonsai tree's confined pot limits the growth and development of its root system.
12. When transplanting seedlings, be careful not to damage the fragile, sprouting root systems.
13. The tree surgeon removed invasive surface roots that were lifting the paving stones.
14. The gardener cut away damaged and diseased parts of the plant's extensive root system.
15. Grubs and insects feeding on plant roots can cause damage and restrict growth.
16. Fertilizer was applied to increase the nutrients available to the young plants' shallow roots.
17. The ivy climbed the walls slowly, its many tendrils rooting wherever they found purchase.
18. The invasive knotweed had spreading root systems that were difficult to eradicate completely.
19. The gardener added compost to improve the fertility and structure of the root-filled soil.
20. I took careful cuttings from the orchid to induce roots to grow from the stems.
21. The root systems of the myriad plants growing in the jungle intertwined and supported each other.
22. The tree was blown over in the storm, its shallow roots unable to anchor it sufficiently in the ground.
23. The exotic plant's invasive taproot spread rapidly, seeking out and exploiting valuable soil nutrients.
24. Prolific surface roots restrict where lawns can grow under the canopy of large trees.
25. The farmer dug up the potato crop and pried loose potatoes from their root vegetables.
26. I collected fallen maple keys and acorns to start planting saplings by rooting the twigs directly in soil.
27. Wide-spreading roots are adapted to absorb as much water as possible from a large area of soil.
28. The banana plant sends roots down from its stem into the water or soil to continue growing.
29. After a long drought, the plants' roots dug deeply into the soil in search of much-needed moisture.
30. The country's culturally rich folk music stemmed from performers' African musical roots.
31. The child planted bean seeds in a small pot and watered them daily as they began to root and sprout.
32. Vigorous plant growth depends on a healthy and extensive root network.
33. Fruit trees needs deep soil for their long, substantial root systems to access water and nutrients.
34. The gardener inspected the young tree's root flare to ensure it was properly established in the ground.
35. The peony plant would require larger quarters for its sizable, penetrating root system.
36. The researcher studied the root systems of forests to learn how different plant communities interact.
37. The nurse tended to the newborn's umbilical cord stump until it dried up and fell off its root.
38. The willow tree's shallow roots sought moisture along streambanks and drainage ditches.
39. Spruce seedlings develop long taproots that burrow deep into the soil for stability and moisture.
40. Surface-spreading roots capture more soil volume for minerals and water uptake.
41. The gardener pulled invasive Bermuda grass from flowerbeds by hand, removing its aggressive network of stolons and rhizomes.
42. The farmer unearthed the tuberous carrot's fleshy, swollen taproot and leafy top growth.
43. The willow cuttings were standing in water to induce rooting and new plant growth.
44. The root systems of prairie grasses formed a dense, protective layer that stabilized the soil.
45. The first-time gardener diligently watered and fertilized her young plants as their roots established.
46. The gardener applied a fungicide to treat root rot that was damaging both leaves and roots of a citrus tree.
47. Severing a plant's roots can inhibit growth, metabolism and circulation of crucial minerals and water.
48. Nutrient-rich soil encourages optimal root development and plant growth.
49. The gardener selected new perennials with well-established, healthy root systems for transplanting.
50. Seed viability depends on proper storage conditions to maintain dormancy until conditions are right for germination and root formation.
51. Tuberous roots store carbohydrates to fuel growth when conditions become favorable again above ground.
52. After breaking dormancy, the seed developed an embryonic root that pushed its way into the soil.
53. The arborist trimmed the roots of the sprawling oak tree to protect neighboring gardens and lawns.
54. Trees with deeper root systems can better withstand drought conditions and water stress.
55. I used heating pads and rooting hormone to coax cuttings from succulents to produce roots.
56. The farmer harvested ginger root, peeling back the soil to reveal the gnarled, fibrous rhizomes.
57. The gardener cut back Scots pines when their roots lifted or damaged paved surfaces.
58. The farmer dug up the carrot's fleshy, spindle-shaped storage root and rinsed off the soil.
59. The carob seedling began growing from its radicle, the embryonic root that emerges first.
60. The tree's taproot penetrated deep into the earth to obtain water to fuel its broad canopy of leaves.

Common Phases

1. The fans were rooting for their team to win.
2. The tree's roots were rooting deep into the soil.
3. The piglets were rooting around in the mud.
4. The coach gave the team a rooting speech before the game.
5. The kitten was rooting around its mother for milk.
6. The boys were rooting through the trash for gold.
7. The rooting cause of the problem was a faulty wire.
8. I could hear the hog rooting around in the yard at night.
9. The fans gave the players a rooting ovation at the end of the game.
10. The old rug's edges were rooting up from wear and tear.
11. She rooted through her purse looking for her keys.
12. The squirrel was rooting around in the leaves for nuts.
13. The plants are rooting nicely in the new soil.
14. The hogs were rooting up the newly planted field.
15. They were rooting for the Patriots to lose the Super Bowl.
16. The piglets went rooting after their mother for milk.
17. The detective was trying to find the rooting cause of the crime.
18. The gardener trimmed back the plant roots so they wouldn't crowd each other.
19. The children were rooting through the cabinets looking for snacks.
20. The vines had sent their roots deep into the crevices of the wall.
21. Players from both teams soaked up the fans' rooting cheers.
22. The rooting cause of the problem turned out to be simple human error.
23. The infants were rooting around in their high chairs for dropped food.
24. I caught the pig rooting up the newly planted tulip bulbs.
25. The dog went rooting around in the trash can for scraps.
26. The structure's foundation started to crumble due to weak rooting.
27. The cat went rooting around under the sofa for a toy mouse.
28. The kids were rooting through Mom's purse for candy and change.
29. The gardener trimmed back the tangling roots so the plants had room to grow.
30. Her tiny hands were rooting through the popcorn bowl for the biggest kernels.
31. The piglets nursed and rooted after their mother on the farm.
32. The old floorboards were rooting up around the edges of the room.
33. The pig went rooting through the sawdust in the pen.
34. The little piglet was rooting around in the straw for food.
35. After investigating the scene thoroughly, police unearthed the rooting cause.
36. The baby goat was rooting around for a teat to feed from.
37. The fans were giving their full-throated rooting support to the team.
38. The pig rooted around the yard turning up bugs and worms.
39. They could trace the problem back to its rooting source.
40. The rooting hogs tore up my entire garden.
41. The piglets were rooting and squealing after their mother.
42. The tree's roots were splitting and rooting up the sidewalk.
43. The dog went rooting through the garbage looking for scraps.
44. The fans gave their team a rooting standing ovation.
45. The pigs were rooting around in the mud and muck.
46. The vines sent thick roots rooting into every crevice and crack.
47. The floor creaked and groaned due to weak rooting.
48. She went rooting through the clothes hamper looking for clean socks.
49. The barn cat was rooting around under the hay bales.
50. That hog spent all night rooting up my garden.
51. The pig was rooting around in the mud and muck.
52. The rooting crew dug up the old telephone wires.
53. The fans could hardly contain their excitement as they rooted for their team.
54. The crop was destroyed due to weeks of rooting by wild hogs.
55. The rooting pig destroyed my newly planted tulip bulbs.
56. The pig were rooting around in the mud looking for food.
57. The cat went rooting around in her litter box.
58. The tree's roots were pushing up and rooting through the pavement.
59. The piglets nursed and rooted after the sow on the farm.
60. The garden hose was rooting up through the grass.

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