Spawners example sentences

Related (16): eggs, hatchery, breeding, roe, fry, juvenile, reproductive, fishery, propagation, rearing, offspring, broodstock, aquaculture, fertilization, larvae, smolt

"Spawners" Example Sentences

1. The spawners in the game are what make it all the more challenging.
2. The fish spawners were found in the deepest parts of the ocean.
3. The spawners in this level are really well-hidden.
4. The monster spawners constantly spawn new enemies for the player to fight.
5. We need to destroy all the spawners to stop the enemy from respawning.
6. The creeper spawners were the reason why my house kept blowing up.
7. The dungeon was filled with spawners of all kinds, making it nearly impossible to progress.
8. The player needs to be careful of spawners while exploring the cave system.
9. The mob spawners in the dungeon were giving me nightmares.
10. Spawners only spawn enemies under certain conditions.
11. The spawners are the key to understanding how the enemy army operates.
12. It's important to know the location of all the spawners in the level.
13. The player needs to be quick and efficient when destroying spawners.
14. The spawners were well-protected, making it difficult to get to them.
15. The player needs to be strategic when dealing with spawners.
16. The spider spawners were the most unnerving ones I've ever encountered.
17. The spawners in this game really test the player's skills.
18. The monster spawners in the level were designed to keep the player on their toes.
19. The player needs to constantly be on the lookout for spawners.
20. The spawners all had a strange glow to them, making them easy to spot.
21. The spawners were located all throughout the level, leading to chaos.
22. I always make sure to destroy the spawners as soon as possible.
23. The player needs to be careful not to destroy any important spawners.
24. The spawners were the only way to get certain items in the game.
25. The player needs to use caution when approaching spawners.
26. The player needs to keep an eye out for any clues regarding the spawners.
27. The spawners were the key to unlocking the final boss battle.
28. The spider spawners would give anyone arachnophobia.
29. The player needs to be skilled at destroying spawners in order to progress.
30. The spawners can either be a helpful asset or an annoying obstacle.
31. The player's goal is to destroy all spawners in the level.
32. The spawners have a unique design that sets them apart from everything else in the game.
33. The player should always be mindful of the different types of spawners.
34. The spawners make the game feel more immersive and realistic.
35. The player needs to be resourceful when dealing with spawners.
36. The spawners were so numerous that I didn't know where to begin.
37. The player will encounter spawners of all shapes and sizes throughout the game.
38. The player shouldn't dilly-dally when encountering spawners.
39. I felt accomplished after finally destroying all the spawners in the level.
40. The player needs to come up with a game plan when dealing with spawners.

Common Phases

1. "The spawners are located in the dungeon; monsters will constantly spawn from them."
2. "I found a hidden spawner in the mineshaft; it was producing cave spiders."
3. "If we destroy the spawners in the stronghold, we can prevent the Endermen from appearing."
4. "The spawners in the ocean monument are guarded by Guardians."
5. "I used a pickaxe to break the spawners in the Nether fortress."
6. "Make sure to light up the cave, or the spawners will keep producing mobs."
7. "We need to destroy all the spawners in the mob grinder to keep it efficient."
8. "Be careful approaching the spawners in the abandoned mine; there may be Silverfish."
9. "The spawners in the Witch Hut only spawn Witches, so be prepared to fight them off."
10. "I'm going to set up some torches around the spawners to prevent any more mobs from spawning."

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