Sluiceway example sentences

Related (4): canal, channel, flume, conduit

"Sluiceway" Example Sentences

1. The sluiceway was clogged with debris after the storm.
2. The water flowed swiftly through the narrow sluiceway.
3. The construction crew had to reinforce the sluiceway to prevent it from collapsing.
4. Fish jumped through the sluiceway as the tide came in.
5. The sluiceway was built to control the water flow into the mill.
6. The sluiceway was the only entrance to the underground tunnels.
7. A group of kids played in the sluiceway during the hot summer months.
8. The sluiceway was lined with moss and ferns, creating a lush green environment.
9. The sluiceway was a popular spot for tourists to take photos.
10. The sluiceway was damaged in the earthquake and needed to be repaired.
11. The sluiceway was an essential part of the irrigation system on the farm.
12. The sluiceway was used to transport goods from one side of the river to the other.
13. The sluiceway was a crucial element in the gold mining process.
14. The sluiceway was designed to prevent flooding in the nearby town.
15. The sluiceway was a remnant of the old canal system that once ran through the area.
16. The sluiceway was a prime location for fishing enthusiasts.
17. The sluiceway was hidden behind a dense thicket of trees.
18. The sluiceway was surprisingly deep, with water reaching up to the waist.
19. The sluiceway was lit up by the moon, creating a serene atmosphere.
20. The sluiceway was blocked off due to maintenance work.
21. The sluiceway had steep sides, making it difficult to access.
22. The sluiceway was filled with rubble after the landslide.
23. The sluiceway was a peaceful respite from the busy city streets.
24. The sluiceway was an ideal habitat for water birds.
25. The sluiceway was a testament to the engineering ingenuity of the ancient civilization.
26. The sluiceway was located at the foot of the mountain, making it an ideal spot for hiking.
27. The sluiceway was transformed into a nature trail, attracting visitors from all over.
28. The sluiceway was the site of many historical battles.
29. The sluiceway was guarded by a fierce, territorial alligator.
30. The sluiceway was a mesmerizing sight, with water cascading down the rocky walls.

Common Phases

1. The water flowed swiftly through the sluiceway; carrying debris and small rocks with it.
2. The sluiceway was built to redirect the river's flow; providing irrigation to nearby farms.
3. After heavy rain, workers had to clear the sluiceway of debris; to prevent flooding in the surrounding areas.
4. The miners built a sluiceway to transport the gold ore; from the mountains down to the town.
5. The sluiceway was damaged in the storm; causing the water to overflow and wash away parts of the road.
6. The water channel in the sluiceway was designed to allow fish to swim upstream; enhancing the local ecosystem.

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