Signalness example sentences
signal (noun) · signals (plural noun)
- a gesture, action, or sound that is used to convey information or instructions, typically by prearrangement between the parties concerned:
- an indication of a state of affairs:
- an event or statement that provides the impulse or occasion for something specified to happen:
- a prearranged convention of bidding or play intended to convey information to one's partner.
- an electrical impulse or radio wave transmitted or received:
- an apparatus on a railroad, typically a colored light or a semaphore, giving indications to train engineers of whether or not the line is clear:
- transmit information or instructions by means of a gesture, action, or sound:
- instruct (someone) to do something by means of gestures or signs rather than explicit orders:
- (of a cyclist, motorist, or vehicle) indicate an intention to turn in a specified direction using an extended arm or flashing indicator:
- indicate the existence or occurrence of (something) by actions or sounds:
signal (adjective)
- striking in extent, seriousness, or importance; outstanding: