Spitefulness example sentences

Related (13): malice, vindictiveness, pettiness, meanness, grudge, animosity, hostility, aggression, bitterness, poison, enmity, resentment, venom

"Spitefulness" Example Sentences

1. Her constant spitefulness towards her colleagues made working with her unbearable.
2. He acted out of spitefulness towards his ex-girlfriend by spreading rumors about her.
3. The student's spitefulness towards the teacher led to their suspension.
4. Jane's spitefulness towards her sister was born out of jealousy.
5. Paul's spitefulness towards his neighbor manifested itself in loud music and late night parties.
6. The politician's spitefulness was evident in the way he attacked his opponent's character.
7. Emily's spitefulness towards her former friend was unfounded and cruel.
8. His spitefulness towards his boss cost him his job.
9. The principal’s spitefulness towards the students was depressing.
10. The coach’s spitefulness towards certain players ruined the team’s morale.
11. The author’s spitefulness towards his critics was evident in his latest book.
12. The boss’s spitefulness towards the employees caused a lot of tension in the workplace.
13. The driver's spitefulness towards other drivers caused a lot of accidents on the road.
14. The student's spitefulness towards the substitute teacher caused chaos in the classroom.
15. Her spitefulness towards her ex-husband affected their children's relationship with him.
16. The teacher's spitefulness towards certain students was unfair and unprofessional.
17. The athlete's spitefulness towards his opponent caused him to lose the match.
18. The neighbor's spitefulness towards the family next door led to a feud that lasted for years.
19. The musician's spitefulness towards his bandmate caused the band to break up.
20. The actress's spitefulness towards her co-star led to tensions on the set.
21. The boss's spitefulness towards the new employee caused him to quit after only a few weeks.
22. The politician's spitefulness towards the media only made things worse for him.
23. The coach's spitefulness towards the parents of his players caused a lot of drama.
24. The model's spitefulness towards her competition caused her to lose many modeling jobs.
25. The landlord's spitefulness towards his tenants caused many of them to move out.
26. The artist's spitefulness towards the art critics made her unpopular in the art world.
27. The chef's spitefulness towards his sous chef caused many kitchen disasters.
28. The manager's spitefulness towards his employees caused a high turnover rate.
29. The actor's spitefulness towards his director led to tension on the movie set.
30. The scientist's spitefulness towards his colleagues caused him to lose many research opportunities.

Common Phases

1. She acted out of pure spitefulness; her only goal was to hurt him.
2. His spitefulness towards his ex-girlfriend was evident in his rude comments.
3. I couldn't believe her spitefulness towards her own family; it was heartbreaking to witness.
4. His constant spitefulness towards his colleagues eventually cost him his job.
5. She lashed out in spitefulness, not caring how it would affect those around her.
6. Their spitefulness towards each other was toxic and made everyone uncomfortable.
7. I tried to ignore his spitefulness, but it was impossible not to feel hurt by his words.
8. Her spitefulness was a reflection of her own insecurities and unhappiness.
9. He couldn't contain his spitefulness, even around strangers, making him seem aggressive.
10. The spitefulness between the two rival companies escalated to a dangerous level.

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