Scribble example sentences

Related (9): doodle, jot, scrawl, scratch, mark, write, sketch, graffiti, inscribe

"Scribble" Example Sentences

1. The child scribbled all over the walls with crayons.
2. John scribbled a quick note to himself on a scrap of paper.
3. I scribbled a thank you in the card.
4. The student scribbled notes furiously as the professor spoke.
5. She scribbled down some ideas for her project.
6. The toddler happily scribbled in her coloring book.
7. Tom scribbled his signature on the form carelessly.
8. I scribbled his contact information down on a sticky note.
9. The toddler was contentedly scribbling with her crayons.
10. He scribbled a hasty response on the note.
11. The agent scribbled some notes about the listing in her file.
12. I scribbled nonsense in my journal to pass the time.
13. She scribbled something illegible on the post-it note.
14. I scribbled some rough musical notes on the staff paper.
15. The secretary scribbled the instructions on a notepad.
16. The child scribbled some colorful artwork on the paper.
17. She scribbled corrections on the student's essay in red ink.
18. The prisoner scribbled a desperate plea on a scrap of paper.
19. I scribbled a reminder to myself on my hand.
20. She scribbled nonsense in her diary when she was feeling stressed.
21. He scribbled the message quickly before leaving.
22. She scribbled an urgent note to her friend on a napkin.
23. The artist scribbled details and changes on her sketch.
24. Jim scribbled a crude joke in his friend's textbook.
25. Charlie scribbled a quick shopping list on the back of an envelope.
26. The prisoner scribbled a desperate letter to his family.
27. Claire scribbled corrections all over her student's paper.
28. I scribbled my signature on the card carelessly.
29. The toddler happily scribbled with her new crayons.
30. I scribbled a rude response on his note and tossed it aside.
31. The student scribbled notes in the margins of his textbook.
32. The young artist scribbled an expressive drawing.
33. The poet scribbled lines of verse on scraps of paper.
34. She scribbled a reminder to herself on her hand.
35. I scribbled some illegible nonsense in my journal.
36. The assistant scribbled messages and reminders on her to do list.
37. He scribbled an indecipherable signature on the form.
38. The child quickly scribbled a response to her friend's note.
39. The musician scribbled out some chord progressions on staff paper.
40. I scribbled Sarah's phone number down in my phone.
41. The prisoner scribbled a desperate message on what little paper he could find.
42. The secretary scribbled notes as her boss dictated instructions.
43. The artist scribbled sketches in her notebook.
44. The girl quickly scribbled a message on her friend's hand.
45. John scribbled nonsense in his diary when he couldn't sleep.
46. The teacher scribbled notes as she graded papers.
47. The student quickly scribbled answers on the exam without thinking.
48. He scribbled a crude joke on his friend's textbook cover.
49. I scribbled a shopping list on a scrap of paper.
50. The teacher circled and scribbled edits all over my essay in red pen.
51. The soldier scribbled a letter home to his family.
52. The writer scribbled lines of poetry in his journal.
53. I scribbled an angry response on his note before tossing it aside.
54. Claire scribbled her signature on the form carelessly.
55. The prisoner scribbled a desperate plea for help on his letter home.
56. I scribbled the song lyrics on the back of an old receipt.
57. The toddler scribbled happy shapes on her coloring page.
58. The barrista scribbled her name on my coffee cup.
59. The teenager scribbled notes in the margins of her textbook.
60. The professor scribbled edits all over my essay in red pen.

Common Phases

1. The child scribbled on the paper with crayons.
2. I scribbled some notes for my speech.
3. The author scribbled furiously to get his ideas down.
4. She scribbled a quick note for her husband.
5. The toddler scribbled all over the walls with markers.
6. The grocery list my mom gave to me was just a scribble.
7. The waiter quickly scribbled down our lunch order.
8. My daughter continues to scribble random symbols, not yet able to form proper letters.
9. I scribbled my signature on the legal document.
10. The guestbook for the party was full of scribbled names.
11. The dog walker scribbled my address down on his note.
12. The hurried text message contained scribbles and typos.
13. The football players scribbled plays on the whiteboard.
14. My little sister could only scribble when we first taught her how to write.
15. The preschoolers were given paper and crayons to let them scribble freely.
16. The teacher's tests were covered in red scribbles as he graded papers.
17. I quickly scribbled down my PIN number so I wouldn't forget it.
18. The poet scribbled lines of verse on any scrap of paper he could find.
19. The prison guard watched us scribble in the visitors log.
20. My roommate's calendar contained illegible scribbles of his schedule.
21. The protester scribbled an anti-war slogan in chalk on the sidewalk.
22. The artist spent hours scribbling in her sketchbook before painting a canvas.
23. My journal was full of scribbles about my thoughts and feelings.
24. The musician scribbled chords and notes on a sheet of staff paper.
25. The student nervously scribbled on her test paper as time ran out.
26. I scribbled a reminder to myself on a sticky note.
27. The suspect's ransom note was full of badly formed scribbles.
28. The apprentice carefully scribbled down everything the master said.
29. My messy handwriting looked more like scribbles than cursive letters.
30. The cook scribbled the ingredient list on a notepad to remember.
31. The bartender scribbled our drink orders on his notepad.
32. The teen scribbled her friend's phone number on the desk with a pencil.
33. Babies will often scribble on anything within reach as they develop their motor skills.
34. The journalist scribbled a short story in her spare time.
35. The mechanic scribbled notes on the back of a lunch receipt.
36. The passenger scribbled on the airplane safety pamphlet as they waited for takeoff.
37. I scribbled a secret love note for my crush and slipped it in their locker.
38. The math student scribbled formulas and equations in her textbook.
39. The fortune teller scribbled strange symbols on a parchment paper with a quill.
40. The shopper scribbled a list of Christmas gifts they still needed to buy.
41. The chef scribbled changes to the menu for the next morning's opening.
42. After my power went out, I scribbled ideas for my novel by candlelight.
43. I furiously scribbled down the phone number the telemarketer gave me.
44. The fan scribbled the musician's set list on their concert program.
45. The secretary scribbled messages for her boss to call important clients.
46. The engineer scribbled complex sketches and plans onto graph paper.
47. My cat likes to scribble his claws on blank pages of notebooks.
48. When learning a new language, I scribbled example phrases.
49. The painter scribbled doodles while gathering inspiration.
50. The soldier scribbled a letter home to his family.
51. My son likes to scribble in rainbow colors with twistable crayons.
52. The student scribbled possible essay topics onto a notepad.
53. The office worker scribbled reminders for herself on a post-it.
54. I scribbled out a rude customer's comment on my notepad.
55. The prisoner scribbled a long letter to his loved ones.
56. The teacher quickly scribbled some examples on the chalkboard.
57. My daughter can barely scribble her name, but I know someday she'll write a masterpiece.
58. The schoolboy scribbled notes on his hand for the history test.
59. The amateur writer scribbled down story ideas in a leather-bound journal.
60. The bored student scribbled doodles in the margins of his textbook.

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