Sire example sentences

Related (9): father, king, monarch, parent, ruler, daddy, papa, dad, sirens

"Sire" Example Sentences

1. The proud sire watched over his foals with watchful eyes.
2. The noble sire greeted his sons warmly and hugged them close.
3. The king served as both sire and father to his many children.
4. The bull sire lived to father many calves on various farms.
5. The sire of this mighty stallion commanded enormous stud fees.
6. The old sire passed his wisdom to his many offspring.
7. His sons were eager to meet their distant sire for the first time.
8. The noble sire knighted his eldest son during the lavish ceremony.
9. The horse's impressive lineage could be traced back to a champion sire.
10. The sire of this litter of puppies was a champion show dog.
11. The great sire's bloodline continued on in each of his descendants.
12. The chieftain welcomed his long lost son, the product of a youthful transgression by the old sire.
13. The heir greeted his noble sire, bowing his head in respect.
14. The sire's legendary stories enthralled his grandchildren.
15. Her sire, the king, had arranged for her most prestigious marriage to cement their two nations' alliance.
16. The old sire spoke gravely to his youngest son about being the future head of the family.
17. The aristocratic sire produced many prize-winning puppies over the years.
18. Her sire's fame and fortune attracted the suit of many eligible bachelors.
19. The matriarch watched over her daughters and granddaughters, while her aging sire did the same for his sons and grandsons.
20. The young pup showed promise of carrying on the prestigious bloodline of his famous sire.
21. The proud sire inspected his youngest son's efforts on the farm.
22. Rumors swirled about the bastard child's true sire, a minister or perhaps even the duke himself.
23. The old sire bid an affectionate farewell to each of his daughters as they married and left the family home.
24. The heir's sire had been a mighty and revered king, laying the foundation for the current prosperity of the realm.
25. The young colt proudly displayed the traits he had inherited from his esteemed sire.
26. The sire greeted each of his grandchildren with genuine warmth and affection.
27. His sire had been the captain of a mighty ship, and now his son followed in those seafaring footsteps.
28. The foal's sire commanded enormous stud fees for breeding, due to his champion lineage and racing record.
29. The lambs showed clear signs that their sire was a prize-winning ram.
30. The sire of this powerful stallion continued to reign supreme in equestrian circles long after his death.
31. Her sire had arranged the prestigious marriage that secured her high position in society.
32. Those with royal blood traced their lineage back to a noble sire.
33. The old sire rejoiced at the wedding of his youngest daughter, embraced by family and friends.
34. The sire and dam watched over their young proudly.
35. The sire spoke gravely of responsibility and duty to his heir and eldest son.
36. Though her sire held a lowly position in the court, her beauty and charm attracted the prince's eye.
37. The old sire willingly handed over the reins of leadership to his wise and capable son.
38. The colt exhibited all the speed and grace that were hallmarks of his champion sire.
39. The sire's fond memories of his children and grandchildren brought a smile to his aged face.
40. The heiress's royal sire arranged for only the finest tutors and instructors to prepare her for her future role.
41. The old sire passed down stories of his youthful adventures to his many grandchildren.
42. The heiress's sire had groomed her from a young age to one day rule the vast kingdom.
43. The old sire passed wisdom and advice to his youngest daughter before giving her in marriage.
44. The heiress's noble sire ruled the kingdom wisely and justly for many decades.
45. The proud sire watched over his numerous offspring grazing in the meadow.
46. The young colt showed great potential to one day surpass even his illustrious sire.
47. Her royal sire made certain she received only the finest education befitting a princess.
48. This stately mare had been bred to one of the most successful sires in racing history.
49. Each of the frisky puppies displayed traits clearly inherited from their prizewinning sire.
50. The old sire spoke fondly of his sons and grandsons lined up to carry on the family name.
51. The noble sire saw potential in his youngest son that the boy himself could not yet see.
52. The heir's sire had been a mighty ruler who had expanded their kingdom through conquest and alliances.
53. The proud sire inspected his prized foals carefully to evaluate their potential.
54. The noble sire ensured his heir received expert grooming and education befitting the next lord.
55. The old sire's stories enthralled his numerous grandchildren gathered at his feet.
56. Her father, the king, served as both sire and sovereign to his many children.
57. The young foal showed signs that he would one day surpass even his champion sire.
58. The sire of this royal line had united the formerly warring kingdoms through political cunning and force of personality.
59. The heir sought counsel from his wise sire on matters of state and governance.
60. The sire spoke fondly of the accomplishments and virtues of each of his many children.

Common Phases

1. True-born son - used to refer to a legitimate son born to a father.
2. Sire and dam - refers to the male and female parental pair of an animal.
3. Noble sire - refers to an elevated or aristocratic father.
4. Royal sire - refers to a king or prince who is a father.
5. Champion sire - refers to a male animal with superior traits that has produced high quality offspring.
6. Prized offspring - refers to children valued highly by their father.
7. Famous lineage - refers to a family tree that traces back to a notable ancestor.
8. Old bloodline - refers to a family ancestry that has lasted for many generations.
9. Illustrious ancestor - refers to a distinguished forebear.
10. Respected predecessor - refers to a revered former leader or role model.

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