Tract example sentences

Related (1): farmland

"Tract" Example Sentences

1. The land tract was over 1000 acres in size.
2. The train tracks ran through the rural land tract.
3. The wind turbines occupied a large tract of farmland.
4. The developer wanted to subdivide the rural tract into residential lots.
5. The long forest tract stretched for miles along the mountainside.
6. The farm consisted of several tracts of land spread out across the county.
7. The river meandered through the broad expanse of wooded tract.
8. The reserve of untouched wilderness tract remained pristine for decades.
9. The spotted owl nested in the old-growth forest tract.
10. The ancient ruin sat in the middle of the desert tract.
11. The road cut through vast tracts of cropland.
12. The preserve aimed to protect the remaining tracts of native prairie grass.
13. The property lines divided the many land tracts in the rural county.
14. They drove along the dirt road that bordered the wooded tract.
15. The expansive tracts of marsh provide habitat for migrating birds.
16. The paved trail wound its way through the 500-acre recreational tract.
17. Bison grazed on the open range tract of tallgrass prairie.
18. The vegetation in the saltwater tract was quite sparse.
19. The bill sought to conserve nearly 100,000 acres of land tracts.
20. The parcel of land was irregularly shaped like an amoebic tract.
21. The company hoped to build a factory on the valuable tract along the river.
22. The track meets were held on a grass athletic field tract adjacent to the school.
23. The irrigation ditches watered many of the agricultural tracts in the valley.
24. The landowners built fences to demarcate their individual tracts.
25. The reservoir covered the majority of low-lying tract in the region.
26. Both urban sprawl and agricultural use threatened the remaining undeveloped tracts.
27. The driveway curved through the oak-studded woodland tract.
28. The deed outlined the boundary lines of the rectangular parcel tract.
29. The vegetation changed along the long mountainous tract from deciduous forest to pine.
30. The surveyor marked the corners of each land tract in the subdivision.
31. The species diversity was high within the undisturbed woodlot tract.
32. The paved shoulders accommodated bicyclists along the scenic byway tract.
33. Many Native plants still grew within the small remnant tract of original prairie.
34. Sprawling subdivisions replaced tract after tract of former cropland.
35. The bulldozer cleared trees from the wooded tract slated for development.
36. Planting strips lined the boulevards that divided the residential tract.
37. The plateau was cut by deep canyons creating varied land tract topography.
38. The narrow peninsula tract jutted into the large bay.
39. Streams fed by mountain snowmelt drained from the higher elevation tracts.
40. Wisps of fog rose from the marshy lowland tract in the early dawn light.
41. The wetland mitigation tract aimed to replace natural habitat lost to construction.
42. Research plots were established within the managed forest tract.
43. The surrounding suburban sprawl gradually encroached on the last remaining open space tracts.
44. The utility easement ran diagonally across several land ownership tracts.
45. The landfill occupied a degraded former industrial tract.
46. The company planned to develop the razed city block tract into a mixed-use complex.
47. Portions of the huge ranch tract were used for hay production and cattle grazing.
48. Lush irrigated croplands bordered the dryland tracts dependent on seasonal rainfall.
49. The vast expanse of pasture tracts supported many beef cattle operations.
50. Purple loosestrife invaded the marshy wetland tract jeopardizing native plant populations.
51. The newly graded pad of land tract awaited construction of the planned shopping center.
52. Most farmland tracts in the region were now used to grow row crops instead of livestock pasture.
53. Geographers use satellite imagery to track land use changes within large tracts over time.
54. Geese used the seasonal wetland tract as a migratory stopover.
55. The big box stores replaced numerous smaller commercial tracts on the highway.
56. Traffic on the highway impacted noise levels within adjacent residential tracts.
57. Hunters leased private land tracts for access to large deer populations.
58. The railroad spur branched off the main line to service an industrial tract.
59. Grazing leases allowed ranchers to use public land tracts for their cattle and sheep herds.
60. The construction envelope defining developable space within the land tract was very constrained.

Common Phases

1. The disease spread rapidly along the respiratory tract.
2. The digestive tract helps break down and absorb food.
3. The nervous system is made up of both the central nervous tract and the peripheral nervous system.
4. The gastrointestinal tract helps digest and absorb nutrients.
5. The spinal cord is part of the central nervous tract.
6. She wrote a tract urging voters to oppose the proposed amendment.
7. The new farm bill will provide aid to farmers in the corn belt tract.
8. The cough medicine was aimed at relieving irritation in the respiratory tract.
9. The roads in that tract of land were badly damaged during the floods.
10. The lumberjacks worked to clear the heavily forested tract.
11. He drove slowly down the bumpy forest tract.
12. The group hoped to persuade voters with their political tracts.
13. The medicine was designed to relieve irritation in the mucous tract.
14. The hot springs attracted tourists to that desert tract.
15. The large homestead tract had been left undeveloped for generations.
16. The developer planned to subdivide the farm tract into residential housing lots.
17. The vehicle got stuck in the muddy tract going to the mines.
18. The swampland tract sat largely unused for decades.
19. The land tract had been seized through eminent domain for a new highway.
20. The tract was overgrown with weeds and wildflowers after years of neglect.
21. The brochure contained provocative tracts on controversial political issues.
22. The gospel tracts were distributed for free outside the shopping mall.
23. The property dispute centered on unclear boundaries of the original land tract deed.
24. They hoped to gain notoriety by distributing inflammatory political tracts.
25. The secluded forest tract was a popular camping spot.
26. The real estate agent tried to drum up interest in the remote mountainside tract.
27. The winding country tract reminded her of home.
28. The author dedicated the political tract to future generations.
29. The library contained many rare pamphlets and tracts on early American history.
30. The boundaries of the mountain tract were clearly delineated on the map.
31. The pamphlets and tracts sought to sway public opinion on the controversial issue.
32. The undeveloped tract was soon slated for heavy industrial development.
33. The army supply convoy drove down the dirt forest tract.
34. The rail line cut through the middle of the expansive tract of land.
35. The river bisected the northwestern tract of the county.
36. Their missionary work focused on distributing religious tracts.
37. The illness had resulted in inflammation of her respiratory tract.
38. The roadless tract remained largely unchanged after a century.
39. The real estate firm focused on developing unused industrial tracts.
40. The lush meadow tract held many varieties of wildflowers.
41. The pamphlet contained spurious tracts intended to persuade voters.
42. The sermon outlined various tracts for living a more moral life.
43. The original settlers homesteaded several tracts of virgin prairie.
44. The rural tract continued to lack electricity and running water.
45. The forest tract retained much of its old-growth flora and fauna.
46. The narrow country tract wound its way through hills and valleys.
47. The original tracts promoting temperance gained wide circulation.
48. The illness resulted in inflammation throughout his gastrointestinal tract.
49. The developers subdivided the agricultural tract into housing developments.
50. The heavy industry badly polluted the surrounding tracts of land.
51. The forest tract contained many endangered floral and faunal species.
52. The swath of land was once several smaller tracts owned by independent farms.
53. The isolated rural tract saw little traffic even on major holidays.
54. The young couple purchased their first tract of undeveloped land.
55. The new freeway would cut right through the middle of the rural tract.
56. The nature preserve encompassed several adjacent tracts of undeveloped land.
57. The vast wilderness tract remained largely free of outside influences.
58. The undeveloped tract sat amidst a rapidly growing metropolitan area.
59. The mountainous tract contained several miles of untouched hiking trails.
60. The vast prairie tract stretched as far as the eye could see.

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