Sectioner example sentences
section (noun) · sections (plural noun)
- any of the more or less distinct parts into which something is or may be divided or from which it is made up:
- a relatively distinct part of a book, newspaper, statute, or other document:
- a measure of land, equal to one square mile.
- a particular district of a town:
- a distinct group within a larger body of people or things:
- a group of players of a family of instruments within an orchestra:
- a small class of students who are part of a larger course but are taught separately:
- a specified military unit:
- a subdivision of an army platoon.
- a secondary taxonomic category, especially a subgenus.
- the cutting of a solid by or along a plane.
- the shape resulting from cutting a solid along a plane:
- a representation of the internal structure of something as if it has been cut through vertically or horizontally:
- a separation by cutting.
- a thin slice of plant or animal tissue prepared for microscopic examination.
- divide into sections:
- separate an area from a larger one:
- cut (animal or plant tissue) into thin slices for microscopic examination:
- divide by cutting:
- commit (someone) compulsorily to a psychiatric hospital in accordance with a section of a mental health act: