See example sentences

Related (9): view, observe, witness, perceive, behold, discern, note, spot, detect

"See" Example Sentences

1. I see the tree in the distance.
2. Can you see me waving at you?
3. I could barely see through the thick fog.
4. The doctor needs to see you immediately.
5. We need to see other options before making a decision.
6. Let's see what the store has to offer.
7. I see your point of view on this matter.
8. I want to see the world and travel to many countries.
9. Do you see what I mean?
10. The future looks bright, I see good things ahead.
11. I'd like to see the pictures from your vacation.
12. Come see me when you have time.
13. We'll see you at the party on Saturday.
14. I need to see some ID before I can help you.
15. I see great potential in you.
16. I wish I could see my family more often.
17. I'm going to see a movie this weekend.
18. I didn't see that coming!
19. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.
20. Don't forget to see the doctor about that cough.
21. You can see the stars so clearly out here.
22. Come see our new house!
23. Do you see my point?
24. Let's see who can run the fastest!
25. I wanted to see the flowers in bloom this spring.
26. I couldn't see the ball in the bright sunlight.
27. I saw a deer running through the woods.
28. I'll come see you tomorrow after work.
29. We'll see how things progress before making any changes.
30. See you around!
31. I look forward to seeing you again.
32. They are hoping to see some improvements next quarter.
33. She wanted to see the northern lights in person someday.
34. I could barely see the road through all the snow.
35. We'll just have to see how the weather turns out.
36. Come see me when you have a chance.
37. I like to see the smiles on people's faces.
38. I caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of my eye.
39. I want to see your smiling face every day.
40. I couldn't see straight, my head was spinning so fast.
41. I'll see about getting that fixed for you.
42. Let's see who can hold their breath the longest!
43. I saw my reflection in the mirror.
44. Let me know if you ever want to see a show together.
45. I couldn't see my feet, they were soaked in mud.
46. Let's see what's playing at the movies this weekend.
47. I'd like to see how you solved that problem.
48. I want to see the Grand Canyon someday.
49. Be sure to see the doctor if the pain continues.
50. Make sure you see me before you leave.
51. I hope to see you again soon!
52. I see a very bright future ahead for you.
53. Let me know if you ever want to see my etchings.
54. I just want to see your face and hear your voice.
55. Come see me when you have a moment to chat.
56. We'll see what the weather brings.
57. I want to see some real progress in the next month.
58. I didn't see the accident, but I heard the crash.
59. I just want to see your face light up with a smile.
60. I look forward to seeing you next week!

Common Phases

1. See you later! - Used as a casual way of saying goodbye until the next encounter.
2. Time will tell. - Meaning only time can determine the outcome or truth.
3. Make sure you see me before you leave. - Asking someone to find you for a final chat or confirmation before departing.
4. I'll believe it when I see it. - Expressing doubt until concrete evidence or demonstration is provided.
5. I'll see what I can do. - A vague response, often meaning the task or favor may not be possible.
6. With my own two eyes. - Expressing that one saw something directly, with their own vision.
7. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. - Putting off dealing with an issue or problem until it actually arises.
8. Easy come, easy go. - Things that are obtained with little effort are also easily lost.
9. See you on the flip side! - An informal way of saying goodbye until the next encounter.
10. Let's see how things pan out. - Suggesting to wait and observe what happens before making decisions.
11. See you around. - An informal way of saying goodbye until the next encounter.
12. I'll believe it when I see it. - Expressing doubt until concrete evidence or demonstration is provided.
13. Take it easy. - An informal way of saying goodbye, meaning relax and do not worry.
14. Keep me posted. - Requesting to be updated on a situation as it progresses.
15. Look before you leap. - One should consider the consequences before taking action.
16. Time will tell. - Meaning only time can determine the outcome or truth.
17. You'll see. - Stating that future developments will prove something to be true or valid.
18. I don't believe my eyes! - An exclamation of disbelief or surprise at what one is seeing.
19. It never hurts to ask. - The act of inquiring does not cause harm.
20. We'll see about that! - An expression of doubt about a claim.

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