Sarcoplasm example sentences

Related (3): cytoplasm, myofibril, mitochondria

"Sarcoplasm" Example Sentences

1. The sarcoplasm contains the necessary substrates for ATP production.
2. Myoglobin stores oxygen in the sarcoplasm of muscle fibers.
3. The sarcoplasmic reticulum surrounds the sarcoplasm.
4. The sarcoplasmic protein troponin helps regulate muscle contraction.
5. High-intensity exercise can cause sarcoplasmic hypertrophy.
6. The sarcoplasmic calcium concentration increases during muscle contraction.
7. The red color of skeletal muscle fibers is due to the abundance of sarcoplasmic myoglobin.
8. The sarcoplasmic enzymes creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase are released into the bloodstream during muscle damage.
9. The sarcoplasmic ATPase pumps calcium ions back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
10. Reduced sarcoplasmic pH can contribute to muscle fatigue.
11. The sarcoplasmic flow of calcium ions initiates muscle contraction.
12. The sarcoplasmic protein titin is the largest known protein.
13. The sarcoplasmic calcium signal can be amplified through calcium-induced calcium release.
14. The sarcoplasmic reticulum plays a crucial role in regulating muscle relaxation.
15. Anaerobic metabolism in the sarcoplasm can lead to the production of lactic acid.
16. The sarcoplasmic protein nebulin helps regulate the length of actin filaments.
17. Endurance training can increase the capacity of the sarcoplasmic reticulum to store calcium ions.
18. The contraction-induced stretch of the sarcoplasmic protein titin can contribute to muscle force production.
19. The sarcoplasmic protein desmin helps maintain the structural integrity of muscle fibers.
20. Reduced sarcoplasmic ATP levels can impair muscle relaxation.
21. The sarcoplasmic protein calsequestrin binds and sequesters calcium ions within the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
22. The sarcoplasmic protein calpain can contribute to muscle damage and protein breakdown.
23. The sarcoplasmic protein myosin heavy chain is responsible for power production during muscle contraction.
24. Calcium ions released into the sarcoplasm can bind to the sarcoplasmic protein calmodulin and initiate downstream signaling pathways.
25. The sarcoplasmic protein vinculin helps anchor actin filaments to the sarcolemma.
26. The sarcoplasmic protein synaptotagmin helps mediate neurotransmitter release at the neuromuscular junction.
27. The neural activation of the sarcoplasmic reticulum precedes muscle contraction.
28. Dysfunctional sarcoplasmic calcium regulation can contribute to muscle disorders such as myotonic dystrophy.
29. The sarcoplasmic protein dystrophin helps connect actin filaments to the sarcolemma and is often mutated in muscular dystrophy.
30. The homeostasis of the sarcoplasmic calcium concentration is crucial for proper muscle function.

Common Phases

not use punctuation between the phrases.
- The sarcoplasm of muscle cells contains numerous organelles and proteins.
- The sarcoplasmic reticulum plays a crucial role in muscle contraction.
- Calcium ions stored in the sarcoplasmic reticulum are released during muscle contraction.
- The sarcoplasmic reticulum and T-tubules form a network for the distribution of signals for muscle contraction.
- Changes in the sarcoplasmic calcium concentration affect the force and speed of muscle contraction.
- Exercise can increase the amount of sarcoplasm in muscle cells, resulting in increased muscular endurance.
- Degenerative muscle diseases like muscular dystrophy can result in the loss of sarcoplasm and muscle function.

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