"Shi'a" Example Sentences
1. The Shi'a sect of Islam has a distinct set of beliefs and practices.
2. Many countries in the Middle East have a significant Shi'a population.
3. Shi'a Muslims commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussein during the month of Muharram.
4. The division between the Shi'a and Sunni factions of Islam dates back to the death of Prophet Muhammad.
5. Iran is a predominantly Shi'a country, with over 90% of the population following the Shi'a branch of Islam.
6. The dominance of Shi'a Muslims in Iraq has led to political and social tensions between various groups.
7. The religious leader of the Iranian Shi'a Muslims is called the Supreme Leader.
8. The Shi'a believe in the concept of Imamate, which holds that a divinely appointed leader is necessary to guide the Muslim community.
9. The political power of Shi'a Muslims in Lebanon has led to the creation of Hezbollah, a militant group that supports Iranian interests.
10. The Shi'a have a different understanding of the role of the Prophet's family members in Islamic history.
11. The Shi'a branch of Islam has a distinct set of religious practices, including mourning rituals and pilgrimage to holy sites.
12. The division between the Shi'a and Sunni Muslims has led to violence and conflict in many parts of the world.
13. The religious practices of Shi'a Muslims are often criticized and misunderstood by other branches of Islam.
14. The Shi'a believe that the Prophet's cousin and son-in-law, Ali, should have been his rightful successor.
15. The history of the Shi'a sect of Islam is rich and complex, with many notable figures and events.
16. The Shi'a view the Prophet's family members as central to the Islamic tradition and believe in their spiritual authority.
17. The Shi'a and Sunni factions of Islam often have different interpretations of Islamic texts and traditions.
18. The Shi'a believe that spiritual authority should be passed down through the Prophet's family lineage.
19. The Shi'a consider several historical events, such as the Battle of Karbala, to be key moments in Islamic history.
20. The distinction between Shi'a and Sunni Muslims is often used to create political and social divisions in Muslim-majority countries.
21. The Shi'a branch of Islam has a vibrant artistic and cultural tradition, including music and poetry.
22. The division between Sunni and Shi'a Muslims is not limited to the Middle East, but is present in many other countries as well.
23. The Shi'a of Pakistan have faced discrimination and persecution from both the government and the Sunni majority.
24. The Shi'a view the Prophet's family members as spiritual guides and sources of wisdom.
25. The persecution of Shi'a Muslims in Saudi Arabia has been well-documented by human rights organizations.
26. The Shi'a branch of Islam has a rich intellectual tradition, including extensive scholarship on legal matters.
27. The relationship between the Shi'a and Sunni Muslims has been marked by periods of cooperation and conflict throughout history.
28. The Shi'a branch of Islam has faced criticism and marginalization from other Islamic groups throughout history.
29. The Shi'a view the Prophet's family members as authorities on Islamic law and practice.
30. The Shi'a and Sunni branches of Islam have a complex and interconnected history, with many shared beliefs and practices.
Common Phases
1. The
Shi'a believe in the Imamate of Ali and his descendants;
Shi'as perform religious rituals different from Sunnis;
Shi'a Muslims mourn the death of Imam Hussain during Ashura;
4. The majority of the population in Iran is
Shi'a scholars are highly respected within the community;
Shi'as place a great emphasis on the importance of blood relations;
7. Many
Shi'as follow the guidance of a spiritual leader or Marja';
Shi'as believe in the concept of Taqiyya, or concealing their religious beliefs if they are in danger;
9. There are certain differences between
Shi'a and Sunni interpretations of Islamic history and doctrine;
10. There are
Shi'a communities located in various parts of the world.