Scalas example sentences

Related (6): ladders, stairs, steps, rungs, grades, degrees

"Scalas" Example Sentences

1. The music theory course covered all the different types of scalas.
2. The musician played a beautiful melody using a minor scala.
3. The piano teacher instructed her student to practice playing scalas.
4. The band director instructed the brass section to play a major scala.
5. The guitar player experimented with different tuning scalas to create a unique sound.
6. The composer used an atypical scala to create an unusual chord progression.
7. The violinist warmed up by playing various scalas before the performance.
8. The music critic praised the pianist for his skillful execution of the chromatic scala.
9. The musicologist analyzed the relationship between different scalas in different cultures.
10. The singer sang in perfect pitch, adjusting her notes to match the appropriate scala.
11. The jazz musician played an improvisational solo using a pentatonic scala.
12. The harpist plucked the strings in a specific scala to create a soothing melody.
13. The saxophonist transposed the melody into a new scala to play with the rest of the ensemble.
14. The music producer suggested using a symmetrical scala to create a haunting atmosphere in the song.
15. The guitarist performed a solo using a hybrid scala that combined elements of blues and jazz.
16. The composer sculpted his music to flow from one scala to another, creating a sense of continuity.
17. The music teacher quizzed her students on the different types of musical scalas.
18. The pianist practiced the arpeggios of a minor seventh scala to prepare for his audition.
19. The singer used a major scale scala to improvise a vocal melody with the band.
20. The orchestra rehearsed a complex work that transitioned between multiple scalas frequently.
21. The songwriter used a pentatonic scala to create a catchy hook in the chorus of the song.
22. The music therapist used the diatonic scala to create a calming piece for her patients.
23. The instrumentalists carefully tuned their instruments to match the required scala.
24. The percussionist experimented with different rhythmic patterns using different scalas.
25. The music collector had an extensive collection of rare and unique scalas from around the world.
26. The music composition software allowed users to experiment with various scalas and chord progressions.
27. The Indian classical musician performed a raga using a specific scala called the Bhairav raga.
28. The singer-songwriter wrote lyrics that flowed along the changing scalas of the music.
29. The cellist played a solo using a scalar pattern that involved moving up and down the whole scala.
30. The composer created a piece that utilized microtonal scalas, resulting in a unique and experimental sound.

Common Phases

1. Scala does not support multiple inheritance;
2. Scala is a type-safe language;
3. Scala supports functional programming;
4. Scala runs on Java Virtual Machine;
5. Scala has an interactive shell called Scala REPL.

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