Scald example sentences

Related (6): burn, boil, sear, blister, scorch, singe

"Scald" Example Sentences

1. The boiling water scalded his hand.
2. Be careful not to scald the vegetables in the water.
3. The coffee scalded her mouth.
4. The tea was too hot and scalded her tongue.
5. The sunburn scalded his skin.
6. She scalded her feet in the too-hot bath water.
7. The liquid nitrogen scalded his eyes.
8. The metal door handle scalded her hand.
9. The chemical burned and scalded his skin.
10. The shower water scalded her back.
11. Her thoughtless words scalded him like acid.
12. They scalded the road to kill weeds.
13. The heated panhandle accidentally scalded the child's arm.
14. The campfire embers scalded his leg.
15. The scolding harsh words scalded his ears.
16. The shampoo scalded her eyes.
17. The alkali metal reacted violently and scalded his arm.
18. The overflowing spaghetti water scalded her hands.
19. The inflamed rash scalded her skin.
20. The mixture of chemicals scalded holes in his clothing.
21. The too-bright lights scalded her sensitive eyes.
22. His scalded flesh oozed fluids.
23. The critics' words scalded his self-esteem.
24. The acids scalded away his protective coating.
25. The liquid nitrogen scalded his skin instantly.
26. The searing branding iron scalded the cowhide.
27. The spilled chemicals scalded a hole in the floor.
28. The grilling words of the teacher scalded her ears.
29. The condemnation scalded her like fire.
30. His cruel remarks scalded her memory forever.
31. The doctor's harsh diagnosis scalded her with dread.
32. The freezing winter wind scalded her raw cheeks.
33. The pain scalded every inch of her body.
34. The steam scalded his face and eyelids.
35. The bleach solution scalded the bacteria.
36. The intense heat of the flames scalded his exposed flesh.
37. The concentrated acids scalded away his defences.
38. The strong disinfectants scalded her burnt flesh.
39. Her scalded throat burned with every swallow.
40. The corrosive liquid scalded holes in the metal tubing.
41. The overflowing bathwater scalded his toddler's legs.
42. The scalding remarks singed his pride.
43. The scalding soup spilled onto his lap.
44. His scalded flesh blistered and wept.
45. Her scalded skin peeled away in sheets.
46. The bleaching agent scalded away all color.
47. His scalded ears rang with the insults.
48. The scalding water scalded patchy burns onto his arms.
49. The words scalded her memory forever.
50. The scalding steam scalded her exposed skin.
51. The scalded flesh smelled foul.
52. His scalded throat burned with every swallow.
53. The acidic liquid scalded holes in the container.
54. The offhand remark scalded his confidence.
55. The scalded surfaces were raw and blackened.
56. The bleach solution scalded her injured skin.
57. Her scalded flesh healed slowly.
58. The spilled chemicals scalded the floor and countertops.
59. The overflowing pot scalded her arms and hands.
60. The scalding brew spilled onto his lap.

Common Phases

1. Scald someone's ears - To criticize someone severely in an offensive manner.
2. Scald someone to the bone - To criticize harshly.
3. Scald someone with words - To hurt or criticize someone severely with one's speech.
4. Scald the snake - To pour boiling water down an animal's hole to drive it out.
5. To the quick - To wound or hurt deeply, as with a scalding remark or criticism.
6. Singe one's fingers - To burn slightly.
7. Scald one's hands - To burn one's hands slightly from touching something that is too hot.
8. To the bone - Thoroughly; completely. Used for severe burning or hurting.
9. Set one's blood boiling - Make one very angry.
10. Too hot to handle - Something unpleasant or difficult to deal with.
Hope this list helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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