Slapper example sentences

Related (10): slut, whore, hooker, tramp, harlot, prostitute, easy, loose, promiscuous, trollop

"Slapper" Example Sentences

1. She's a real slapper, always flirting with every man she meets.
2. In the olden days, women who wore too much makeup were called slappers.
3. He got punched in the face by a slapper outside the pub.
4. I can't believe I used to date that slapper, she was only interested in my wallet.
5. Her friends warned her not to be seen with the notorious slapper from down the street.
6. That slapper is a regular at the strip club.
7. He was furious when he found out that his girlfriend had been seen kissing a slapper at the bar.
8. You can't trust a slapper, they're always playing games.
9. She was referred to as a slapper by the other girls in the office because of her provocative clothing choices.
10. His reputation as a slapper precedes him wherever he goes.
11. The slapper was finally caught and sentenced to six months in jail.
12. You'll never find a decent man if you keep acting like a slapper.
13. The local newspaper had an article about a serial slapper targeting women in the park.
14. She was devastated when she discovered that her husband had been seeing a slapper behind her back.
15. The slapper's provocative behavior made the other patrons uncomfortable.
16. You can always spot a slapper from a mile away.
17. The slapper tried to seduce him with her suggestive dancing.
18. She was confident that she could snag any man she wanted because of her reputation as a slapper.
19. The slapper was known for her flashy wardrobe and bold makeup choices.
20. The slapper's behavior was a reflection of her low self-esteem and need for attention.
21. His friends warned him not to get involved with the slapper from work because she had a reputation for being promiscuous.
22. The slapper tried to lure him into her car with promises of wild sex.
23. She was caught in a compromising position with a well-known slapper at the bar.
24. His mother warned him about being associated with slappers because it would tarnish his reputation.
25. The slapper was a fixture at the local nightclubs, always surrounded by men.
26. People often mistook her for a slapper because of her revealing clothing, but in reality, she was just a fashion trendsetter.
27. The slapper's attention-seeking behavior was a cry for help.
28. He vowed to never date a slapper again after being humiliated in public by one.
29. The slapper's flirtatious behavior was just a mask to hide her loneliness and insecurity.
30. She realized that being a slapper was not worth the fleeting attention and judgment from others.

Common Phases

Hey, slapper!
What's up, slapper?
You're such a slapper!
Listen, slapper
Get lost, slapper!
Oh, slapper, you’re hilarious!
Stop being a slapper!
Hey, my favorite slapper!
Damn, slapper, you look good!
Slapper, let's go get some drinks!
You're a crazy slapper!
Slapper, stop messing around!
Thanks, slapper!
Slapper, you’re my wingman!

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