Shade example sentences

Related (10): umbrella, tint, shadow, protection, screen, tone, color, shelter, blind, curtain



shade (noun) · shades (plural noun) · Shades (plural noun) · the Shades (plural noun)

  - comparative darkness and coolness caused by shelter from direct sunlight:

  - the darker part of a picture.

  - a position of relative inferiority or obscurity:

  - a shadow or area of darkness:

  - a portrait in silhouette.

  - a color, especially with regard to how light or dark it is or as distinguished from one nearly like it:

  - a slight degree of difference between colors.

  - a slightly differing variety of something:

  - a slight amount of something:

  - a lampshade:

  - a screen or blind on a window:

  - an eyeshade.

  - sunglasses:

  - a ghost:

  - the underworld; Hades.

  - screen from direct light:

  - cover, moderate, or exclude the light of:

  - darken or color (an illustration or diagram) with parallel pencil lines or a block of color:

  - (of a color or something colored) gradually change into another color:

  - make a slight reduction in the amount, rate, or price of:


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"Shade" Example Sentences

1. The trees provided some much needed shade from the hot sun.
2. I dug up a area under the oak tree to plant some shade loving flowers.
3. The mountains in the distance cast long shades across the landscape in the late afternoon.
4. She sat on the porch swing in the shade of the oak tree.
5. The driver's side window had a shade to block the afternoon sun.
6. The cafe tables were positioned under umbrellas to provide shade.
7. Our bodies cast long shades across the sandy beach.
8. There were shades drawn across all the windows.
9. He adjusted the car's sun visor to block some of the blinding shade.
10. They sat under the pavilion's shade to escape the intense heat.
11. His eyes were shaded by the brim of his baseball cap.
12. She closed the wooden shades to block the bright sunshine.
13. The deck offered little shade besides a striped umbrella.
14. I finally found a cool spot of shade under the ash tree.
15. They reclined on lounge chairs in the cool shade of the patio.
16. The plants thrived in the dappled shade of the maple tree.
17. Tiny particles of dust danced in the slanted shades of light.
18. I painted the walls in shades of lavender and grey.
19. They picked out paint shades for the nursery in pastel greens and yellows.
20. The canopy of trees cast mottled shades of darkness on the forest floor.
21. The artist mixed paints in various shades of blue.
22. His eyes were hidden in the shade of his hat.
23. The sailboat cast a long shade across the calm water.
24. She trimmed the bushes to allow more shade onto the patio.
25. The sunset cast brilliant shades of orange across the sky.
26. The gray shades of dawn were just beginning to lighten the room.
27. They wore sunglasses to shade their eyes from the glaring sun.
28. The shade from the trees provided shelter from the elements.
29. The shades of the house blended in with the foliage of summer.
30. We sat quietly in the shade cast by the willow tree.
31. The room was painted in multiple shades of purple.
32. The students gathered under the shade of the oak trees for lunch.
33. The children played in the shade of the big maple tree.
34. The shades on the windows were drawn shut.
35. The lack of shade made the empty field unbearably hot.
36. She wore a huge straw hat to shade her face.
37. We set up our pop-up tent to provide some shade while camping.
38. The gentle breeze provided little relief from the intense summer heat without shade.
39. The icy shades of blue filled his dreams.
40. I pulled the parasol down low to shade my eyes.
41. The painted shades of yellow dried on the canvas.
42. His face remained shaded by the bill of his baseball cap.
43. The sun cast long shades across the autumn leaves.
44. They sat beneath the leafy shade of the maple tree.
45. The shades of green changed with the different grasses growing in the meadow.
46. They decorated the room with accents in various shades of silver.
47. The dog rested quietly in the shade cast by the chair.
48. The shades were pulled down to create a cozy atmosphere.
49. The benches were positioned to take advantage of the shade from the large oaks.
50. They walked hand in hand, casting shades that danced across the ground before them.
51. The shades of blue in the painting evoked feelings of peace and serenity.
52. The prickly shade of the cactus offered little relief from the desert heat.
53. The golden shades of Fall lit up the amber leaves on the maple tree.
54. She went back inside to escape the shades of nightfall.
55. He waited patiently in the shade of the tall elm until she arrived.
56. The shades were adjusted to keep the harsh sun out of the sick child's room.
57. They spoke in hushed tones in the shade of the old oak.
58. The shades of the trees cast mottled patterns on the lawn.
59. The parasol provided welcome shade from the glaring sun.
60. The shades on the windows filtered the bright sunshine.

Common Phases

1. In the shade - Protected from the sun's rays under or amongst a shaded area.
2. Cast a shadow/shade - To cause an absence of light where light would otherwise fall.
3. Shades of gray - Used to refer to ambiguity, complexity, or various viewpoints between absolutes.
4. Shades of meaning - Subtle differences or nuances of meaning within a word.
5. Shades of difference - Subtle variations or slight differences between things.
6. In the shade of - Positioned underneath for protection from something.
7. Various shades of - Used to refer to considerable differences or diversity within a group.
8. Dappled shade - Patchy spots or irregular patterns of shade, as from sunlight filtered through leaves.
9. Draw the shades - To pull or adjust window shades or blinds to provide privacy or block light.
10. Shade tree - Any of various large trees that provide dappled or diffuse shade.
11. Cool shade - The relatively low temperature created by shade away from direct sunlight.
12. Rarest of shades - Something extremely uncommon or unusual.
13. Sit in the shade - To position oneself in a shaded area for coolness or protection from the sun.
14. To shade one's eyes - To shield one's eyes with a hand or object to improve vision or protect from glare.
15. Take shade - Seek shelter in a shaded area, especially to escape the heat of the sun.
16. Shades of the past - Faint recollections or traces of earlier times.
17. In different shades - In different variations, degrees, or aspects.
18. All shades of - Used to refer to all variations or types within a category.
19. Play of shade and light - The way shade and illumination create depth, texture and visual interest.
20. Take shelter in the shade - To find refuge from the sun or elements by positioning oneself in shade.

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