Slumber example sentences

Related (6): Sleep, nap, doze, snooze, rest, slumber.

"Slumber" Example Sentences

1. The child slept in a peaceful slumber.
2. The house was quiet in deep slumber.
3. The pets were in a contented slumber after their meal.
4. The city lay in a drowsy slumber as the sun rose.
5. The snowy landscape appeared to be under an enchanted slumber.
6. The cabin in the mountains provided a restful slumber away from the noise of the city.
7. The creature fell into a deathlike slumber for the winter months.
8. The exhausted hiker finally fell into a deep slumber after a long day of hiking.
9. The forest seemed to be under an enchanted slumber in the early morning mist.
10. The student collapsed into a restless slumber after cramming all night for exams.
11. The skier retired to her cabin for a restorative slumber after a full day on the slopes.
12. The dorm residents were finally in a deep slumber after the loud party next door.
13. The animals emerged from their hibernation slumber with the first signs of spring.
14. The cave dwellers fell into a dreamless slumber for centuries.
15. The monk's ascetic lifestyle allowed for little more than fitful slumbers.
16. The tired eyes fell into a soothing slumber after watching the gentle waves crash.
17. Graveyard slumbers haunted by the dead.
18. The memories of the horrible accident disturbed his slumber for years.
19. Trying to fall into slumber with thoughts racing.
20. The sound of rain falling gently coaxed her into slumber.
21. The campers fell into a deep slumber under the stars that night.
22. Her beauty seemed to have fallen under an enchanted slumber.
23. The flowers appeared to be under a spell, in a deep slumber until spring.
24. His slumber was fitful, plagued by disturbing dreams.
25. The summer heat tempted him into a lazy slumber.
26. She fell into a slumber full of sweet dreams.
27. The mattress offered a comfortable slumber after a hard day's labor.
28. He awoke from his alcohol-induced slumber with a pounding headache.
29. The sleeping draught cast her into a deep slumber for hours.
30. The tranquilizers caused her to fall into slumber almost immediately.
31. Her thoughts kept her from peaceful slumber.
32. The rhythmic sound of the ocean waves lulled her into slumber.
33. Unable to fall into slumber, he tossed and turned all night.
34. The horrors of war haunted his slumber for years.
35. Her mind was too active to allow for slumber.
36. The shadowy corner awaited forgotten toys in slumber.
37. Facing death tended to disturb one's slumber.
38. The rhythmic breathing of his son coaxed him into slumber.
39. His injuries tended to disturb his slumber with pain.
40. The magic spell cast the unsuspecting victims into an enchanted slumber.
41. Sleep brings sweet forgetfulness, a slumber that knows no dreams.
42. Slumber proved elusive as thoughts raced through his mind.
43. His mother's voice gently coaxed him into slumber.
44. The puppy curled up asleep in contented slumber.
45. He dreamed of her even in his deepest slumbers.
46. Slumber escaped her as worries plagued her mind.
47. The gentle rocking of the ship lulled her into slumber.
48. Legends tell of those under an enchanted slumber awaiting true love's kiss.
49. Exhausted from the day's worries, he finally fell into slumber.
50. Warm sunshine tempted her into lazy slumber.
51. The vague memories from childhood slumber surfaced in fragments.
52. Sedatives finally coaxed her into restless slumber.
53. His midnight thoughts disturbed his slumber.
54. Memories of past loves haunted his slumbers.
55. The endless chatter kept her from falling into slumber.
56. Dark visions disturbed her haunted slumber.
57. Cuddled in her mother's arms, she fell into innocent slumber.
58. The drugs finally pulled him into peaceful slumber.
59. Her fitful slumber was interrupted by the baby's cries.
60. Slumber escaped him as the storm raged outside.

Common Phases

1. The child slumbered peacefully in his bed.
2. The town was still in slumber before dawn.
3. She retired to her chamber for slumber.
4. The lake was still and silent, perfect for an afternoon slumber.
5. He fell into a deep slumber after the large meal.
6. The castle remained in slumber under the age-old spell.
7. The animals were entering their winter slumber.
8. She awoke from her slumber refreshed and rejuvenated.
9. The puppy lay in a ball fast asleep in slumber.
10. The aged lion had entered eternal slumber.
11. The house was silent in deep slumber.
12. His mind remained in a restless slumber.
13. Placing the rose on his grave, she retreated into her slumber once more.
14. She woke from slumber feeling groggy and unrested.
15. All was quiet as the town lay in slumber.
16. The princess woke from a hundred year slumber with a kiss.
17. The bear went into slumber in its cave for the winter.
18. The baby's soft snores indicated deep slumber.
19. The knight awoke from a long slumber with the ring of swords.
20. The sounds of the forest pulled him deeper into slumber.
21. He fell into slumber on the soft velvet chaise lounge.
22. I lay awake long after the rest were in deep slumber.
23. The dragon remained in slumber until someone entered its lair.
24. The melody of the song prompted a sweet slumber.
25. The warm fire and full stomach led to a contented slumber.
26. Her soft breathing indicated she was in deep slumber.
27. They embarked on their journey after slumber took the woods.
28. He lay in slumber until his alarm pulled him awake.
29. She sang her child into slumber with a lullaby.
30. The kitten curled up in slumber in a patch of sun.
31. The fields lay fallow in slumber awaiting spring.
32. The house creaked and groaned even in deep slumber.
33. The plant lay dormant in slumber awaiting the spring rains.
34. She fought sleep and slumber long into the night.
35. The troll returned to its slumber underneath the bridge.
36. His thoughts kept him from entering deep slumber.
37. The sounds of nature lulled her into sweet slumber.
38. The people of the town finally awoke from their long slumber.
39. The spirits entered eternal slumber with the dawning of the new age.
40. Restless dreams disturbed her slumber.
41. His deep snores interrupted her attempts at slumber.
42. She watched over him as he entered peaceful slumber.
43. The house remained silent in deep slumber throughout the night.
44. He lay on the sofa in slumber, oblivious to the world.
45. The night creatures entered their slumber as dawn approached.
46. Visions of war haunted his slumber.
47. She longed for the simple slumber of infants.
48. His slumber was marked with silence and stillness.
49. They journeyed on through the winter slumber of the woods.
50. The winter winds whistled around the house in slumber.
51. Plant life remained in slumber beneath the snow.
52. The temple lay in silent slumber over the years.
53. The rock giants entered slumber with the setting sun.
54. The raccoon enjoyed its autumn slumber before winter.
55. The hours wore on as he lay in slumber.
56. Hot tea and a warm fire aided her journey into slumber.
57. Night terrors disturbed her slumber.
58. Visions danced before his eyes even in slumber.
59. The enchanted wood entered winter slumber.
60. The fallen knight finally entered his eternal slumber.

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