Shopper example sentences

Related (8): consumer, buyer, customer, patron, window-shopper, bargain-hunter, mall-goer, spender

"Shopper" Example Sentences

1. The busy shopper hurried from store to store.
2. The tired shopper sat down on a bench to rest her aching feet.
3. The angered shopper demanded to speak to the manager.
4. The frugal shopper compared prices at multiple stores before making a purchase.
5. The overwhelmed shopper wondered if there were too many choices.
6. The mindful shopper brought reusable bags to carry purchases.
7. Online shopping has given homebound shoppers more options.
8. The distracted shopper forgot to use her coupons at checkout.
9. The spoiled child threw a tantrum in the middle of the store, embarrassing the shopper.
10. The loyal shopper remains a customer despite occasional poor service.
11. The bargain hunter shopper searched for deals and clearance items.
12. The savvy shopper knew exactly what sales were coming up.
13. Black Friday draws shoppers from far and wide.
14. The mall was packed with last-minute Christmas shoppers.
15. The expert shopper knew when and where to find the best prices.
16. The founder invented an app to help overwhelmed shoppers find what they need quickly.
17. The website compiled reviews to give expert advice to online shoppers.
18. The shopper bought extra produce in hopes of minimizing food waste.
19. Membership loyalty programs entice returning shoppers with rewards and coupons.
20. Impulse purchases are a downfall for many shoppers.
21. Retail stores cater to seasonal shoppers with decor appropriate for that time of year.
22. The popular blogger gave shopping tips and product recommendations for fashionable shoppers.
23. The security guard kept an eye out for any suspicious shoppers.
24. Rising prices discouraged routine shoppers.
25. Shoppers waited in long checkout lines during the holiday season.
26. The innovative store featured scanners so shoppers could bypass lines.
27. The new cashier tried to provide an enjoyable shopping experience for every customer and shopper.
28. The online retail giant makes shopping convenient for millions of shoppers worldwide.
29. Green shoppers seek companies with sustainable practices.
30. The clothing store associated its brand with young, fashion-forward shoppers.
31. Shoppers are seeking more ethically sourced products.
32. The store hired additional staff for the surge of holiday shoppers.
33. Designated parking spaces for expectant mothers cater to pregnant shoppers.
34. The retailer targeted offers and promotions specifically for their most loyal shoppers.
35. Shoppers ignored the pouring rain to get the best Black Friday deals.
36. The shopper explored every aisle before checking out.
37. Specialty shops provide unique products for niche shoppers.
38. Sales associates compete for the attention of busy shoppers.
39. Customer service representatives field complaints from irate shoppers.
40. Bulk suppliers cater to large-scale shoppers like restaurants and event planners.
41. Retail analytics studies the behavior and preferences of typical shoppers.
42. The store received fewer shoppers than anticipated during that time period.
43. Coupons and deals bring bargain-hunting shoppers into the store.
44. More and more shoppers choose to buy directly from the manufacturer.
45. The cafe welcomed exhausted shoppers looking for a place to rest and refuel.
46. Online shoppers depend on customer ratings and reviews to inform their purchases.
47. Personal shoppers assist customers with finding items that match their taste.
48. The store's layout aims to optimize the flow of in-store shoppers.
49. Crowded stores frustrate impatient shoppers.
50. Generous return policies boost confidence for wary shoppers.
51. Social media campaigns target specific demographics of shoppers.
52. Health-conscious shoppers seek out organic and non-GMO products.
53. Informed shoppers know when to buy appliances that will go on sale.
54. The entrepreneur created an app that automatically applies coupon codes for careless shoppers.
55. Shoppers compare brick-and-mortar stores with online competitors.
56. The features within the store aim to entertain shoppers while they browse.
57. Senior citizens frequent stores during off-peak hours to avoid crowds of shoppers.
58. Dedicated parking spots close to the door attracted disabled shoppers.
59. Automated checkout lines frustrated tech-averse shoppers.
60. The cafe welcomed weary shoppers seeking a reprieve.

Common Phases

Comparison shopper - someone who compares prices between different stores before purchasing something.
Bargain shopper - a person who seeks lower prices and good deals when shopping.
Impulse shopper - a shopper who buys things on a whim without planning or comparing options.
Casual shopper - someone who shops occasionally rather than frequently.
Careful shopper - a person who shops with caution and consideration.
Regular shopper - a customer who frequently shops at a store or uses a service.
Online shopper - a person who purchases goods over the internet.
Green shopper - someone who considers a product's environmental impact when shopping.
Loyal shopper - a customer who remains faithful to a particular store or brand.
Value shopper - a person who seeks the highest quality product for the best price.
Seasoned shopper - someone with a lot of experience shopping.
Serial shopper - a person who shops frequently and in a habitual manner.
Smart shopper - someone who shops wisely and effectively.
Window shopper - a person who browses items in stores without intending to buy them.
Hope these common phrases help demonstrate some useful word combinations with "shopper." Let me know if you have any other questions!

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