Joke example sentences

"Joke" Example Sentences

1. That was a funny joke, I laughed out loud.
2. The comedian's jokes had the audience laughing hysterically.
3. I don't get the joke, can you explain it to me?
4. The joke was meant in good fun, no hard feelings.
5. He always plays practical jokes on his brother on April Fool's Day.
6. Do not joke about that, it is a serious matter.
7. He took the joke in good spirit and laughed along.
8. Stop joking around and pay attention in class!
9. My dad's favorite joke is the one about the dyslexic devil worshipper.
10. Her attempt at a joke fell flat and no one laughed.
11. I'm not joking, I really mean what I'm saying.
12. He decided to joke with her and see if she would laugh.
13. His lame jokes failed to amuse anyone in the room.
14. Please don't joke about that subject, it makes me uncomfortable.
15. The comedian turned serious matters into hilarious jokes.
16. I cracked a joke to try and lighten the dark mood.
17. Her sense of humor and ability to joke around put everyone at ease.
18. I was only joking, I didn't mean to offend you.
19. The teacher did not appreciate the students joking around in class.
20. She laughed at my joke but then realized I was not actually joking.
21. His attempt at humor just fell flat like a bad joke.
22. Her jokes fell flat and no one in the room thought they were funny.
23. He told that same old joke again, hoping someone would finally laugh.
24. Please don't tell offensive jokes, they make some people uncomfortable.
25. His coworker's constant joking around was starting to bother him.
26. The joke got a chuckle from one or two people in the audience.
27. The audience groaned when they realized it was another bad blonde joke.
28. Her poor attempt at a joke only garnered awkward silence.
29. I'm not in the mood for jokes right now, I'm being serious.
30. Please save the joking for later, this is an important meeting.
31. I cracked a few jokes to try and lift the somber mood in the room.
32. The mood was so gloomy that a few jokes seemed in order.
33. The telltale signs of a joke - a long, winding setup and a punchline.
34. The comedian relied too heavily on crude jokes and racial stereotypes.
35. Her strange sense of humor allowed her to find a joke in almost any situation.
36. The children giggled at their father's silly jokes.
37. What a pathetic joke, not even a smile from the audience.
38. Stop joking around and pay attention, this matters.
39. I was just joking with you, I didn't mean to offend.
40. A good sense of humor allows one to joke even during difficult times.
41. The teacher did not appreciate the students joking and talking during the lecture.
42. His lame jokes never failed to make the children laugh.
43. The class groaned as the teacher began telling his usual joke-filled lecture.
44. Please refrain from inappropriate jokes in this environment.
45. His jokes ranged from corny puns to risqué double entendres.
46. Keep the joking to a minimum during the meeting.
47. His poor attempt at humor fell flat like a failed joke.
48. I made a joke to lighten the mood but it fell flat.
49. He was known for telling the same old jokes again and again.
50. Stop joking around and pay attention to the speaker.
51. His attempts at humor only garnered awkward silence like bad jokes.
52. The idea of the joke seemed funny at first but fell flat in the execution.
53. They only laughed out of politeness, not because the joke was actually funny.
54. The students could not contain their laughter at the teacher's corny jokes.
55. His sense of humor allowed him to crack jokes even in difficult situations.
56. Please do not make inappropriate or offensive jokes here.
57. The comedian relied too heavily on crude and stereotypical jokes.
58. I was only joking around, I didn't mean to offend you.
59. Her jokes ranged from bad puns to borderline offensive.
60. The audience groaned when they realized it was another lame blond joke.

Common Phases

just joking - used to indicate that the preceding statement was not meant to be taken seriously
in a joking manner - in a way that is meant to be funny, not serious
pull somebody's leg - to play a joke or trick on someone
have a sense of humor - to be able to appreciate and respond to jokes
crack a joke - to tell a joke
get the joke - to understand the humor in a joke
tell a joke - to say something meant to be funny
take a joke - to not be offended by a joke
practical joke - a joke meant to trick or fool someone, often done on April Fool's Day
joke around - to act in a funny or playful manner, often through telling jokes
jokester - someone who frequently tells or plays jokes
make a joke of something - to treat something in a humorous way, often diminishing its seriousness
play a joke on someone - to trick or fool someone in a funny way
joke's on (someone) - the outcome or result of a joke turns out to be an embarrassment for the joker, not the intended target
a bad/lame/corny joke - a joke that is not considered funny
So for example you could say:
He told the joke in a joking manner to make light of the serious situation.
The students cracked jokes and joked around during the lecture.

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