Sally example sentences

Related (11): girl, nickname, depart, rush, sortie, trip, excursion, burst, bolt, dash, sortilege



sally (noun) · sallies (plural noun) · sallee (noun) · sallees (plural noun)

  - a sudden charge out of a besieged place against the enemy; a sortie.

  - a brief journey or sudden start into activity.

  - a witty or lively remark, especially one made as an attack or as a diversion in an argument; a retort.

  - set out from a place to do something:

  - make a military sortie:



sally (noun) · sallies (plural noun) · sallee (noun) · sallees (plural noun)

  - the part of a bell rope that has colored wool woven into it to provide a grip for the bell-ringer's hands.



sally (noun) · sallies (plural noun) · sallee (noun) · sallees (plural noun) · white sally (noun) · white sallies (plural noun)

  - any of a number of acacias and eucalyptuses that resemble willows.


charge, sortie, foray, thrust, drive, offensive, attack, raid, assault, descent, blitz, incursion, invasion, onset, inroad, onslaught, rush, onrush, blitzkrieg, razzia, expedition, excursion, trip, outing, jaunt, run, visit, tour, escapade, airing, witticism, quip, barb, pleasantry, epigram, aphorism, joke, pun, jest, retort, riposte, counter, rejoinder, return, retaliation, gag, wisecrack, crack, funny, comeback, clapback

"Sally" Example Sentences

1. Sally marched down the street.
2. Sally made a quick sally out of the house.
3. The knights charged forth in a sally against the castle walls.
4. With a sally of laughter, Sally hurried to catch up with her friends.
5. Sally's sally clearly caught the man off guard.
6. The team made one last sally before halftime.
7. The army launched a frontal sally against the enemy position.
8. With a sally of wit, Sally quickly won over the crowd.
9. Sally made a sally into the garden to pick some flowers.
10. The knights made repeated sallies from the castle gates.
11. The horse made a sally into the field, snorting with pleasure.
12. Sally's eccentric sallies often sent the room into gales of laughter.
13. The troops made a bold sally from their lines to attack the enemy flank.
14. With a sally worthy of an Oscar, Sally launched into her dramatic monologue.
15. The dashing knight made his sally upon a white charger.
16. The bird made a sally down to drink from the pond.
17. Sally's face lit up with a bright sally of joy.
18. The general ordered small sallies to probe the enemy defenses.
19. The hounds made a sudden sally into the bushes after the hare.
20. After a moment's pause, Sally launched into another sally of jokes.
21. The castle's defenders made frequent sallies against the besieging army.
22. Sally made a sally from behind the curtains to surprise her friend.
23. The swarm of bees made a sudden sally against the intruder.
24. The horse made frequent sallies from its stall out into the yard.
25. Sally shot back her own witty sally at the boy's expense.
26. The regiment made a heroic final sally as defeat loomed.
27. Sally's quick sally dissolved the tension in the room.
28. The Red Baron's fighter planes made frequent sallies against Allied troops.
29. The Dame Sally Stout set forth upon her first great sally.
30. Sally ran across the yard in a sudden sally of energy.
31. Sally countered the rude comment with a swift verbal sally.
32. The troops made a desperate sally at dawn.
33. With a dramatic sally, Sally launched into her tale of woe.
34. The knight made his brave sally against the dragon.
35. Sally's spirited sallies brightened up any gathering.
36. The guerilla fighters made hit-and-run sallies against the invaders.
37. After a night of gambling, Sally made yet another sally to the card tables.
38. The bird made a sally to catch the escaping insect.
39. The Red Baron's fighter squadron made repeated sallies against Allied airfields.
40. Sally made frequent sallies against injustice.
41. The hare made another desperate, zigzagging sally away from the hounds.
42. The soldiers made a sally across the minefield under cover of darkness.
43. Sally's cheerful sallies often brought a smile to people's faces.
44. Sally shot back a clever sally in response to the mockery.
45. The crusaders made repeated sallies from their fortified camp.
46. Sally responded to the insult with a quick, witty sally.
47. The squadron made a sudden sally upon the enemy's flank.
48. Sally made a sudden sally from behind the curtain.
49. The noble knight made a dashing sally against the enemy.
50. The beachcomber made a sally into the surf to investigate an unusual shell.

Common Phases

make a sally - take action and start doing something
take a sally - move outwards temporarily on a particular course of action
fresh sally - a new set of actions or course
sally forth - go out courageously, boldly, or resolutely to encounter or achieve something
a sally of wit/laughter - a quick and lively display or expression of wit or laughter
a sally of words - a sudden outpouring or utterance of words
in a sudden/quick sally - in a sudden and rapid rush or onset
launch into a sally - start making a sudden onset or attack, metaphorically

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