Seemed example sentences

"Seemed" Example Sentences

1. The day seemed never ending.
2. Work seemed to drag on forever.
3. My troubles seemed insurmountable.
4. The task seemed impossible.
5. Their love seemed destined to last.
6. Spring seemed late in coming this year.
7. She seemed upset about something.
8. He seemed distracted and bored.
9. Her smile seemed forced and fake.
10. The food seemed unappealing and cold.
11. The movie seemed pointless and dull.
12. Their differences seemed irreconcilable.
13. The solution seemed obvious in hindsight.
14. The cake seemed too sweet to eat.
15. My anxiety seemed to intensify as time went by.
16. The forest path seemed to go on forever.
17. The suspect seemed guilty from the start.
18. She seemed to disregard my advice.
19. He seemed oblivious to my feelings.
20. The plan seemed simplistic and naive.
21. Their claims seemed exaggerated and dubious.
22. The price seemed too high to be true.
23. Her story seemed implausible and convoluted.
24. The noise outside seemed to grow louder.
25. The mountains in the distance seemed closer.
26. Their chances of winning seemed slim.
27. My clothing seemed woefully inadequate in the cold.
28. The water seemed unusually cold that day.
29. Her behavior seemed increasingly erratic and unpredictable.
30. The problems seemed too great to overcome.
31. Her reasons seemed merely a poor excuse.
32. The demands seemed unreasonable and unfair.
33. Her absence seemed to bother him deeply.
34. The concept seemed too complex to explain.
35. The attack seemed to come out of nowhere.
36. The choices seemed too limited and unappealing.
37. The ride seemed to go on forever.
38. Time seemed frozen in that moment.
39. The penny seemed too large in his small palm.
40. The truth seemed obvious once it was revealed.
41. His past seemed to haunt him forever.
42. The rain seemed never-ending.
43. Their attempts to fix it seemed futile.
44. The task at hand seemed impossible.
45. The verdict seemed unjust and unfair.
46. Their victory seemed sweet indeed.
47. Memories of her seemed to linger on his mind.
48. A solution seemed just out of reach.
49. Their argument seemed to go around in circles.
50. The path ahead seemed dark and uncertain.
51. His distraction seemed to bother her.
52. Their happiness seemed complete and perfect.
53. The storm seemed to come out of nowhere.
54. Her attitude seemed rude and dismissive.
55. The plan seemed doomed from the start.
56. The road seemed to stretch on forever.
57. The glass seemed impossible to break.
58. Their relationship seemed built to last.
59. She seemed eager to please him.
60. Coffee seemed like just the thing to lift my spirits.

Common Phases

1. It seemed like... - Used to describe how something appeared.
2. It seemed that... - Introduces a clausal complement that refers to an apparent situation.
3. It suddenly seemed... - Used when something unexpectedly appears a certain way.
4. It really seemed... - Emphasizes that something truly appeared a specific way.
5. It almost seemed... - Indicates that something appeared closer to a particular state than was actually the case.
6. It didn't really seem... - Indicates that something did not truly appear as described, despite initial impressions.
7. All of a sudden, it seemed... - Something abruptly began to appear a particular way.
8. It had never seemed... - Before, something had not appeared in that particular manner.
9. It had always seemed... - Up until that point, something had consistently appeared that way.
10. It no longer seemed... - Indicates that something stopped appearing as previously described.
11. It never would have seemed... - Introduces a result that would not have been anticipated based on initial appearances.
12. It never seemed... - At no point beforehand did something appear in that particular manner.
13. It still seems... - Even now, something continues to appear that way.
14. It still hardly seems... - Even upon reflection, something barely appears as described.
15. It may only have seemed ... - A possibility that something only appeared that way, without actually being so.

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