Successors example sentences

Related (7): heirs, descendants, followers, offspring, legatees, scions, beneficiaries

"Successors" Example Sentences

1. His successors maintained his vision and business model.
2. Many of her successors struggled to match her leadership skills.
3. The company failed to prosper under his successors.
4. Her successors inherited a business in decline.
5. His successors lacked the vision to take the company to the next level.
6. The successors were unable to replicate the founder's success.
7. Many of her successors failed to live up to her high standards.
8. Her successors found themselves in a challenging business environment.
9. The founders created a legacy that challenged their successors.
10. Her successors had big shoes to fill.
11. His successors found it difficult to maintain the company's reputation for innovation.
12. The challenges faced by the successors were even greater than those the founder overcame.
13. The company struggled after the retirement of the visionary founder and under the leadership of his successors.
14. None of her successors could match her influence and impact.
15. The successors took the company in a very different direction.
16. His successors expanded the brand in new directions.
17. The successors had a difficult act to follow.
18. Over time, the direction set by the founders was lost under their successors.
19. Her successors continued to build on the legacy she left behind.
20. The successors lacked the drive and vision of the founder.
21. As time went on, the company departed from the founders' vision under later successors.
22. The successors were unable to replicate the founder's success of rapid expansion.
23. Many successors attempted but failed to match the impact and influence of the original leader.
24. The company prospered under his able successors.
25. Over the years, the successors guided the company in new and profitable directions.
26. The successors continued what the founder started and gradually built the company into an empire.
27. Her successors struggled to maintain the company in the face of changing market demands.
28. The successors took the business in bold new directions the founder could never have imagined.
29. The founder's vision got lost over time under subsequent successors.
30. The founders set a high bar that few if any of their successors were able to match.
31. Her successors protect and promote her legacy.
32. His successors diversified the company into new product lines.
33. None of the successors could match the founder's entrepreneurial energy and drive.
34. The successors lacked the original founder's vision and drive for innovation.
35. The successors failed to live up to the founder's high standards of quality and customer service.
36. Over time, the company lost its cutting edge under the leadership of later successors.
37. The successors found it difficult to preserve the founder's unique culture within the growing organization.
38. Some successors returned the company to its roots while other expanded in new directions.
39. The successors oversaw the transition from small business to global corporation.
40. The successors achieved even greater success than the founder could have imagined.
41. Her successors took the business in radically different directions from its origins.
42. His successors struggled to preserve the founder's culture within a rapidly expanding enterprise.
43. Under the leadership of capable successors, the company flourished for generations.
44. The successors preserved and promoted the founder's culture and ideals.
45. The successors expanded the scope of the business vision begun by the founders.
46. The successors grew the business by thinking beyond the founders' original objectives.
47. The successors struggled to maintain consistent quality and customer service as the company expanded.
48. The successors were unable to match the founders' achievements under far more challenging conditions.
49. The company was revitalized under new successors with a fresh vision.
50. Many successors tried and failed to replicate the founders' original success.
51. The successors were left to realize the founder's vision under far more difficult conditions.
52. The successors protected and built upon the founder's legacy.
53. The successors were unable to preserve the culture that had led to the founders' initial success.
54. Over time the successors took the business in new directions the founders could never have envisioned.
55. The successors achieved great success by thinking beyond what the founders saw as possible.
56. The successors struggled to keep pace with changing technologies and market demands.
57. The successors lost sight of what made the company successful under the founder.
58. The successors eventually took the company in directions the founder never could have predicted.
59. The successors had to innovate and adapt to changing conditions in ways the founder never had to.
60. Time and again successors attempted but ultimately failed to replicate the founder's achievements.

Common Phases

1. His successors took over the family business.
2. The founders built a solid foundation for their successors to grow upon.
3. The empire prospered under her wise successors.
4. The successors are trying to chart a new path forward for the organization.
5. The policies of the previous regime shaped the challenges faced by its successors.
6. The historians argue about how faithful the successors were to the founder's original vision.
7. The generals' successors followed in their footsteps.
8. The successors struggled to fill his shoes.
9. Many of his successors tried but failed to match his accomplishments.
10. The company fell into decline after his successors took over.
11. The successors took the company in a radically different direction.
12. They were unprepared for the responsibilities bestowed upon them as successors.
13. The successors modernized and expanded the original business model.
14. The successors struggled with the founder's controversial legacy.
15. Her successors continued her philanthropic work for decades after she passed.
16. The successors inherited a thriving enterprise.
17. The company suffered under inept successors.
18. The successors struggled to maintain the firm's reputation for quality.
19. The successors have made efforts to reform some of the predecessor's unwise policies.
20. She left a detailed blueprint for her successors to follow.
21. Her successors carried on her dreams and goals.
22. The successors were faced with the challenging task of reinventing the brand.
23. The successors found her original plans outdated and in need of revision.
24. His successors ruled the kingdom for many decades after his death.
25. The successors worked hard to improve upon the founder's early breakthroughs.
26. The successors changed the company's strategic direction.
27. The successors recommitted the organization to its founding ideals.
28. The successors built upon the solid foundation that she laid.
29. The successors expanded the business into new markets and industries.
30. The successors sought to align themselves with the founder's legacy.
31. They failed to live up to the high standards set by their predecessors and successors.
32. The successors took the company public.
33. The successors struggled to lead with the same authority and vision.
34. The successors modernized the brand for a new generation of customers.
35. The successors failed to anticipate social and technological changes on the horizon.
36. The teachings were passed down from master to successor over many generations.
37. The successors worked hard to uphold her incomparable reputation.
38. His successors diverged from his original vision in meaningful ways.
39. Some of his successors began to question aspects of his founding philosophy.
40. The successors dedicated themselves to fulfilling his lofty ambitions.
41. The successors abandoned some of the founder's more controversial practices.
42. The successors led the company through several mergers and acquisitions.
43. The successors expanded the business abroad.
44. The successors faced a declining customer base.
45. The successors implemented new marketing strategies to revive sales.
46. The successors struggled to lead effectively amid turbulent economic conditions.
47. The successors reimagined the company's products and services for a new era.
48. The successors ushered in many changes and improvements during their tenures.
49. The successors tried to instill the founder's values in a new generation of employees.
50. The successors sought to transform the business through innovation and technology.
51. The successors inherited a thriving organization with a rich history and traditions.
52. The successors fought to preserve her hard-won legacy.
53. The successors built themselves monuments that surpassed their predecessors'.
54. The successors raised funds to restore and maintain the founder's original sites.
55. The successors led with wisdom, compassion and conviction.
56. The successors struggled to maintain the pace of progress set by their predecessors.
57. The successors sought to build upon his bold vision in practical and meaningful ways.
58. The successors navigated complex ethical challenges that the founder never faced.
59. The successors succeeded in expanding the business into new markets globally.
60. The successors built upon her firm foundation to create something truly extraordinary.

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