Run example sentences

Related (10): race, jog, dash, sprint, marathon, shuffle, gallop, trot, scamper, bolt

"Run" Example Sentences

1. The dog started to run after the ball.
2. I had to quickly run to catch the bus.
3. The marathon runners started their long run.
4. We decided to run down to the beach.
5. Traffic was running smoothly on the highway.
6. The competition is running all week long.
7. The children ran around the yard laughing and playing.
8. The nylons seem to run easily.
9. The comic strip continues to run in the daily newspaper.
10. The president is running for reelection this year.
11. The track star hopes to run in the Olympics.
12. I just need to run to the store quickly.
13. The new computer program seems to be running smoothly.
14. The toddler ran across the room towards her mother.
15. The bath water started to run over the rim of the tub.
16. The football player hopes to run his fastest 40-yard dash.
17. My legs started to run with fatigue after the long hike.
18. The river started to run higher with the melting snow.
19. The script continues to run through my mind.
20. The meeting is running late; we are waiting for the final speaker.
21. The criminal made a run for the border.
22. The plumbing started to run after the pipe burst.
23. The criminals planned to run the scam for as long as possible.
24. I need to run and pick up the children from school.
25. The company continues to run at a profit.
26. You should run the vacuum before company comes over.
27. The election results will run on the evening news.
28. The hot water started to run out after two long showers.
29. The experiment continues to run for a few more weeks.
30. I have to run; I'm late for an appointment!
31. The company hopes to run a sale this weekend.
32. The children ran through the sprinklers on the hot summer day.
33. The stock continues to run at a high price.
34. She hopes to someday run her own business.
35. We decided to run rather than walk to the park.
36. The commentator's speech continued to run long after the commercial break.
37. The 10k race will run this Sunday in the park.
38. The cat ran upstairs to escape the dog.
39. The budget has been running under estimates all year.
40. The criminals decided to run rather than face arrest.
41. The faucet started to run even when turned fully off.
42. Let's run to the store before it closes.
43. The business continues to run smoothly.
44. The meeting continued to run behind schedule.
45. The refrigerator started to run loudly this morning.
46. The laundry ruined when I forgot to check the run settings.
47. The rivals continue to run neck and neck in points.
48. The children ran into the house shouting with glee.
49. The printer continues to run low on ink.
50. My nose started to run with the onset of a cold.
51. The soup tasted a bit runny.
52. The clothesline started to run with age.
53. Let's run through the plan one more time.
54. The football game will run all afternoon.
55. The new car hopes to run more efficiently on gas.
56. The performance continues to run on Broadway.
57. I need to run to the store before it closes.
58. The basement started to run with groundwater during the storm.
59. The commentary continues to run through half-time.
60. We decided to run rather than walk home.

Common Phases

1. I run three miles every morning.
2. The run of bad luck has finally ended.
3. The dog ran after the ball.
4. Please run these papers through the copy machine.
5. My shoes are starting to run.
6. I will run to the store and pick up some milk.
7. I have been trying to run a business from home.
8. They run a marathon every year to raise money for charity.
9. The athletes will run a relay race this afternoon.
10. Her tights were running up the back of her legs.
11. The faucet was running and left a puddle on the floor.
12. They run a tight ship around here.
13. Can you please run this idea by the boss first?
14. I need to run to the restroom.
15. He wants to run for political office.
16. The suspect fled on foot and managed to run away.
17. The program will not run properly.
18. Have you ever considered running for president?
19. He decided to run away from home.
20. I plan to run an errand before lunch.
21. The football player is going to run the ball into the end zone.
22. The river runs through the small town.
23. The detective began to run down leads on the case.
24. The science experiment did not run as expected.
25. The chickens were running around the yard.
26. My computer was running slow this morning.
27. She ran the comb through her hair.
28. The horses were running free in the pasture.
29. The river runs deep through the valley.
30. The shop will be running a sale this weekend.
31. The jury is running out of patience with the arguments.
32. Her stockings began to run up her legs.
33. The campaign staff needs to run get-out-the-vote operations.
34. The shop will continue running as usual this week.
35. The garage sale will be running all weekend.
36. I need to run to the bank before it closes.
37. The test was meant to run for an hour.
38. The local elections are going to be run very differently this year.
39. The newly elected senator plans to run on a platform of reform.
40. The dishwasher seems to be running slowly.
41. The car's engine seems to be running rough.
42. Her stockings began to run up the back of her legs.
43. The factory needs to run extra shifts to meet demand.
44. The government will be run very differently under the new administration.
45. The company plans to run advertisements during the Super Bowl.
46. I need to run out and grab some milk.
47. The coffee shop will be running a special this weekend.
48. The mill will continue running as usual.
49. The gas line is running along the side of the house.
50. The TV is still running, but nobody is watching it.
51. The update needs to finish running before you reboot the computer.
52. The business plans to run for a number of years before turning a profit.
53. The furnace seems to be running properly now.
54. The teacher needed to run off copies of the test for the students.
55. The engines were running at full capacity.
56. The book reads well when read aloud and run together.
57. The machinery was running smoothly in the factory.
58. I need to run do a few errands before we go.
59. The charity plans to run another 5k walkathon next month.
60. The senator will attempt to run on a platform of reform in the next election.

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