Sanction example sentences

Related (10): approval, penalty, authorization, restriction, punishment, embargo, censorship, permission, endorsement, prohibition

"Sanction" Example Sentences

1. The United Nations imposed economic sanctions against the country.
2. The international community sanctioned the regime for its human rights violations.
3. The organization officially sanctioned the competition.
4. The government considered sanctioning military action against the rebel group.
5. The judge sanctioned the lawyer for improper behavior in court.
6. The university threatened to sanction the fraternity for hazing new members.
7. The coach sanctioned the player's reckless behavior on the field.
8. The school district sanctioned the new computer science curriculum.
9. The committee officially sanctioned the proposal.
10. The religious authority sanctioned the marriage ceremony.
11. The governor officially sanctioned the bill, allowing it to become law.
12. The king sanctioned the construction of a new cathedral.
13. The court sanctioned the city's restrictive voter ID law.
14. The administrator sanctioned the process changes recommended by the committee.
15. The international community strongly sanctioned the country's nuclear program.
16. The president refused to sanction military intervention.
17. The body officially sanctioned the new regulations.
18. His behavior was strongly sanctioned by his peers.
19. The league sanctioned the team for violating player safety rules.
20. The government threatened to sanction businesses that broke trade laws.
21. The official gave the plan his stamp of approval and sanctioned moving forward.
22. The organization ultimately did not sanction the controversial policy.
23. Sanctions against the country were meant to force political change.
24. The CEO sanctioned the immediate recall of dangerous products.
25. Strict environmental regulations effectively sanction renewable energy development.
26. The board officially sanctioned the proposed merger between the two companies.
27. The church officially sanctioned the new clergy member.
28. Economic sanctions ultimately failed to change the regime's behavior.
29. The scientific body officially sanctioned the research project.
30. The pope sanctioned the newly built cathedral in Rome.
31. The organization refuses to officially sanction such controversial practices.
32. The employee's actions were not officially sanctioned by management.
33. The nation's allies refused to sanction its recent aggressive moves.
34. The supervisor sanctioned the employee's vacation request.
35. The university officially sanctioned the new academic program.
36. The court ultimately did not sanction the controversial measure.
37. The policy change was officially sanctioned at the highest levels of government.
38. The nation's nuclear ambitions were severely sanctioned by the international community.
39. International sanctions are in place to pressure the regime to make political reforms.
40. College athletics are highly sanctioned and regulated.
41. The international community sanctions this type of aggression.
42. His actions were officially sanctioned by the highest authorities.
43. Sanctions against the country included restrictions on trade and travel.
44. The bill officially sanctioned same-sex marriage in the state.
45. The local chamber of commerce sanctioned the new business promotion campaign.
46. The body officially sanctioned the merger of the two health insurance companies.
47. The church refused to sanction the teaching as heretical.
48. The agency officially sanctioned the new safety guidelines.
49. The union ultimately did not sanction the controversial labor contract.
50. The dictator ignored international sanctions and continued its aggressive policies.
51. Economic sanctions are meant to put political pressure on a regime.
52. His research was officially sanctioned and funded by the government.
53. The school officially sanctioned the new programs at the board meeting.
54. The controversial proposal did not receive official sanction from leadership.
55. The military threatened sanctions if their demands were not met.
56. The dictator's ambitions received no official sanction from the international community.
57. The legislature officially sanctioned the governor's emergency declaration.
58. The policy changes were officially sanctioned at the highest levels of government.
59. The organization officially sanctioned the construction of a new local affiliate.
60. Strict labor laws effectively sanction union organizing efforts.

Common Phases

1. Sanctioned by law - legally permitted or authorized
2. Under sanctions - under trade or economic restrictions imposed by foreign governments or international bodies
3. Impose sanctions - to put trade restrictions or economic penalties on another country
4. Economic sanctions - trade restrictions or economic penalties against a country to achieve political goals
5. Sanctioned by religion - authorized or permitted by religious rules or authorities
6. Lift sanctions - to remove trade restrictions or economic penalties previously imposed
7. Sanctioned by tradition - permitted or authorized according to longstanding custom
8. Threaten sanctions - warn of trade restrictions or economic penalties as political leverage
9. Receive no official sanction - not authorized or approved by an authority figure
10. Military sanctions - the use or threat of force as a punishment or penalty against a country
11. Sanctioned by history - justified or permitted according to historical precedent
12. Sanctioned by society - permitted or authorized according to social norms or expectations

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