Society example sentences

Related (10): Community, culture, civilization, population, humanity, association, organization, collective, public, fellowship.

"Society" Example Sentences

1. A civilized society must provide equal opportunities for all.
2. Our educational system needs reforming to provide equal opportunities and close the gap between the rich and the poor in our society.
3. Technology is rapidly transforming our modern society.
4. Social media has had a profound impact on our contemporary society.
5. We must work to reduce poverty and injustice in our community and in wider society.
6. Drugs and alcohol negatively impact individuals and society as a whole.
7. Environmental conservation is the responsibility of every citizen in a modern society.
8. Individual success depends on collective prosperity in an interconnected society.
9. The arts enrich and uplift society by fostering creativity and cultural expression.
10. Corruption erodes trust and damages the fabric of society.
11. Quality healthcare is essential for a fair and just society.
12. Freedom of speech and expression are cornerstones of democracy and open society.
13. Political apathy threatens the health of our representative democracy and society.
14. Civil discourse and compromise build bridges between people in a diverse society.
15. Society benefits when individuals succeed through hard work and merit rather than privilege.
16. Literature and storytelling bring people together across cultures and societies.
17. Violence in video games and movies can desensitize young people and damage social bonds within society.
18. Progressive tax policies help build a strong middle class and reduce inequality within society.
19. We must teach our children values like empathy, integrity and citizenship to strengthen future generations and society as a whole.
20. Strong family values form the foundation of a healthy and stable society.
21. Ethical leadership with a clear moral compass strengthens societal cohesion and trust.
22. The health of our economy relies on investment in infrastructure that benefits all of society.
23. Innovation empowers underserved groups and drives social progress within communities and society at large.
24. Active participation in civic life sustains and improves democratic institutions and society overall.
25. Education is a public good that benefits not only individuals but the entire society in the form of economic growth, lower crime rates, and positive social indicators.
26. As individuals we are responsible for caring for the vulnerable and disadvantaged within our society.
27. Solidarity among marginalized groups builds coalitions that advance the common good of society.
28. Individual liberty is balanced by reciprocal duty to support the wellbeing of society as a whole.
29. Digital media provides an opportunity to connect diverse people and promote understanding across cultures and societies.
30. Critical thinking and rational debate strengthen the intellectual foundations of a democratic society.
31. Institutions like museums, libraries, and parks enrich communities and contribute to a civilized society.
32. Societies that respect and promote diversity and inclusion are usually more innovative and prosperous.
33. Charity and community service instill values of empathy, altruism and duty to one's fellow citizens and society at large.
34. Social trust and cooperation are key to rebuilding and revitalizing communities within society.
35. Lack of opportunities for meaningful work risks alienating large segments of society and threatens social cohesion.
36. Entrepreneurship empowers individuals and can drive economic growth that benefits all of society.
37. Gender and racial equality strengthen economies and make for fairer and more inclusive societies.
38. Elderly people deserve dignity, autonomy and social participation as valued members of society.
39. Knowledge and information are cornerstones of democracy and should be accessible to all members of society.
40. Religious pluralism and freedom of belief create social harmony within diverse societies.
41. Our shared humanity connects us and must outweigh any differences that might divide society.
42. Moral courage to do what is right benefits all of society, not just individuals.
43. Defending the truth and standing up for justice makes for a better, more humane society.
44. Efforts to combat climate change require global cooperation and sacrifice for the greater good of all humanity and future societies.
45. Good schools, safe neighborhoods and access to nature improve quality of life for citizens and overall wellbeing of society.
46. A spirit of volunteerism and public service enriches communities and benefits all of society.
47. Reasonable accommodation of various ethnic and religious practices strengthens social cohesion within diverse societies.
48. Cultural appreciation and sensitivity benefits society by promoting mutual understanding between different groups.
49. Integrity, fair dealing and honesty are moral values that should underpin relations within society.
50. Ethical consumerism and responsible investing can incentivize positive social change within society.
51. We judge the health of a society by how it treats its weakest members.
52. Enforcing the rule of law protects the rights of all citizens and maintains order within society.
53. Preservation of cultural heritage enriches society by nurturing continuity with past generations.
54. Traditional arts and crafts give society a sense of identity and continuity with its cultural roots.
55. Consumerism can be corrosive to community and undermine social solidarity within society.
56. Overcommercialization of public spaces degrades the quality of life within communities and wider society.
57. Society depends on key workers in essential jobs that often go undervalued and undercompensated.
58. Spiritual values like compassion, humility and wisdom benefit individuals and society as a whole.
59. Popular culture reflects and shapes the values and attitudes of wider society.
60. Society is a complex system made up of interconnected individuals, institutions and communities.

Common Phases

1. Civilized society
2. Modern society
3. Contemporary society
4. Society as a whole
5. Impact on society
6. Benefits of society
7. Building a better society
8. Challenges facing society
9. Issues in society
10. Strengthening society
11. Welfare of society
12. A cohesive society
13. Developing society
14. Divided society
15. Fragmented society
16. Functioning of society
17. Integrating into society
18. Problems within society
19. Structure of society
20. Threats to society

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