Sentiment example sentences

Related (10): emotion, feeling, mood, attitude, opinion, perception, thought, viewpoint, belief, reaction

"Sentiment" Example Sentences

1. His sentiment towards his former teacher was one of great admiration and respect.
2. The public sentiment regarding the new law seems to be mostly negative.
3. Her sentimental attachment to her childhood home prevented her from selling it.
4. The poet's work often evokes strong sentiments of nostalgia and longing.
5. In his speech, he appealed to the patriotic sentiments of the crowd.
6. They analyzed the customer reviews to gauge public sentiment of the product.
7. The sitcom was meant to evoke warm, sentimental feelings in the audience.
8. The poem expresses deep sentiments of love and loss.
9. The orchestra played a sentimental melody to accompany the love story on screen.
10. She had warm, sentimental feelings towards her childhood pets.
11. The town held strong anti-war sentiments during that period of history.
12. His cynical sentiments reflected his dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs.
13. Patriotic sentiments welled up within him as he heard the national anthem.
14. The philosopher argued that sentiment is an unreliable guide for moral reasoning.
15. He expressed bitter sentiments against his former employer.
16. The critic questioned whether the film truly engaged the audience on an emotional and sentimental level.
17. The decor of the restaurant was meant to inspire warm, romantic sentiments in diners.
18. The report analyzed investor sentiment and market trends.
19. Patriotic sentiments were running high on Independence Day.
20. Her fervent religious sentiments drove her to devote her life to missionary work.
21. The coach appealed to their competitive sentiments to inspire the team.
22. The play was meant to evoke bittersweet sentiments of love and loss.
23. His cynical sentiments masked feelings of deep hurt and disappointment.
24. The novelist's works often explore complex human sentiments and emotions.
25. The lyricist chose words that would carry strong emotional and sentimental impact.
26. His cynical sentiments regarding marriage stemmed from his own bitter divorce.
27. Her sentiments were still deeply tied to the memories of her youth in that place.
28. The essayist used language meant to stir the sentiments of the readership.
29. She composed the poem to express her deepest sentiments to her new lover.
30. The movement garnered widespread support fueled by strong anti-colonial sentiments.
31. The behavioral analysis seeks to gauge consumer sentiment and predict market trends.
32. Her words expressed sentiments of deep gratitude and affection for her mentor.
33. The comedian's biting political humor played to the anti-establishment sentiments of the audience.
34. The speech roused patriotic sentiments within all who heard it.
35. The flowery language was meant to inspire sentimental feelings in the reader.
36. The move was controversial, stirring up strong sentiments on both sides of the issue.
37. The theory argues that language is driven more by emotion than by rational sentiment.
38. Religious sentiments heavily influence the political landscape.
39. The instrumental music evoked deep sentiments of longing and nostalgia.
40. Her words were filled with bitter sentiments towards her betrayer.
41. Sentiment analysis of social media can reveal public opinion on trending topics.
42. His political activism stemmed from strong anti-war sentiments.
43. The proposal caused an uproar of negative public sentiment.
44. Patriotic sentiments of duty and service filled his heart.
45. Her anti-war sentiments turned into activism later in life.
46. The blogger's biting words revealed cynical sentiments towards politicians.
47. Sentiment guides our instincts and intuition far more than rational thought does.
48. Nationalist sentiments prevailed throughout the armed conflict.
49. The high school reunion stirred up sentimental memories for many attendees.
50. Her grateful sentiments towards her mentor were expressed in the touching letter.
51. Public sentiment strongly favors action on climate change issues.
52. His cynical words revealed bitter sentiments against the establishment.
53. Patriotic sentiments resonated in the audience as the national anthem played.
54. Consumers expressed negative sentiments about the new product in focus groups.
55. The piece was meant to evoke bittersweet sentiments of youth and innocence lost.
56. Her patriotic sentiments compelled her to join the military.
57. The actress delivered the speech meant to stir deep sentiment within the audience.
58. Consumer sentiment surveys were conducted to better understand market trends.
59. The essay explored complex sentiments of guilt, forgiveness and redemption.
60. Sentiment analysis of online discussions can help identify issues worth addressing.

Common Phases

1. Sentiment analysis - The process of computationally identifying and categorizing opinions expressed in a piece of text, especially in order to determine whether the writer's attitude towards a particular topic, product, etc. is positive, negative, or neutral.
2. Public sentiment - The general opinion or feeling of the public on an issue.
3. Express one's sentiments - To express or articulate one's opinions or feelings.
4. Gauge public sentiment - To determine or assess the general opinion or feeling of the public on an issue.
5. Stir up sentiments - To provoke or evoke strong feelings or emotions in people.
6. Sentimental attachment - An emotional attachment or bond, often to a person or thing from one's past.
7. Sentimental value - The emotional worth or meaning something has to a person beyond its material value.
8. Sentimental feelings - Emotions characterized by fondness, nostalgia and tenderness.
9. From the heart/ bottom of one's heart - Expressing genuinely felt sentiments or emotions.
10. Anti- sentiment - A feeling of opposition, aversion or hostility.

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