Specked example sentences
Related (5): dappled, flecked, mottled, sprinkled, stippled
"Specked" Example Sentences
Common Phases
1. The eggshell was specked with brown spots.
2. The granite countertop was specked with flecks of gold and silver.
3. Her cheeks were rosy and specked with faint freckles.
4. The brownie was dotted and specked with chocolate chips.
5. The apples in the bowl were various shades of red, green, and specked with freckles of yellow.
6. The white sheet had been splashed and specked with mud from my boots.
7. The old wooden floorboards were worn and specked with light stains.
8. The dove grey carpet was specked with white dots.
9. The bird's feathers were mainly brown with a specked pattern of black and white.
10. The pears hanging from the tree were various shades of green and specked with brown dots.
11. The night sky was filled with inky blackness, specked with thousands of twinkling stars.
12. The fish scales glistened silver and blue, specked with darker spots.
13. His shirt was crisp and white, though lightly specked with dust from the road.
14. The moldy wallpaper was discolored and specked with dark spots.
15. The granite boulder was flecked and specked with dark minerals.
16. The pie filling had an uneven brown color, specked with raisins and nuts.
17. The deer's coat was reddish brown and specked with white spots.
18. The worn couch cushions were faded and specked with stains.
19. His old work boots were caked in mud and specked with pieces of straw and hay.
20. The dalmatian puppy's white coat was specked with black spots.
21. The specked trout darted beneath the clear waters of the stream.
22. The dove flew by, its wings briefly visible, specked with shades of brown.
23. The pottery was hand painted in faded blue, lightly specked with white.
24. The drawing consisted of a series of pencil specks, evenly specked across the page.
25. The wolf's grayish white coat was heavily specked with black.
26. The aging photograph was specked with spots and stains.
27. The cottage cheese came in a plastic tub, specked with flecks of chives and pepper.
28. The zebra's hide was mainly black, specked and striped with white.
29. The terra cotta pots were various shades of orange, many specked with black spots.
30. The fruit bowl contained apples, pears, and oranges in every color of the rainbow, some specked with brown freckles.
31. The bird's nest was woven from straw and twigs, specked with flecks of mud.
32. The haggard old man had a face that was heavily wrinkled and specked with age spots.
33. The ceramic tile floor was predominantly white, though specked with shades of grey.
34. The barn was constructed of old timber that had weathered and darkened over time, now specked with gray.
35. The asphalt roadway glistened black, specked with tiny flecks of mica.
36. The old gum tree's trunk was scarred and twisted, specked with patches of lichen and moss.
37. The wooden floor was worn from years of traffic, dark and specked with dozens of stains.
38. The roof sloped gently, tiled with clay shingles varying shades of orange and red and oddly specked with scraps of straw.
39. The shoe polish had dried on his fingers, leaving them specked with dark flecks.
40. The frozen lake glistened in the winter sun, its surface crackled and specked with snowdrifts.
41. The old man's face was weathered and leathery, heavily specked with warts and liver spots.
42. The snowy owl's feathers were ghostly white, though specked with gray.
43. His canvas pants had become well worn, faded and specked with flecks of paint.
44. The dusty bookshelf was filled with volumes of different shapes and sizes, their spines specked with various colors and textures.
45. The old sliding glass door was smeared and specked with years of use.
46. The grizzled soldier's beard was graying and rough, heavily specked with white hairs.
47. The cat's fur was mainly white, though heathery gray along his back and heavily specked with black.
48. The old sponge had hardened with age, now yellowed and specked with grime.
49. The sun's rays pierced the clouds, casting speckled light that danced on the ground, specked with shadows.
50. The mountains in the distance were snowcapped, their lower slopes heavily specked with pine forests.
51. The ceiling above her bed was cracked and water stained, lightly specked with dots of mildew.
52. The old lady's hands were wrinkled and fragile, lightly specked with age spots.
53. The glass in the window was spotted and specked with dirt and bird droppings.
54. The marble statue's surface appeared pockmarked and roughly specked from years of exposure.
55. Her tortoiseshell cat's fur was mainly black, though specked with tan and shades of brown.
56. The archer took aim at the distant deer, its coat reddish brown and heavily specked with white.
57. The wooden cutting board had been scored and specked with countless nicks from years of use.
58. The marsh at dusk glowed eerily, specked with the glowing eyes of fireflies.
59. Blackbirds wound their way through the trees, their feathers appearing mainly brown, though specked with shades of gray and black.
60. The leopard's spotted coat was various shades of tan and brown, heavily specked with black rosettes.