Sequelaclassical example sentences

Related (2): sequel, classical

"Sequelaclassical" Example Sentences

The word "sequela" is a medical term referring to long term effects or consequences of a disease. But "sequelaclassical" does not appear to be a valid English word. Did you perhaps mean "sequela" itself? I apologize, but I do not have enough context to determine what word you intended to use. Without more details about your intended meaning, I cannot generate accurate example sentences.

Common Phases

1. The sequeala of the illness can be worse than the illness itself.
2. She suffers from debilitating sequealae from the accident.
3. The possible sequealae were listed in the doctor's warning.
4. Vision loss was a sequela of the virus that attacked her nervous system.
5. Chronic pain was a sequela of the surgery that never fully resolved.
6. Headaches and fatigue lingered on as sequealae from the infection.
7. Depression and anxiety were common sequealae from the trauma she experienced.
8. Memory loss and cognitive impairment were sequela of the stroke.
9. Her mobility was severely limited by the sequaelae of rheumatoid arthritis.
10. Paralysis was a potential sequela of the spinal injury.
11. Hearing loss can be a sequela of some infections if left untreated.
12. Sequealae include weakness, tremors, and slurred speech.
13. Scar tissue formation was a sequela of the burns on her arms.
14. Kidney damage was a possible sequela that concerned the doctors.
15. Bladder control issues were a sequela that affected her quality of life.
16. Impaired lung function was a sequela they warned her about.
17. Bone softening and fractures were sequela of the condition.
18. One sequela was an increased susceptibility to future infections.
19. Sequealae often include fatigue, depression, and reduced mobility.
20. The list of possible sequealae went on and on.
21. The sequealae of disease often persist long after recovery.
22. The long-term sequealae were often harder to cope with than the illness itself.
23. Doctors warned of potential sequealae including vision loss and paralysis.
24. They explained that the most common sequela were scarring and tissue damage.
25. Memory loss was the most worrisome sequela from her perspective.
26. The potential sequealae made her hesitant to have the surgery.
27. The sequela she faced exacerbated her existing health conditions.
28. Many people spend years recovering from the sequealae of trauma.
29. Mental health sequealae are often overlooked when treating physical injuries.
30. The discussion of sequealae focused on prevention and treatment options.
31. She struggled to adjust to the numerous sequealae that changed her life forever.
32. Doctors focus on minimizing sequela during treatment and recovery.
33. Sequealae can often be more debilitating than the original injury or illness.
34. She hoped that the sequela would improve over time.
35. Doctors were rarely able to eliminate all sequealae associated with a condition.
36. She hoped to avoid any major sequealae from her surgery.
37. Her focus shifted from treatment to managing the sequealae.
38. Sequealae are often unpredictable and vary from person to person.
39. Healthcare has advanced to better prevent and treat many common sequealae.
40. The sequela of her illness dictated her lifestyle and limitations.
41. Scarring was a common sequela that often caused issues long-term.
42. Only time would tell the full extent of the sequealae she would face.
43. Researchers study sequealae to develop better preventative measures.
44. Laws aim to help patients cope with the financial sequealae of health problems.
45. Sequealae place a huge emotional and economic burden on individuals and society.
46. The sequela were life-altering and much more severe than anticipated.
47. She focused on functional rehabilitation to manage the sequealae.
48. Support groups exist to help people coping with similar sequealae.
49. Sequealae often go hand in hand with feeling a loss of independence and control.
50. Existing sequealae exacerbated her anxiety regarding potential new ones.
51. They offered lifestyle suggestions to minimize sequealae and improve her quality of life.
52. She documented her sequealae to provide data for future research studies.
53. The sequela were challenging to treat and manage over the long term.
54. Statistics inform about the frequency and severity of potential sequealae.
55. Complications leading to sequela were a concern during her recovery.
56. She had to learn to live with the permanent sequealae affecting her body and mind.
57. Her perspective shifted from hopelessness to acceptance of the sequealae.
58. The device was intended to mitigate some of the sequealae and improve her ability to function.
59. He had trouble coping with the emotional sequealae in addition to the physical ones.
60. We focused on managing her current sequealae while doing what we could to prevent any future ones.

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